Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Aug 8, Gage's appointment

8:00 pm, Wednesday
Sorry about not posting yesterday it was a busy day. Gage had a follow up appointment for his cardiomyopathy and his pacemaker. It started off with an echocardiogram, which he fell asleep in the middle of it. Great for the tech trying to do the echo. Then they were going to sneak in an EKG while he was still sleeping. Unfortunately, he woke up to 12 different stickers being placed on him and a bunch of wires. He did not like that at all. Something similar to the picture of him screaming when he had his chest staples taken out. Then it was on to see the doctors. We saw the fellow first then Dr. Yeh. They said his echo is unchanged from the one in June (good news) and they started him on the same beta blocker that they had started Lindsey on shortly before her hospitalization. This time I think it will work. Then we finished off the visit with some fine tuning of his pacemaker. He has been acting great, but still has the nagging cough. It is worse at night and first thing in the morning and then it tapers off to hardly anything during the day. They want him to stay out of Lindsey's room as much as possible. Which is a little tricky since I just took Kelly to the airport.

Our good friends the Thomas came and took Gage for quite awhile which was very nice of them. Thank you Stephanie and Kade! Just a side note, their daughter, Tristen, is doing great and was placed in a crib today instead of the infant warmer she has been in since birth. She is off the ventilator and doing well.

 Lindsey has been itching a lot at the Berlin site and it is driving her crazy. Last night was her first night alone and she couldn't sleep because of the itching. So at 11:00pm they gave her some ambien to help her sleep.  It really snowed her. She has been sleepy all day today and she hasn't been quite as chipper. Hopefully she sleeps tonight. Bye for now.


  1. This all sounds good except for the itching....

  2. Sometimes no news is good news. Glad things are holding steady. We'll keep praying for you all.

    God bless.

  3. Good morning! No need to apologize for not blogging, you were busy with more important stuff :) good things are ok with Gage other than the pesky little cough. We'd ll send a prayer his way for that and success with the beta blockers.
    Burr! This morning is chilly compared to the past few. It will get warm soon but not soon enough for me! Riggin says hi again.
    Hope they can fix the itch, not fun!
    Here's to a great day! As always, love, prayers and many more blessings to come your way! God bless you all! M.

  4. Happy to hear Gage's tests went so well! Hope Lindsey's itching goes away soon. Thinking of you all.

  5. Great news about Gage. I hope he does well with the meds.

    I wonder if some lavender oil would help Lindsey sleep. Chamomile would help too.

    Might help with the itching too. You could put some in lotion and rub it on her belly..course if the Dr's said it was ok.

  6. Thinking of you all and I hope your itching goes away Lindsey and Gage hopefully your cough stops. Maybe a joke will do the trick. Here we go

    Q: What goes up and down but does not move?

    A: Stairs
    love you Emily and Justin

  7. Good news about Gage. I hope that cough goes away soon. Also glad to hear that Lindsey is maintaining other than the stinkin' itching! Always thinking about all of you!

  8. Thinking about each of you and I wish this would have been the week I planned to visit, so I could be your extra helping hands!! :) Glad things are going well for both kiddos. Praying that the cough and itches will go away soon! Love you all, hugs, and many prayers. xoxoxoxo

  9. Dale and Mike OlsenAugust 9, 2012 at 6:02 PM

    A Joke for Lindsay:

    Bill: First I got, tonsilitis, pneumonia and hemachromatosis. If that wasn't bad enough, then they gave me hypodermics and innoculations.

    Tom: Wow, that's terrible!!!

    Bill: I'll say! I never though I would pass that spelling test

    Love and prayers, Dale and Mike

  10. Thinking about you. Don't you just hate the itchys? Hopefully they can help get past that. Good job Gage. Love and prayers -K

  11. 'Glad to hear the good news on Gage. Hopefully the itching will stop on Lindsey. Please know how much I love you all and how thankful I am for all of this wonderful modern technology even if causes itching!!! My love, my thoughts and my prayers are with you every day.

  12. Dale and Mike OlsenAugust 10, 2012 at 1:46 PM

    A cute (and mildly funny) story for Lindsay:

    When my daughter, Kelli, said her bedtime prayers, she would bless every family member, every friend, and every animal (current and past). For several weeks, after we had finished the nightly prayer, Kelli would say, "And all girls." This soon became part of her nightly routine, to include this closing.
    My curiosity got the best of me and so I asked her, "Kelli, why do you always add the part about
    all girls?"
    Her response, "Because everybody always finish their prayers by saying 'All Men'!"

    Love and Prayers, Dale and Mike Olsen
