Saturday, August 4, 2012

Aug 4, Daddy left for Oregon

11:40 pm.
Lindsey is doing great. She is less congested and hasn't had a fever for more than 32 hours. She will come off isolation tomorrow so we can go to the playroom. We'll see if she actually wants to go. She hasn't wanted to before, but that could be because she was getting sick. She is walking faster than we can push the Berlin and likes to see if she can speed walk ahead of us and give us a good workout.

A little frustration, as Lindsey started getting sick, Gage developed a cough. We are hoping it is a virus and not a cardiac issue. However, because he has a cough he is not allowed in the hospital. This tends to complicate things. Jason, Sierra and Hunter left this morning for Oregon. Thank Heavens my sister Kelly is here. She has stayed with him at the RMH, while I stay at the hospital with Lindsey. We are hoping this is short lived. He has appointments on Tuesday for his pace maker and cardiomyopathy. Hopefully he is better by then and he can come back into Lindsey's room. Jason, Sierra and Hunter will be back in one week unless we get a call. Just trying to get whatever we'll need for the kids to start school.


  1. Jason & Stacy, if I were in the country, I would love to be there helping you in anyway I could. But for now I am sending prayers for you and your family, that there will always be someone there to help you when you need it. We continue to pray for you and your little family. We pray that you will be blessed with the strength you need to see this through. We love you! We believe in you! And we believe in miracles! Love and prayers from Korea. Lynn and Cindy

  2. Glad to hear Lindsey is feeling a little better. I will keep Gage in my prayers, too. Here's to hoping it's "just a cough". Praying for miracles to come your way. Love and miss you all!

  3. I am glad Lindsey is doing better. Poor Gage. Hope it's just a cold. Keeping you in our prayers. You all are an inspiration of hope and faith.

  4. Oh Bingham family! We love you! Reading about your journey and the little update on Stephanie and Kade actually makes me wish we were there. We wish there was more we could do, but know that we pray for you often.

  5. I read your posts and show Lindsey's pictures to the kids every day. Sarah and Emma have been wanting me to leave a comment saying hi and how much they miss Lindsey and hope she feels better. I am posting today because I have to share with you what they were up to this afternoon. Sarah had yarn tied around her arm and an ace bandage around her belly. The other end of the yarn was tied to a toy baby stroller. Emma and Abby took turns pushing it behind Sarah as the played around the house. When I asked what they were up to Sarah said "they are pushing my Berlin machine". I know Lindsey is always on their mind, but today anyone could see that. Sheila

  6. Praying today was a happy and healthy Sunday, with many prayers lifted up to the Lord for the Bingham Family and for our Heavenly Father to wrap his loving arms around Lindsey and Gage and answer the prayers. Jason and the kiddos were welcomed home to a nice hot Eastern OR day with not much wind to help cool it down (sounds like its going to continue to be a warm one for the next few days!). Can't wait for Lindsey Lou to get back to breaking her obstacle course records...KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK!!!! Loves, hugs, and prayers for many more blessings--xoxoxoxo

  7. Gee it's been a busy day so I'm just now getting to check on you :) got to go cut a load of wood today.
    Then we got a message there would be surprise on our porch if we were out too long. Hmm, what could that be? No package but shortly after we got home...we got our surprise...a Riggin! He gets to hang out with us for the week, yeah! Logan has her fair so we get him! He says hi to all of you guys!
    Sorry to hear Gage has a little 'bug', hope it skeedaddles out of him fast! Glad that your sis is there and is able to help out, thank you, Lord! Hope tomorrow things are better :)
    As always, love, prayers and may God keep sending blessings your way :)
