Thursday, August 23, 2012

Aug 23, Thursday, We are pulling the picc

3:00 pm.
Her fever has slowly increased and is now at 102.6.  Her heart rate and breathing has increased, which happens with the fever.  She still feels nauseous but hasn't thrown up, even after discontinuing her feeds for 36 hours. Basically she hasn't eaten for 1.5 days.  To the rest of us, this is not a big deal, but to a girl on the Berlin, it is.  She is on day 8 of 10 on IV antibiotics. So there isn't a major roaring infection.  In rounds this morning they took a fresh look at everything she has going on, meds, feeds, fluid, blood counts, etc.  Interesting how the young MD's rattle off a lot of stuff and the more experienced doctors boil it down to 2-3 items and then ask Stacy and I questions.  She slept good last night, but has felt lousy all day.  She went to school, again kicking and screaming, and even did a little therapy. But as the fever has increased, her energy has gone down.

They have just now decided to pull the picc line and start a regular IV.  The picc line has been in for 70 days and could be the cause of the fever.  Lindsey is pretty upset and crying because now she will have to be poked for blood draws and IV's.  They have also discontinued one of the clotting meds.  They started a 3rd clotting med on Monday afternoon and by Tuesday morning the tummy pain and nausea had started.  So they are going to discontinue that med and see if that helps.  Her blood count is down around the 23 mark and she is flirting with a blood transfusion.  It's amazing when she is not feeling well, how much the monitor goes off.  It 'beeps' warning as her pulse and breathing raises from the high fever. So as I am typing this, I keep turning around to see why the monitor is going off.  Stacy is calmly sitting over there with her legs folded reading 'A Gable Faces East' trying not to fall asleep. I'm so glad (lucky) I married that woman.

So basically they are going to: 1- Pull the picc line, 2- start a new 'regular' IV, 3- discontinue the 3rd blood clotting med, 4-hold off on all blood draws for 48 hours, and 5-start the feeding. Hopefully this will help with the fever, nausea, and low blood count.   Other than that, she is doing just hunky dory!  Hunter and Gage is driving her nuts, and nothing is funny to her right now.  She should be back to 'Jabber Jaws' when she is felling better.

Sierra is getting the 'Baptism by Fire' at Jordan Middle School.  Her homework has hit.  We are still trying to find the best routine for her and Megan to do their homework.  They both really want to be here with Lindsey, but there is just too much chaos.  One of us will need to go home with them to the RMH so they can focus.  They are still trying to find their place in a big school and new environment. Lunch has been a pretty lonely time, but they are figuring it out.  They both really miss PV and their friends.  Today I rode halfway with them on the bikes to Hansen's, they just wanted help getting to and across El Camino.  I figured so, it was time.

Been a bit discouraged today.  I know we are blessed, that God does and has heard and answered our (and your) prayers.  Lindsey is doing so much better than before.  All I have to do is look at posts from late June early July to see that.  But.... I try so hard to help Lindsey on walks, going potty, and coping with her situation. I keep wondering how long this will go on?  How many more weeks / months?  How long before the donor and the donor's family is prepared.  Lindsey is strong, but she needs her Mom and Dad here to keep her strong. (more beeping)  Last night Stacy and I both went home to get the boys to bed and help Sierra and Megan with homework. By the time I got back to Lindsey, she was all worked up in tears and feeling lousy.  I'm still sleeping here with Lindsey, and probably will for awhile.   Even when she feels good, she sleeps better knowing someone is here. Who knows when Stacy and I will actually sleep together.  I'm also gaining weight and that is tickin' me off!

So there you have it. Sometimes I just need to vent. I know it will all work out, that God is in control and we will be stronger for it.  I know that and truly believe it.  We have wonderful people back home and here in Palo Alto supporting us.  But sometimes this just sticks! 

Enough pitty party. I feel better now.  They are here to start the IV, and I need to go pick up the girls from Hansen's place and get them home to start homework.
Forgot to add some pictures from the 22nd, The day they FINALLY let her go outside for a breath of fresh air.  It was fun walk to take to the Stanford side.  The last time she had been out was on June 17th.


  1. You guys seem like great parents, and a very strong family! Keep doing what you are doing and I promise you that someday you will look at this and understand how much you are not only helping your kids but yourselves.

    Best of Luck to you!

    Remember: Everything will be okay in the end. If it's not okay, it's not the end.

  2. Ohh man I was hoping Lindsey was on the mend. I hope the Dr's figure out what is making her feel lousy.

    Keep your chin up. You and Stacy are doing an awsome job supporting your Daughter.

    Homework...bleh..hehe I hope Megan and Sierra can find a good routine.

  3. Your family is amazing and each time I read your blog, I feel the strength and love you have for each other and the Lord. I first heard about you from my aunt, Mary Ellen Anderson from Baker. She was here in Utah the last few days and I got to visit with her today.
    Thanks for sharing your story, your love and your faith. Mary Ellen speaks so kindly of you and your family. My heart, thoughts and especially prayers are with you on this journey.
    Leslie Garbanati

  4. Well Jason, I agree with does stink to know that little Lindsey Lou is feeling so awful. I believe that things happen for a reason, however, sometimes it sure is trying to understand why without knowing the purpose upfront and/or the outcome. Trust in the Lord, each other, and the doctors and know that Lindsey is in the best place she can be with you guys right by her side each step of the way. I feel your pains and fustrations, too, but know that you are providing your family with love, support, and strength.
    Your routine (which is a much busier schedule than most by all means) will begin to shape into place, which will be very helpful. And if there was a way to clone about five more Stacy and Jason's, so each of your children could have one of you at all times and then just a set that can keep up with the rest of life and also have time to sleep together that would be a great blessing!!! But for now, you guys are doing an amazing job and need to know that from this journey you are growing stronger and stronger. Life really is put into perspective knowing what all you guys are trying accomplish each day. Just remember take one day at a time. Keep your chins up and give your little Princess hugs and loves to help ease her pain. We will continue to pray for Lindsey to feel better, gain strength, fever to go away, ease her anxiety and pain and for a the gift of a new HEART. loves hugs and prayers for each of you xoxoxoxo bets and fam

  5. Jason, we all need to vent. Glad you have an out such as this that gives such positive feedback. You guys are my nightly routine - checking in to see how everyone is doing. Every night your attitude amazes and inspires me to hug my son a little tighter, bHelios the caring nurses that you guys speak so highly of to another family, and especially not be so quick to complain about little things. I think of your family often and pray for better days. Many loves and prayers to you and your family!!
    Kylie (Orr) Morris

  6. No doubt that it stinks. Ever consider getting one of those punching bags the boxers train with? That would help with those extra pounds and give you something to beat up when the stress levels reach the red line.

    Praying for Lindsey Lou. Hang in there. It may not be as long a wait as we all think.


  7. Sure looks like Lindsey is "really" into the I Spy Book the nurse is using to distract her.
    Good to vent for a while and then get back to business isn't it. I pray for a good night and better days for Lindsey, you, and all the little kids out there who need the help that only God can give.
    Love and Miss You All- aunt g

  8. You have every right - and MORE than enough reasons - to vent on a daily basis. When my kids were in school, the homework alone was enough to make me crazy . . . and they were healthy and in their own home! One of the things we all love about you and Stacy is that you are so transparent and REAL. We know that God has given you a huge challenge in this life, entrusted these five amazing children to your care, and allowed us the privilege of playing a small part in holding you up. I can't thank you enough for the honest and open sharing in every word you write. I have no doubt that God is smiling on you. Special prayers tonight for a dramatic improvement in how Lindsay is feeling.

  9. I will pray for Lindsay tonight and for your entire family. I'm sorry this has been such a hard day. I pray that tonight and tomorrow will be better!

  10. Poor Lindsey Lou! Prayers for her to feel like her spunky old self and prayers for you all! Venting is good. Your strength is amazing. I wish we were all closer. It sounds as if you need one more set of adult hands down there to help with homework (you know which subject I love) and to take the boys to a park and run off some energy! If Lindsey is up to it, I would really like to Skype her the first week of school. I know the kiddos will want to say hello. And tell Megan and Sierra to hang in there! This experience will make them stronger. God bless you all. Thank you for sharing your story. It's a nightly routine to check your blog (well I am a bit more obsessed) but my family reads it daily. Xoxo Mrs. Smith

  11. I remember an earlier post, I believe it was one of the nurses that told you to not let the lows get too low or the highs too high. Easier said than done no doubt but we'll keep praying for more highs. We all so much appreciate your posts that keep us updated and glad that it allows you to vent when you are in need. Hang in there, your whole family is an inspiration to many. Please tell Sierra to call if I can be of help with homework when you and Stacy are busy. I am serious ..... I would love to hear from her. God bless! The Hamann's

  12. It dose stink and yes it's ok to vent! Our prayers are with you guys always. Hang in there. Love the Thompsons.

  13. Jason,

    I have often thought that the waiting would be the worst/most discouraging part for me. When there is an emergency, we have a tendency to just do what needs to be done. After the initial emergency is over we have time to reflect and realize how hard the situation really is. Every fever, every tear, every sleepless night, and every worry about the other children adds another layer of stress for you and Stacy. As each day goes on I pray more fervently for you and Stacy, because I know that after all the waiting, I would have cracked. You are both truly amazing and I could not be more inspired by your courage and strength.

    Matt Huff

  14. You guys are amazing! Tons of people are thinking of you guys regularly, praying for you, & pulling for you. I hope they get the fever, etc. sorted out soon, and that Lindsey starts to feel less lousy. You and Stacy and all of your kids will continue to be in our prayers.

  15. My heart just aches after reading about your Thursday, tears fill my eyes. I so wish there was something I could do for you... so I will pray as much and as often as I can throughout my day that your Friday will be a better one for all :)
    Vent all you want, you need to get it out! If anyone thinks that is selfish or callous...let them walk in your shoes before making any judgement!!! You guys are doing a fantastic job especially with all that you are dealing with, hats off to you :) I wish I was closer so I could help out with the kids...
    Your faith and trust is such a huge part of what
    you need in your life to help you get through this so hang on and embrace it!
    To me you guys are a wonderful example to others, showing how to cope with what you're being dealt! More people need to see how faith and trust can help overcome trials in one's life. Have a melt down but NEVER give in to depair!
    Love and prayers are with you always! M.
    Thank you so much for all that you do :)

  16. How long before "the donor is prepared"?

    you mean how long before someone's child dies so that your child can live.
