Monday, August 6, 2012

Aug 6, Kelly's Flat tire, and Dancing it up in the playroom

10:30 pm.
Another boring day today as far as any changes to report.  They made no changes with anything on Lindsey today and her blood count is slowly rising. Today it was 28, yeahhh! Anything above 32 would be wonderful.   Today we went for a walk, and finished a craft she was working on. Watched a little Olympics, then went to physical therapy. She did well there and played some games with the girls in there (who are absolutely amazing people). On the way back from physical therapy we stopped in at the playroom, and did a little "stamping" craft (Wendy you would be proud). On our way out of the playroom, the Wii happened to open up. Lindsey and I decided to play Just Dance 2. It was pretty funny watching her try to dance with her Berlin. She did a great job! The nurse today said it was the highlight of her day and she can't wait to do it again tomorrow. She is going to join in with us.  We closed our day with an evening walk to the CVICU to go see our friends the Thomas's. Then back to 3 west to watch the rest of Pride an Prejudice, and now she is sleeping soundly. A GREAT DAY!

My sister Kelly on the other hand, did not have quite the same day. She stayed at the RMH with Gage and Megan and her 4 month old Easton. They were going to the grocery store to get a few things to make some goodies and chicken noodle soup. However, when she turned into the parking lot at the grocery store, she ran over the curb and hit a rock that flattened the tire on our suburban. Mind you that this town was made for compact cars.  We got a serviceman to come out and put the spare on and took the other tire to get fixed. While they were waiting for his arrival, Megan had answered Kelly's phone for her and placed it in the grocery cart. The cart was returned and the phone forgotten. Shortly after they realized it was gone and started calling it to find it. After running back to the store and checking the entire suburban, it was no where to be found. The store told her it had probably been stolen because it had been turned off and went straight to her voicemail.  2 hours after I called the serviceman he finally arrives and fixes the tire. While waiting for the tire, Kelly gets a call saying that the T-Mobile store in Palo Alto has her phone. A gentleman had found it and turned it in.

The grocery trip went from quick to 4 1/2 hours. But, it all ended on a good note.  I am still glad your here Kelly! Blessed again today!


  1. Okay that really wasn't the phone call to start the action packed day I was referring to, but nevertheless it certainly made a boring day busy!! Wow Kelly sounds like you had one crazy day...good thing Meg was there to help juggle kiddos around!
    Linsdey keep dancing away and shining like the star that you are!!
    How are the Thomas's hanging in there? Hoping and praying that things are looking up for them, too!
    Loves, hugs, and prayers xoxoxoxo

  2. Dale and Mike OlsenAugust 7, 2012 at 4:51 AM

    What a wonderful way to start my day to find out that Lindsay had a good day. Love Boring!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Prayers and Love, Dale and Mike

  3. Love hearing about Lindsey's good days! Praying for this to continue and for that heart to come---pronto! Oh my gosh---Kelly's day, however, UGH! Let's EVERYBODY have a great day, today! Wish I could be there to dance with you, Lindsey! Very soon!!

  4. Boring is good to hear. Hope tomorrow is boring with a little dancing thrown in. When you get home maybe we can do a little clogging. Sweet dreams. -K

  5. Hey Stacy - If you need help when Kelly goes home, please let me know - I would love to come up and hang out with Gage or keep Lindsey company. Just say the word and I'll be there!

  6. I am so glad to hear that Lindsey is getting stronger.

    If Jason was there we would be watching a Just Dance Video..hehehe

    My kids love that game.
