Sunday, August 12, 2012

Aug 12, Day before school

9:20 pm.
There is a bit of excitement in the air here in 3 West, Room #3241. Tomorrow is the first day of school for Lindsey.  The hospital school is down the hall, has 3 rooms, and is part of the Palo Alto School District.  For some reason the hospital starts tomorrow.  Sierra, Megan, and Hunter will be going to regular schools and will start Thursday.  Lindsey has picked out her first day school outfit and you can bet Stacy will have her looking cute as a princess for her first day pictures. Stay tune for that.

Gage is feeling much better.  His cough is all but gone.  Again answers to prayers. Him and Hunter love to fight over anything the other person has.  The biggest fit comes from the boy who doesn't get to push the button in the elevator. And it is a fit!  We played Wacky 6 in the play room today.  Pretty sure Stacy was cheating but I can't prove it.......yet.

We have heard about the success of the pie social in the Geiser Pollman Park in Baker.  Wendy sent a picture of the event. Looks like a lot of fun. We are still in awe of the love and support we are receiving from countless people back home.  Not sure how we could ever properly thank them. It is an amazing community we live in. We would sure love to be there. 

Regarding our wait for a donor heart.  There are two limitations that has and could make the wait longer.  1st her blood type.  She is O negative.  Meaning she is a universal donor but must receive a type O heart. 2nd is her anti-bodies. Because of the blood transfusions in early July and her own body she has increased anti-bodies in her blood. That means the donor heart will need to be tested against those anti-bodies to see if it is compatible.  These 2 limitations along with her size could make the wait drag on for months.  We hope not, but need to prepare for that.

Sierra's IV treatment for her anti-body rejection is Tuesday night at 9:00 pm.  It will run for about 12 hours.  They will retest her anti-body rejection along with all the other stuff at the September biopsy.

At times I am fighting off the guilt of not being home to work.  I still know this is where I need to be, I just feel....I don't know.... I should be contributing more on the ranch and office and my calling in the Young Men.  My parents have taught me to work hard.  This is a different kind of 'work' down here, a labor of love I guess.   I do understand this is where I need to be.  Frankly, my wife carries the load and I just hang on and cry when the going gets tough. She is a dang good woman. Not sure how I got that lucky.


  1. Good luck at school tomorrow Lindsey. Can't wait to see the pictures. Jason, I can only imagine how torn you must feel but you are so right, you are exactly where you need to be right now. For everything there is a season. Very warm here again today. I'm going to try and remember that in January. Love to all, Kay

  2. Ahhh - I'm so excited for Lindsey Lou's first day of 3rd grade. So exciting. I always take a picture of my students on the first day, so please do share that one so we have it when she comes back to Powder! I was thinking when school starts here we can skype Lindsey and of course write her letters! It will be great practice for the kids and I know they will miss her. I will miss her! We will continue to pray for you all. And Jason - we all have guilt that we should be doing something more and it's so hard to just let the guilt go. I will pray that you can let it go. Your family needs you and even though Stacy is amazing and so strong - she needs you too. God Bless you all! Molly

  3. Still carrying a prayer in my heart always for you ALL! I read your posts everyday (several times). All of your kids are in for a huge shock when they get to their new schools. Each of their classes will have as many kids as North Powder K-12 combined! That will be different and fun. I wish them all the best. What a great adventure. Your entire family continues to inspire me ...... Thank you!

  4. Lindsey Lou, I hope you have an amazing first day of school!! Can't wait to hear about it, I bet you'll meet so many new friends and awesome teachers, but not quite like your fantastic teachers that are cheering you on from home!!!
    Jason as tough as it is to be missing out on all of the work at home, you really are in the right place right now, no questions asked. Not only does your beautiful and amazingly strong wife need you there, but so does your sweet kiddos, don't ever doubt that choice! You are an awesome father and husband and with your family is where you need to be. You provide them with much more than you can ever imagine just by being and support for each of them!
    Thinking about each of you and especially the kiddos as they get ready to start a new journey with starting school and making lots of new friends. Go shine on and brightly like the stars that you are kiddos, you will all do great! May the Lord continue to bless each of the kiddos with strength and good health, we are praying for more prayers to be answered. Loves, hugs, and prayers xoxoxoxo

  5. We are hoping Lindsey has a great first day of school and know she will be an excellent student! Jason both you and Stacy are amazing and you are truly where you need to be right now. We pray for a donor for Lindsey every night and Reece and Kellee wait for me to read your posts before they go to bed. We will be waiting for her first day of school picture tomorrow with her wonderful smile. Prayers for all of you.

  6. The first day of school is so exciting. Can't wait to read about all of the fun experiences this week. You both are amazing parents and your kids are so blessed to have you.
    Love, Deb

  7. Happy first day of school to Lindsey! I am sure Sami would love to be right there with you, she misses school and was wanting school to start way back in July! Jake? Not a chance. And, about that elevator button. My two did the same darn thing all the way into their early-ish some double digits (protecting their status as teens, ya know?). There's something about an elevator that is fun and exciting for kids that don't have them in their towns! And don't get me started on escalators, especially those 'flat' ones at the SFO airport!
    Prayers and hugs to you all!!!
