Friday, August 3, 2012

Aug 3, Sierra's 6 year anniversary date

11:00 pm.
Well Lindsey won't be celebrating her transplant date with Sierra, she will get her own special day.  Lindsey had a much better day. She is still not fully back but doing better.  Her fever is gone but her runny nose and congestion is still hanging around.  Because of that she can go on walks but not to the play room or to the physical therapy gym.  If the fever had persisted, she would have been listed as 'status 7' meaning suspended from the transplant list until she was better.  But for now she is still a 1A priority.  So a little virus to us is a big deal to our Princess.

Enjoyed reading the comments from people. They are a strength to Stacy, Lindsey and I. Thank you for the love and support.  Today at 5:30 six years ago was the time Sierra went in.  Nice to reflect back on the miracles in our lives.

Stacy's sister, Aunt Kelly and her baby Easton are here for a few days.  She is here to help out as Sierra, Hunter and I drive home to Haines for a few days.   With her here, Stacy and I went on a much needed date tonight. It was nice to get out a bit. 

One stop we made was to REI. I didn't realize how hard that was to go in there.  Hard to explain, but everything in there are 'things' I enjoy using or doing.  But life is different now. Now we are so consumed with Lindsey and her needs, that stuff just doesn't matter. I wish it did, I wish we could go in there and buy cool 'stuff' to go elk hunting in the Eagles. But now all I want is for my Princess to eat something, for blood clots to stay away, for her blood count to come up, for her runny nose and congestion to back off, for her to gain some good weight, and for a donor to be prepared. All that other stuff is just a dream.  It was quite an emotional experience I was not prepared for.


  1. Well Adam is now thinking of charging more for his service calls, if he could change the old "treah nilreb." Anyways, I just wanted to say that its amazing how things change when you are faced with things like you guys are going through!! I just wanted to tell you Thanks for all the different perspective on life and that we are hoping for the best!! We miss you all!! We can't wait to have Lindseys smiling face back in primary!

  2. Chin up. You will enjoy those things again someday. Prayers for you.

  3. Happy to hear Lindsey is a bit better, we'll take that, it's good news!
    Thank you for letting me be a part of this time in your family :) since there isn't much I can do I am glad these comments help :) you are the ones who give out strength, courage and faith in gigantic amounts! I thank you for what you do for me!
    Love, prayers and many, many more blessings from our good and loving heavenly Father! M
    Here's to a great day for all, safe travels too!

  4. I'm glad Kelly made it safe, as I stopped in the other day, she said she was thinking of going out, didn't know it would be in the next day or two. Stacy I love you and your family, they have become 'ours' now as you share day by day experiences and feelings with us. I am so impressed by the strength you portray, it sure puts into perspective the challenges that we have here on the home-front, day by day, nothing compared to what you go through and conquer!!! I for one appreciate the 'wake-up' reminder of what is truly important in life! So many prayers are headed your way thoughts are there every day wondering how things are going...checking on your blog daily, asking Cory, Holly or Kelly every week....God is watching over his 'elite' as you really are his elite!!! A person can never fathom what their lives are going to be like 10, 20, 50 years in the future, if we knew, would you have continued, therefore not gaining the strength and endurance that you have been taught? I'm not sure if I knew that was in my future, I would have the strength and courage to continue! I love you sweet little Stacy....God loves you and is watching over your sweet have such a strong Priesthood holder to stand by your side, I'm so grateful that you have him!!! I am so grateful he is such a 'worthy' Priesthood holder to be able to act in Heavenly Father's name to bless you and your pull down the Strength from Heaven!! Much love to you....always!!! LaRene

  5. Thanks for the update! I'm happy Lindsey is doing better. Stacy and Jason you are both amazing I truly admire how you both are handling this trial and although this is backwards your faith and strength, I belive strengthens others. I have learned so much from your family on how to patiently endure and I have found so much strenght and hope in you. Your family is a blessing to so many others. Keep it up!!! you are all amazing, love you much em and jUstin

  6. Your last paragraph is so touching! We all get hung up on the "things" in our lives that we either have or want to have and it has nothing to do with what is important. We're glad you are better Lindsey Lou.. keep getting stronger so you can stay on the list. We love you and it will be great to have Jason and the kids home for a while. Having Sierra go on the trek is a miracle of its own. Love, Phil and Judy

  7. Thank you so much for your words (You made me cry, but at least I don't have my make-up on...I know it's late in the comment). They touched my heart deeply....It is so true about "things"....I now would much rather enjoy an "experience" with my kids..making memories. But as you know, this nightmare you are going through will seem like another lifetime and your family will be back to enjoying what you love. You will all get through this and whatever other trials the future may hold. I'm so glad to hear that Lindsey is doing better....all part of that rollercoaster ride.

    Sierra I hope you enjoyed your 6th heart day!! It was definitely a day to celebrate. You are doing so wonderfully!!

  8. Yay, for more blessings of ditching that fever Linsdey and for another much needed date night!!! You are still amazing the world by being so brave and strong...keep shining on little Princess! I pray your special day will be here soon and in the mean the mean time keep getting good rest to stay strong.
    Looks like a fun art project....are you going to tie the shirt, too? Logan's favorite thing to do now (thank you for the fun idea)!!
    Jason and Stacy you are both amazing parents, always remember to take time for those date nights when you have a chance, and allow your faith, family, and friends provide you with additional strength.
    we love you all so much and pray so much throughout the day. Thank you so much for taking time each day to keep us updated....its a blessing to hear how the day is going and to see pictures and video clips (which often brings tears to my eyes....wishing I could wrap my arms around you all!!)
    Loves, hugs, and prayers for many more blessings oxoxoxo

  9. Just as the others have said, I to am looking and the "things" differently in my life. it is amazing how another persons trial can make us all be teachable. watching you guys from a distance has made me Look at how I am handling things in my life. You guys are a great family and Will make it through this stronger and closer as a family. and we as a community will also be closer and stronger. I know it is strange to hear but Thank you for your strength and faith. Erin

  10. Having good Health is really the most important thing in life..Jay and I both know that...we are looking forward to our trip to North Powder for the auction on Aug. 18th....will you be their Jason? Can we get anything in Salt Lake to bring?

  11. Hope tomorrow is even better than today. My prayers and love continue for all of you. You are an amazing family. Love, K.
