Sunday, August 5, 2012

Aug 5, Sunday, More 'Boring'

9:20 pm.
Another great day. Not even the doctors had anything to change or report on today.  Megan, Gage and I went to church today, while Kelly sat with Lindsey. That felt really good to go.  Lindsey made 4.5 laps and was looking for more. She is off isolation and can now go to the playroom. Gage is still coughing and congested so no great improvement yet.

I don't think we mention enough what a wonderful group of people live here. For almost 2 months now we have had meals brought to us 3 times a week. People offering to take our kids on outings or shopping with them. And so many other acts of kindness, it is amazing. How can we ever repay them.  And that doesn't count our friends and neighbors in Oregon helping in so many ways.

It always seems like when we are having our toughest trials the Lord continually pours out blessings. Just to name a few; Lindsey is stronger and healthier, we are able to be here together as a family, people here and at home amaze us away with their continual acts of kindness.  There is so much love and support every time we turn around. I definitely feel our burden lifted through these and many other blessings. Thank you everyone!

 Sheila, Lindsey loved your comment and it touched my heart too. What neat friends she has. Too precious, I hope you took a picture.


  1. Stacy, it just goes to show what a kind, loving, and inspirational family the Bingham Seven and/or Clan is and therefore it is so easy to want to share kindness and love with you all!!! What can I say you are all amazing and simply incredible!!!! Thank you for sharing your family with us and your journey. It is a true honor to be able to be a part of your prayer group! :) loves, hugs, and prayers for more blessings for a healthy Lindsey and Clan! xoxoxoxo

  2. Glad to hear Lindsey is ready for foot races and praying Gage feels better really soon. It is SO hot here today, was 101 on our deck when I got home from church. Was good to see Jason and the kids sitting across from me today. Love and prayers, -K

  3. Stacy and family. I don't know your family bout I stand in prayer with you all in asking God for this miracle. Your testimony of love, faithfulness and endurance speaks loudly during this time. Everyday is one day closer! God bless each of you and all your friends that can be there for you. Jacki Adams and your friends at The Sycamore Tree in downtown Baker City. We pray for healing!

  4. We are so happy to read how good Lindsey is doing she is such a strong girl. NovaLee can't wait to scyp with Lindsey when ever is good for you guys. I will messege you our info. We are praying for Gage to beat this little anoying bug and that Lindsey gets her miracle. The Shoemakers

  5. Dale and Mike OlsenAugust 6, 2012 at 5:13 AM

    Good Morning Stacy and Jason, Love, love , love those boring days with nothing to report. Fasted for your family yesterday. Have asked others in our ward to do so as well. It is truly amazing the wonderful people out there whom the Lord brings into our lives to lift and strengthen us. Wishing you biring today. With Love and continued prayers, Dale and Mike Olsen

  6. So awesome to hear that you have help on that end too! Once again, your blog continues to be a ministry of all things good through trying times. It blesses all of us to hear of kindnesses extended to you - makes me wonder what I can do for others, and reminds me how simple acts of kindness really can mean a lot.
    Glad Lindsey has been having some uneventful days! I think of her all the time, and I about had a cow when my Lindsey Lou bracelet popped off with my gardening glove! I had to dig around in a pile of weeds until I found it - you would have thought it was my wedding ring! :-) Hugs to you all! Karen

  7. My little 4 year old granddaughter, Stella, has been praying for the "kingdoms" a lot lately. Yesterday, I realized what she was saying as she added: "that they need a transplant"
    Love you guys

  8. It's another hot sunny day in E. OR!! Logan got to visit with Megan and Gage for a quick minute this morning and she truly enjoyed it. She keeps repeating Gage's cute words spoken to her and has really made her day! Thanks Megan!!
    I hope today is filled with more happiness and health and perhaps a great surprise/miracle phone call to make the boring day a little bit more action packed!!! :)Thinking of you all and praying for the special gift and day for Lindsey to be soon!! loves, hugs, and prayers, xoxoxoxo

  9. Hey this is megan hufford and I just wanted to say hi. We think of you every day. I hope you get well soon. I am bummed about you guys going to school there and not here.
