Monday, August 20, 2012

Aug 20, Monday, Off to school

11:20 am.
Today was the first full day of school and the first day the kids rode bikes. So Sierra, Megan and I (Daddy) rode out bikes to Jordan Middle School this morning.  We picked up Georgia, Michelle Hansen's daughter, along the way. It was quite an experience.  A sea of bikes everywhere.   All the bikes actually looked like a good ole cattle drive down the Anthony Lake Highway.  Here and there you would pass little kids peddling then big kids would come flying by. It really did look like a cattle drive. However, it will NOT take long before it will be really uncool for Dad to tag along.  They were grateful today because I carried their heavy backpacks in the Gage buggy cart, but once they get their lockers and understand the route, I will be officially uninvited. And I'm good with that.

Waiting at a stop light. See how the bikes stretch off into the distance.
(These are the high schoolers, after I dropped Sierra and Meg off)

Hunter caught the bus around 7:25 and was excited to go.  Lindsey had her princess jacket on and was off the hospital school.  They have made some changes on how they do the dressing changes and that seems to help with the itching.  She hasn't had the insane itching for about 2 days.

Stacy off to do some shopping and I am getting some work done.

Sandy Cumming, wrote a good blog article on the insidedateline

Good friend Denette, found a CNN story about organ donation.  This is what it is all about

Thanks to Luiz Alberto Balderas.  We received a nice letter and support from their family. Very kind of you.


  1. Oh my goodness...that is awesome! All those kids riding bikes! Enjoy your moment of riding with the girls because it's true, you will totally be univited! Mindy Doty

  2. OH my word, look at the bikes...they are not as scary as COWS to me. I'm sure Georga loved having you pick her up too.

  3. Univited? What junior high kid doesn't want their parent to drop them off at school, you could volunteer to chaperon their next dance. I loved the articles. Glad to hear that the itching is going down some! Love Aunt Garrity

  4. It is nice to hear a good report. I loved the article.

    Glad the nurses have the itching under control

  5. We are driving through the mountains of Korea while reading your blog. I read the CNN article , and really loved it! My favorite line was "The Bingham are an impressive family". True words! We also loved what was said about North Powder Thank you all for showing us all how to live and love!

  6. Lindsey, so glad that insane itching is getting better. Sierra and Megan just wait until those California kids get to know you and find out how great you are; they will all want to come home to Oregon with you. The auction was such a wonderful experience, sure wish you could have been there. It was more than a fund raiser it was like a big family reunion. I visited with people I hadn't seen in years. Have a great tomorrow. Love, Kay

  7. Hi there Binghams,

    You don't know me, but my name is Meghan and I am a senior at UC Berkeley, just north of where you guys are. I have been following your blog and have been feeling like I want find a way to help and support you guys in some way, especially since I am so close by. In the past I have had the privilege of being part of groups who have come in and cooked meals for the residents of the Ronald McDonald House and I was thinking that would be a great place to start, as I have seen what wonderful places those houses are. I am a part of a musical theatre performing group here at Cal and I was thinking that I wanted to get our group together and come cook dinner and perhaps put on a little performance at the house as well. We'd also love to try fundraise for your family and help out in any other way that we could. Maybe come sing to Lindsay in the hospital? I dont know the feasibility of that with rules and germs and such so I understand if it isn't possible.

    I have been thinking a lot about your other kids, and admiring the sacrifices they're making being so far from home and their school and friends. I'd love to be able to do something for them. Is there a need (or want) that could be filled? I know you are at Stanford (our arch-rivals) but would you and any of the kids enjoy going to see a Cal football game? Could we fundraise for some toy or activity any of the kids are wishing for? We'd love to be able to help out in whatever way we can.

    I know you are so busy, but I'd love to hear back from you. You can email me at meghan dot cleary at berkeley dot edu. Love and prayers,


  8. Thanks for the pics, they're great! Had no idea there would be that many bike riders, wow, a cattle drive indeed! Wonder how some would like that comparison, :) !
    The article was nicely written, so right to the heart, no pun intended.
    Praying for continued ease in your lives, that all goes smoothly for each one's own need :) God bless you all! M.

  9. What a huge bike "rally!" Jason, does this bike group threaten the local traffic?? Sierra and Megan, good luck at school. With the talents you two have, you will be showing your classmates how it's done! Hunter, you are probably the smartest one in your class! Lindsey, you just get cuter every day!! Enjoy school too. Stacy and Gage, you guys can just have fun while everyone else is at school. I love you all so very much. My prayers are with you always!!

  10. I can't imagine Megan and Sierra NOT wanting you at school with them, Jason. Don't they realize just how COOL their parents are?? :) I know this must be hard for you two, but it will be no time at all and you'll be surrounded by friends in California, too.

    I woke up this morning dreaming about you guys. I can't remember for the life of me what it was about, but you were all there and it seemed happy!

    I met up with several Powder teachers last night for Mrs. Cutright's retirement party. They were all talking about going back to school next week for inservice. I know you all understand how it made me a little sad knowing I wouldn't be going back with them again. I know they will all be missing your bright shining faces and look forward to the day when you will be gracing the hallways again.

    We'll be in the bay area next month and look forward to meeting up with you. We're hoping we can take over some duties so you two (Jason & Stacy) can get a little alone time, so let us know how we can help!

    Love & miss you!

  11. I love how all of the kids are wearing helmets. Stay strong we are all thinking and praying for your family every night.
