Friday, August 24, 2012

Aug 24, In Memory of Ervin

10:00 am
Stacy here. Thank you for the comments. They all help.

Lindsey slept well last night.  She has awaken this morning cheery and chipper.  Her temperature has started to climb again, around 99.8 but we will wait and see how high it gets.  Still a little nauseous this morning, hoping that will pass.  They turned her feeds down during the night because she was complaining of tummy aches and we wanted her to sleep. We will discuss at rounds how to help her get nutrition and not have the nausea. Nutrition is highly important, because we want her staying strong for her new heart.  I think she is slowly getting better, definitely on the up wave of this roller coaster she rides. Jason stuck up big time for his princess last night.  They wanted to do a lab draw on Lindsey for her antibiotics.  With her picc line out, she now has to be poked for all lab draws.  We were told that she would not have to be poked for 2 days and they would restart her picc line then.  Jason told the nurse, "I want hear from Dr. Hollander himself, that she needs this poke." The nurse called the doctor and they decided that she didn't need the blood draw.  Yeahhh!! Way to go dad. Don't worry Lindsey we always have your back.

Yesterday we had the fun privilege of meeting Roxanne, her daughter Ava and Amy from Las Vegas.  Ava received a heart transplant 7 years ago when she was 14 months old.  They waited for 6 months for a heart transplant.  Ava and Lindsey are the same age and same grade.  It was a lot of fun to meet and visit with them.  I could see Ava and Lindsey having a great relationship together.  Thank you for visiting with us and the fun goodies, Roxanne and Amy. 

Sierra and Megan both had great days at school.  They finally received their lockers, so they don't have to carry the heavy back packs all day at school.  It was really funny, Sierra was having trouble getting her locker open.  A boy asked her if she needed some help and she said yes.  So, as she is telling us this story, Megan pipes in and says, "you gave a boy your lock combo?" Sierra says proudly, "No, I gave THREE boys my combo."  We all burst out laughing and Sierra was very embarrassed.  That was not what she was implying at all. She had to have three people help her to get her locker open before she finally figured out how to do it.

Today Grandma and Grandpa Bingham and Dallee Jo are on their way to visit until Monday.  We are very excited to see them.  On a little bit of a downer note, I received a text last night from my sister, Holly, that her husband, Ervin, had passed away.  We don't know any of the details, but he will be missed.  I feel so horrible that I can't be there to offer comfort to my sister at this time, and wish I could be there to hug her.  Holly, you are an amazing sister.  I am so lucky that I had you as an example to me my whole life.  Hold Mya and Morris for me! I am so sorry!! I can't even imagine going through this without my husband by my side. 


  1. Stacy you are one strong woman! My prayers are with you and your little family. I feel bad for Holly too. My prayers will be with her and her little family. I have been wondering since I heard how much more can your family take. Trials make us stronger right??! I will keep you guys in my prayers. Here is a hug from me to you!

  2. Hi guys! Love the story about sweet Sierra and her locker number!
    Glad Lindsey's on the way "up" again.
    So sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. Our sincere sympathy to you all.

  3. Stacy, I'm so sorry about your brother-in-law. What a blow, my prayers are with you and all your family. Loved the school stories. Hang in there an keep on blogging. Love, Kay

  4. Stacy, our prayers are with you and your sister, Holly and family. May Ervin rest in peace and Holly find comfort, courage, and strength during this journey. I agree with you Stacy, the thought of not having your husband by yourside right now would bring more challenges....thank you, Jason for providing all the love and support that Stacy and the kiddos need right now. Also way to go Jason, for sticking your neck out and requesting the doctor to be called and giving little Lindsey Lou a day off from the poking :) ...what an awesome DAD!!! Yay for the upcoming Bingham visitors. I bet everyone is so excited. I should have jumped in their suitcase!!! :) I still am laughing about the locker funny and I can only imagine how the story came out and the laughing that went along (oh how I am going to miss that at school in just a few weeks...will just have to wait for a while longer!!)love you guys and have been thinking about your family and sister all day. Lindsey keep fighting hard and enjoy your visit with your grandparents and Dallee :) loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo
