Saturday, August 11, 2012

Aug 11, Back together

10:30 pm.
Daddy here.  It's been a while since I have updated so I thought I would share a few thoughts.  For the past week Sierra, Hunter and I have been home working and playing. Sierra and Hunter have been playing with their cousins and friends. I have had plenty to do at the office and on the ranch. A lot of haying that needs to be done.  It was enjoyable to get back into our home life, church, haying, ranch work, and office. I enjoyed driving tractor and working with my Dad and brothers.  It's amazing when Lindsey is doing well, my Dad and I can get a lot done. And now, Lindsey is doing well!  My mother and Sierra did a great job going through bags of clothes for Hunter. Thank you Mom, your help is so appreciated.  My Mom and Dad have done a great job keeping the garden and home together.  Wish Stacy could be there to enjoy it.

Sierra decided not to go on the stake trek to Wyoming.  There was just to much going on, Lindsey to watch, school to prepare for, and dentist appointments.  Sierra and Megan start junior high here in Palo Alto this Thursday the 16th. Lindsey starts on Monday here at the hospital, and Hunter starts kindergarten somewhere? This week I would sure like to figure out where they will be going to school.

Brad and Bryson Allen flew Sierra, Hunter and I to Livermore today.  Then we took the BART and Caltrain to Palo Alto.  It was good for us to learn and take the train system.  Hunter needs to learn how to 'hold it'.  There are not many bathrooms on private planes or public trains. Thank goodness we didn't have any 'accidents', but he was sure feeling the pain.

This evening Dean and Dawnie Baxter stopped by.  They were in San Jose for Trace's baby blessing. It was so nice to see them. 

Wish we could be home working and playing, but this is where we all need to be.  Lindsey is doing great and I thank my Heavenly Father for that.

Sorry for the kinked neck. I can't figure out how to rotate. If you know, let me know. 

With Dean and Dawnie Baxter 

Eating a turkey sandwich


  1. Dear Jason and Stacy and kids...Jas, thanks for the update. I had spoken to your dad briefly a couple of days ago and also continue to follow the blog so was keeping up with all the activity. We are so glad to hear that Lindsey is doing well. We continue to pray for her condition to be stable until her heart becomes available...and also for the rest of your kids as they start school in a new place. And yes, for you and Stacy too as you continue this journey with new challenges nearly every day! You and Stacy and the kids are an inspiration to us all, and we will continue to pray for endurance , and calm, and strength, for each one of you! Hoping Stacy can get home too one of these days and enjoy the simple pleasure of her garden and her home...but sounds like you all are taking great care for her! Hope you all have a good week coming up!

  2. It seems like your time at home just rushed by I'm sure and some how we didn't even cross pathes...I blame the busy, busy, busy week of fair!! We survived the long days and when I felt a little exhausted I pushed on knowing that my tiredness is nothing compared to each of yours!! :) So sad to think how school is just around the corner, but also nice to have that bit of structure and to know that that daily routine will help the kiddos just will be a knew adventure for them (and oh how I will miss seeing them every day!). Keep each day filled with love, prayers, and hope. Our Heavenly Father has his loving arms wrapped around each of your kiddos and will continue to provide them with so much strength and hope. We love you all dearly and pray for miracles by believing and knowing that He is listening to each prayer. loves, hugs, and prayers xoxoxoxo

  3. Jason and Stacy, I have just been thinking about how strong and brave and wonderful you are. The love you have and show for each other as well as for each one of your children, is an example of how a family should be. We have had the prayer level pretty high since Lindsey got sick, but Sierra and Megan starting Jr. High School...... we will ramp it up a level! Tell them we are praying for them. Hum, maybe tonight will be the night you get news of the new heart. Love and prayers from Korea.

  4. Hello Jason and Stacy! We were thinking of you often on Trek and didn't have any service anywhere. . .so we were excited to read the blog today and catch up! Lindsey looks awesome! You are doing such a great job of having patience while waiting and juggling your responsibilities. How great to be there together as school starts rather than scattered all over wondering how your kids are doing. If it were me, I would need to tell myself that over and over when things got chaotic! We sure missed Sierra on Trek. It was awesome and she would have out-hiked a lot of kids up there. The pioneers had a lot to admire. We hiked Martin's Cove and heard of the people laying their loved ones who had passed on together and then hearing the wolves desecrate their graves. One man later said of the Martin Handcart Company that he wouldn't change anything. Those who passed were lucky to many that survived. And he said it was the price they paid to become acquainted with God. You guys are on your own Trek and I know you are taking advantage of the situation to become acquainted with God. It is easy to say when Lindsey and the others are doing so well. I hope they continue that way and that your days are boring! We love you guys and miss you. Nick and Hilary

  5. Harp music! Wow! I really like reading these updates, even if they are "boring." =) I'm typing up a short story about the Aug. 18 fundraiser up it time for a little update about life in CA? Maybe some about Lindsey, for those who aren't reading the blog updates) and just about life...most notably, at least to me, is the school switch from Powder to Palo Alto?! Anyway, if you want, you can give me a call if you get a chance. -- Lisa Britton
