Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Aug 15, Huntington visit, IVIG, and first school day

1:00 pm.
Lindsey has been off yesterday and today. Her right shoulder started hurting and has continued through today.  They are not sure why.  At first we thought it was a pulled shoulder muscle from increased activity during therapy. But it kept her up a lot last night and her heart rate has been increasing (in the 130's). She has also had some low grade fevers off and on but nothing spiking... yet.  Her picc line has been in for 5-6 weeks, since before the Berlin. Wondering if that is causing the irritation or an infection (hope not).  It may be time for that to come out.  Right now she is sleeping, Stacy has the kids out finishing their school shopping and I'm here checking e-mails and working a bit.

Yesterday evening Julie Huntington, Katie, Tommy and Ashley came through for a quick visit.  Very nice of them.  They were on their way back from a vacation in southern California heading to Oregon.  They sure picked Lindsey's spirits up. Thanks Julie, it was nice to have you here.

To add to Lindsey's night last night, Sierra had her IV treatment for her anti-body rejection. She checked in at 9:00 pm and it was over this morning at around 8:30 am.  So here was the scene last night.  Lindsey feels lousy and Stacy stays here with her, I head home with the boys, Sierra, and Megan at 8:00 pm, the boys are tired and wining and really need to go to bed.  Megan and I help get Sierra packed up with some PJ's for Stacy, a toothbrush, meds, etc. Then she heads back to the hospital on her bike. Stacy meets her at check in and helps her get settled into the 'Short Stay' unit for her IV treatment.  Stacy spent most of the night with Lindsey (who didn't sleep well) while checking in with Sierra downstairs.  I came over at around 7 this morning to be with Sierra as she was finishing the IV.   Sierra did great with the IV and will have her annual biopsy in early September.

This afternoon one of us needs to go with the girls on their bikes to Jordan Middle School to get the bikes registered and more orientation.  There are so many neat activities our kids can participate it and we want to be involved in, we just have to remember why we are here. We have a little Princess on the Berlin waiting for a heart transplant who needs a LOT of our attention.  We just might not be able to volunteer at Hunter's school and attend PTA meetings at Jordan, work a night shift at the hospital, be the school nurse, harvest a garden, cut firewood, coach YMCA, and everything else we are used to doing.  Megan would love to go out for volleyball and basketball and Hunter wants to do soccer.  It will be all we can do to get them to/from school and do a bit of homework. This has been quite an adjustment for Stacy and I. We understand, one day at a time, one week at a time.

Received a really nice letter/package from Judy Rembacz (used to be Judy Holmes).  We ran around together back in the 80's along with Scott, Jared, Nathan, and a bunch of others. Brought back some good memories.  I still struggle with how to thank people for the kind packages, gifts, cards, comments, jokes, fund raisers, prayers, etc.  We are so appreciative of every gift and card. We read and enjoy each one. Thank-you!

8:00 pm. Well I ended up taking the girls to Jordan.  We found and met their counselor and they now know where to go tomorrow.  Feels like the first day of college on a huge campus. A bit overwhelming for kids from Powder Valley.  Tomorrow they will realize they can do this.  Stacy will drop them off at 7:40, and they will be cute and ready to go.  Stacy will then head to Hunters school for parent, teacher, student orientation.  I am staying here with Lindsey tonight.

Lindsey's temperature did spike at around 102 degrees.  They are treating her with some antibiotics and Tylenol.  Her fever has now broke and she is dripping with sweat.  She has slept most of the afternoon so it could be a long night. Hope not. Her shoulder still hurts.  Massage came in around 3:00. She likes that. They have taken blood cultures looking for infection. Find out tomorrow. For now they are treating her as though she has one. We are heading on a short walk. 2nd one of the day.  Hope for a good night.

So basically, we haven't had time to sit around and wish for a new heart. Today has been and will be pretty busy.

 A dang cute picture of our Princess.

 Yesterday with Katie, Megan, Ashley, and Sierra
 Tommy, Hunter and Gage in the Sobroto Family room.

Colten Richards #31 at the Shrine All Star game in Baker. Notice the tape on his wrists.
Thanks Colten.

So you wonder why her tummy hurts and itches, and why she doesn't stand up straight.

So when you are complaining about a tummy ache.... 


  1. Wow, what a day! You guys had crazy schedules up here and now you have crazy schedules down there-just night and day difference on what is required of you! How can such a cute smile be attached to a dry, itchy, irritated tummy with two huge tubes poking through it? Your girls will do great tomorrow, I am sure Megan will eat it up! And Sierra will quietly go about her duties like she usually does! Good luck with the adjustments. We miss you all.

  2. I will never complain about a tummy ache again! Take it one step at a time and don't feel bad if you can't do everything. A healthy, appropriate pace will reward you all in the short and long runs!

    God bless. Still praying for you all.

    The Bradfords

  3. Dear Jason and Stacy and I was reading your blog entry tonite it struck me again much to think about and do and's got to feel overwhelming sometimes. In the midst of thinking about all that, a scripture came to mind..".Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46....paraphrased.....God is our refuge and strength. He dwells in His city, does marvelous things and says, Be still and know that I am God. He is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. We continue to pray for you all...for your strength, endurance, and calm. We pray for wisdom on the part of the doctors, that Lindsey's new heart will become available soon, and that medically, everything will fall into place in the most successful way possible. I could go on and on...but the Lord knows! Hope the kids have a wonderful beginning day in their new school!

  4. Wow, Hold the line, or at least just hang on! I hope you two have a good day planner! I agree with Gloria, the Lord will be there by your side to lift and comfort you. We are all so thankful for the strength you are being blessed with. Lindsey, you look absolutely beautiful! To the other kids....GOOD LUCK AT SCHOOL! We love you! Love and Prayers from Korea

  5. Wow! You poor, dear girl. You seem to be the most amazing family! Handling such stress with amazing grace and strength!! I am so impressed. I am praying for your entire family.

  6. So many things for your family to adjust to! No worries for you, you give them up to God and ask for His help to carry the burden....simple as that :)
    We know it's hard to do but we need to just trust that He hears us and will take care of things for us!
    You and Stacy are paving the way for other parents that may find themselves in similar situations, possibily not as intense but serious
    for them. You are showing them how to handle it with your faith, strength and courage!
    So with that, my prayers today will be for your continued faith, strength and courage and for Lindsey that her shoulder pain and fever...SCAT!
    Hope the kids will have fantastic days at school and they will make some good friends like ones they have in Powder so they might not miss it so much :)
    May God bless you all! M

  7. Oh, we miss your family so much! Your strength, faith, and courage are such an inspiration to us! Lindsey you look so terrific ... and such a big smile with all that you are enduring ... you are super-girl ... you must take after your MOM (I loved the pioneer analogy for her). You kids enjoy some of the good things that a big school can offer. Love, Phil and Judy
