Monday, August 13, 2012

Aug 13, 1st day of School for Linds

7:40 pm.
It was pretty exciting this morning.  Stacy came over early to do her hair and get her ready.  We took pictures and headed down the hall.  It's not that far, we walk past it many times on her walks.  She was a little deflated when she walked into her room and there was 1 other kindergartner there and that's it.  In her room is grades K-5, the other room is 6-12. So for her first day she had a teacher named Kevin, her 2 nurses, and a kindergartner with a bunch of IV's.  They made it really fun for her with games and activities.  School went from 9:30 to 11:30. Starting Wednesday, school will go from 9:30 to 11:30 AND 1:00 to 3:00.  They say there will be more kids as the teachers go around and search out the kids in their rooms.  We are a bit confused why there weren't more kids there, but they said the number in her class will increase from 2 to something more (we hope).

At 1:00 she had physical therapy, call it PE.  She has fun with the therapists. 

While Lindsey was at school we drove to the Palo Alto district office and got Sierra and Megan registered at Jordan Middle School.  They are both very nervous and a little bit excited to go to a big school.  Megan wants to go out for the basketball team. You go girl.

Again we find ourselves in awe and humbled at the outpour of support EVERYWHERE!  We have heard recently of the fund raisers that have been done in Lindsey's behalf.  Including the amazing story of Mya's lamb being sold in the Cache County Fair for Lindsey Lou. Lindsey has some pretty neat cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, and friends in Cache Valley. Thank you everyone very much!

Tonight we have Stephanie and Wyatt, and Liz Niccum and her 2 kids, and our gang in Lindsey's room to eat pizza and watch Lorax on the big screen.  When she feels good it's a party around here.

 Lindsey being left at school. See all the students crowding around the table.  She wasn't too thrilled.  There will be more, they promise!
Lindsey at PE, walking the balance beam.
Room full of kids ready for the movie.


  1. Dale and Mike OlsenAugust 13, 2012 at 8:35 PM

    Some silly back to school jokes for Lindsay!
    Q: Why did the teacher wear sunglasses?
    A: Because his class was so bright!

    Q: Why were the teacher's eyes crossed?
    A: She couldn't control her pupils!

    Q: Teacher: Didn't I tell you to stand at the end of the line?
    A: Student: I tried but there was someone already there!

    Q: How is an English teacher like a judge?
    A: They both give out sentences.

    Q: Teacher: You missed school yesterday, didn't you?
    A: Student: Not really.

    Q: Teacher: If I had 6 oranges in one hand and 7 apples in the other, what would I have?
    A: Student: Big hands!

    With Love and our continued prayers, Dale and Mike Olsen

  2. It sounds like it was a busy and an exciting day for all! And what better way to end the great day with a all deserve great days and parties!! Lindsey you look amazing and of course super cute just like a Princess!! Keep working hard Lindsey, you could be the next balance beam star by the looks of it!
    Thank you for continuing to update your blog and I love that you guys even take time to post so many picture...I cherish everyone of them!! Enjoy your party and we look forward to hearing more about the kiddos school days. Loves, hugs, and prayers to each of you xoxoxoxo

  3. Sounds like a fun first day of school. I hope she gets more playmates..LOL

  4. Wow,I think Uncle Josh needs to check on a couple of boys that seemed to have Lindsey's attention. That was great.
    I love the battle for the rebounds by Sierra and Megan. Landon said that was hilarious. It is good to see a sense family life forcing its way into your world again.
    By the way, the map scene was not staged. We spent a lot of time looking at the map, and I have some good thoughts to use in a talk someday about the importance of following the map (those who have gone before).
    Like many have said, thanks for the updates, and you are right - there are a lot of good people all over the place!
    Good luck with school registration.

  5. There are a lot of people in Cache Valley hoping and praying for the entire Bingham Family!! We are proudly sporting our " We <3 Lindsay Lou" bracelets!! Good Luck in school this week!!


  6. Loved the basketball video. And by the way Miss Lindsey, YOU LOOK GREAT! Love and Prayers to all, Kay

  7. I think the fab 5 should actually be in reference to your fab 5 kids. So yes I think LIndsey is part of the fab 5!! Emily B

  8. Lindsey I like your school bag. Good luck this week. Keep your nose above the water! We pray and hope for good things for you everyday. Love Aunt G

  9. Wow, such a special student to get a teacher pretty much to yourself! Bet your siblings won't be that lucky, will they? But they'll have fun too I bet. You look awful cute in your 1st day pic, so proud of all that you've done! Keep it up :)
    Glad life is settling in for you. We'll keep praying for you all but Lindsey's at the top of the list! Love, prayersand continued blessings from above :) M.
