Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Aug 22, The Circus for the boys, and not feeling good...again for Linds

10:50 am.
It started last night. The routine is kids do homework here, we eat dinner in the Sabrato room down the hall around 5:30, we take Lindsey for a walk, read scriptures, say prayers, then we all head home.  I help get kids to bed or do more homework then come back to sleep here with Lindsey around 9:00.  Lindsey went to sleep around 9:30. She gets checked and vitals from the nurse every 2 hours.  Last night each time they did a check at 12, 2, and 4.  She was very agitated and nauseous.  They had increased her tube feeds so she could be unhooked longer during the day.  They are wondering if that isn't what was bugging her.  She hasn't spiked a fever (yet), but she is definitely acting like one is coming. She is not her perky self and did NOT want to go to school.  She even has her favorite nurse today, and that still hasn't perked her up.  Amazing how fast she can go from the 'Lindsey' that we all know to a Lindsey who is struggling, hurting, and emotional.  Today my prayer is she will feel better and return to herself, no fever, and  that the doctors will know how to help.  Right now she is at school, no fevers, feels nauseous, no vomiting (yet), and not very happy.  See how today goes.

This morning when she was getting ready for school we had Dr's Yeh, Meada, and Reinhartz all came into her room.  That is a first.  Those are the Doctors that get the word, make the decision on a possible donor heart, and perform the surgery.  For a few seconds we thought this might be the moment. But they were just stopping by to check in and say hi.

Yesterday, during physical therapy, she was feeling good.  They are working with her in many different areas. They did some yoga moves (Cat Stretch and Child's Pose) to help with her hunched over shoulders and tight stomach muscles. Skye Flanagan would have been proud.

Kids get out of school at 1:30 every Wednesday.  That's good because Sierra has a ton of homework, she was up pretty late last night finishing up.

On Saturday, the boys and I went to the circus in San Jose with Kade, Wyatt and Stephanie Thomas. Their baby is doing so much better.  They are sure good friends.  Here are few pictures (for our diary).
Notice the guy in the back 'showing' us off the main floor.

Gage and Hunter with their dragon swords. 


  1. The pictures are really cute! I hope by the time I have written this Lindsey is feeling better, and Sierra's homework was a cinch! I loved the pictures you posted of the therapy bike and the boys at the circus! Love & Miss U- Aunt Garrity

  2. That must have been the best circus ever. Sorry you're feeling punky Lindsey, hope tomorrow's a better day. Love Kay

  3. Tell Lindsey that if she needs a good chuckle to just imagine her Dad and Mr. Flanagan side-by-side doing the twisting triangle pose. :)

  4. I hope lindsey is feeling better today. she looks so darn cute in all the pictures, it is easy to forget how yucky she must be feeling at times. She is definitely the toughest girl I know. Your family continues to be in our prayers. God bless! The Hamann's

  5. Goodness, every day is it's own adventure, isn't it? we join you in your "specific" prayers.Much love and prayers, Dale and Mike Olsen

  6. Dale and Mike OlsenAugust 22, 2012 at 9:56 PM

    Silly Jokes to make even a princess smile:
    Q: How do you know if there is an elephant in the school?
    A: It's bike is outside.

    Q: How do you know if there are two elephants in the school?
    A: There is a dent in the cross-bar.

    Q: How do you know if there are three elephants in the school?
    A: Stand on the bike and have a look in the classroom window.

  7. Dear Binghams...just a note to check in and let you know that tons of us continue to follow the blog...if we don't respond daily it's because we can't keep up with all you guys are doing!!! Wow, it's like a marathon!! You inspire, encourage and astonish me...and I know I speak for many other people. Just want you to know that you continue to be in my family's prayers daily. Love to all.

  8. Praying for healing and peace for you and your family!
