Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Aug 21, Volleyball signups

10:30 am.
Lindsey is still doing great. She went to both sessions of school yesterday and is at school right now.  She likes to 'push' her own meds and 'pull' her own blood draws out of her picc line. Kinda funny to watch. 

Stacy picked the girls up from school.  Megan says she has a new friend and is working on 2 more. I think she is going to survive. Sierra likes it and has a lot of homework.  Hunter's school is way too short.  That kid has a LOT of energy that needs to be burned off.  The RMH and LPCH Room 3241 does not have enough space for that kid. Him and Gage just need to run and wrestle, like a couple of border collie puppies.

This morning after dropping the girls off, I stood in a long line to sign Megan up for volleyball. She wants to go out for the team, so what the heck, might as well. Here you just sign up and it is on a first come first serve basis.  I was there in line 35 minutes early and the teams were already filled up. So she was still put on a waiting list along with a whole bunch of other kids.  It's definitely NOT PVHS here now is it. I was sitting in line talking to some other parents.  They were grumbling about the process and having to wait and still not getting their child on the team.  I didn't know enough about the process to grumble.  One of the parents asked about my children and I told her quite a story.  That really shut them up.  Again this puts so many things into perspective.

Gage has his 2 week checkup for his pacemaker optimization, echo, and heart meds.  Could take a couple of hours.  He is sure acting well. 

So hopefully over the next few days we are going to figure out a routine.  How to make school, rounding doctors, work, Lindsey's walks and therapy, play time for the boys, homework, volleyball, band instruments (so where are they going to practice?), and family time.  I know it sounds like a lot, but Stacy and I both feel it is doable. As long as Lindsey feels good, we can do this.  If she turns, or get a heart (oh yeah forgot about that) then everything changes.

 Hunter before school
 Lindsey on her way to school. Stacy wanted to push the Berlin to get some exercise and Lindsey wanted to push her IV pole. This nurse, Kimberly, is one of Lindsey's favorites.


  1. I love this post. Happy for everyone! It is so awesome that Megan is making friends and wants to be involved. Lindsey it is so good to see you getting so strong. I don't even know what to say about your "puppies"!?!?! And I loved the picture of all the bikes that is just crazy! Alexus and I had so much fun in North Powder last weekend. Your garden looks awesome! Here's to everyday being as good as today until her heart comes.


  2. Dale and Mike OlsenAugust 21, 2012 at 6:07 PM

    Dear Jason and Stacy, I know it is tedious for you to keep it up, but I love your posts. It helps us to know how to pray for you guys. So grateful Lindsay did well today. Last night I was speaking on the phone to a dear friend of mine in Alaska. She will be partcipating in the Hearts for Binghams benefit concert that Cantora Arctica will be doing in February. She and I werre discussing the various blog posts and she was telling me that she is so gratified to see Lindsay doing well. She said, "Lindsay really had me worried last week when she had that feaver" You have no idea how many people are out ther pulling for you whom you have never met and probably never will meet on this side of the veil (including a convent of Catholic nuns in Ireland. Those women are some remarkable "prayer warriors" )
    dale and I continue to send our Love and Prayers1 Mike and dale Olsen

  3. Continued prayers to you all! You guys are truely amazing! Stephanie petrucci

  4. You know the saying "Home is where the heart is" is so true. No matter where you are as long as you have your family there it is your home and you guys are doing an awesome job of making life a little bit normal for what you are going through. Keep it up and hang in there. Thompsons

  5. I think Lindsey is going to be a nurse. I am glad to see her spirit up.

    I am working on a plan for Activity days and I am down to 6 girls and TWO are mine. We are going to miss your girls.

  6. Wow, this sounds like a great routine to get started off with! I just can't get over what a big boy Hunter is getting to be...still so cute and those eyes are just always full of energy!!!! :) So happy to hear that things are going well and that some happiness is finding its way into your family and journey. So many lives have been changed and people who are following your journey are truly looking at life differently. Thank you for continuing to share. I hope that more happy times will be leading the way through this journey along with many more prayers to be answered. Kiddos enjoy your new school life and meeting new friends, I'm sure you'll have lots of great stories to share with us when you return to Powder!! As always loves, hugs, and many blessful prayers to each of you. xoxoxoxo nedrow's

  7. Love the pictures. You guys put a whole new spin on "bloom where you're planted."

  8. Kay has is right... wonderful talks Sunday by Drew and Darrel Leggett. Bloom where you are planted was a good message. Drew's lesson fits too. We may not be able to control what happens to us, but we can control how we react to it. Your family is showing us how to apply those two messages in our lives. Love the pictures... Stacy that machine looks heavy! Love, Phil and Judy

  9. I agree with everyone else! Lindsey will be one of the spunkiest nurses for peds. I can imagine her sassing right back to kids when she needs to get things done! You two are blooming where planted and even though we miss you, you are where you need to be. Life just happens doesn't it? Good comment to the grumbling parents Jason. When Nick and I get frustrated at something (usually he is out in a field changing water) we say "but our kids have healthy hearts." That is the bottom line for many of us and we are so glad that your bottom line is that Lindsey is stable and looking/acting so much better!
