Thursday, August 2, 2012

Aug 2, An off day

10:30 pm.
It started last night, but she is definitely not feeling well.  After all the hoopla with the Berlin battery yesterday, now she is not feeling well.  She threw up this morning and has a 100.7 temp.  She has had a runny nose and just feels lousy.  We did get her on a small walk this morning to the physical therapy gym for a half hour and then on another small walk this evening.  Everyone thinks it is a virus and should pass, but they watch everything pretty close.  I'm sleeping here tonight, and Stacy is home with the kids. I'm hoping for a good nights sleep.

Trista took our suburban with all our kids and Shawn to the local swimming pool. They were gone all day and had a great time.  Kinda sad to see them go tomorrow, but glad they don't have to stay for anything. They are great friends and hope Shawn continues to improve.

Watched Kade and Stephanie's boy Wyatt today while they were helping with their baby, Tristen, in the CVICU. The Dr's had taken the vent out and Tristen was struggling a bit.  They were pretty stressed with a 2 year old hanging from them. The baby is doing better now.  It felt really good to help them.

Time to get our Princess to bed.  Thank you for your comments, we read everyone of them.  I am still grateful for the prayers and support.  I met another one of the head surgeon yesterday. He was saying we could be in for a long wait.  With her positive anti-body test, size, and blood type, it could take months before a donor is matched up.

On another note, tonight is the night six years ago we all joined in prayer for Sierra.  This was the night, August 2, 2006, we signed the papers to have her go on the Berlin the next day.  This was the night we got the call.  This was the night we received a miracle.  Wouldn't that be fun if our Lindsey could share the same night.

 Lindsey pushing her own pump around the room
The obsticle course at the physical therapy gym.


  1. Six years ago was one of the spiritual nights of my life. I'll forever be grateful for all of you for asking us to all join in prayer. I will definitely forever remember that night- especially Hearing your dad say a heart was available. I have chills just thinking about it!

    I'm praying that the "long" weight ends tonight! How amazing would that be?? We love you guys! Praying that this virus passes fast for Lindsey Lou- that's the last thing she (or you) needs.

  2. Wow... six years. Sorry Lindsey isn't feeling well. You'll get better! Everyone pray for Lindsey's condition to change to favor getting a heart sooner rather than later. God is listening. Bradfords

  3. Dale and Mike OlsenAugust 3, 2012 at 4:37 AM

    Good Morning Jason and Stacy, I am so sorry to hear that Lindsay had an off day. Yes, It could be months before the donor match is found or it could be today. I was so touched by you list of specifically answered prayers last week, Jason. It has been in the forefront of my mind as I am praying for Lindsay and for all of you. The Olsens "specific" fast and prayer this week is that the donor heart will be found soon and that Lindsay will be ready for the surgery, physically, emotionally and of course spirtually and that her recovery will amaze even her doctors. Love and Prayers Dale and Mike Olsen.

  4. A joke for Lindsay: What do you call a gorilla with bananas in his ears?
    Anything you like because he can't hear you.

  5. We really feel close to your family and Lindsay through your blog and updates. We pray for her every day. Our thoughts and prayers are with you always!
    Dave and Kellie Knowles.

  6. Good morning! Off days aren't much fun but we'll offer prayers up that it will pass quickly :)
    The progress that has been made over the past few weeks is amazing so I guess she can have one, once in a while:) Hope she feels better today and your family has a good day too! Lots of love, plenty of prayers and God's continued careful watch over Lindsey during this journey! M

  7. As my day got under way I pondered on if today could be the day or if today is going to be the day the perfect donor match is delivered to Lindsey(another thing to share with Sierra). However, maybe with the off day and a fever, maybe today wouldn't be the best day and the Heavenly Father has something greater planned for Lindsey to have her own special day. Nevertheless, I continue to pray that families around the world consider organ donation and give the gift of LIFE and with my prayers I specifically ask that Lindsey be amongst the gifted one's. She has already climbed the toughest part of the mountain, I pray that the top is near, so she can stand up brave and tall and say, "YEP, I did all of that and then some!!!" Continue to allow your faith to carry your family through this journey, he is listening to every prayer that is offered up and is answering so many of them one at a time. May God Bless Lindsey and each of you through this journey.
    Lindsey Lou I hope you get to feeling better, so you can get back to playing!!
    love you much--xoxoxoxo

  8. Something must be in the air with off days! My cousin Missy said her husband Willie had some bad counts while they were home this week and had a evening and day in the local hospital. Luckily he is okay so far and they are figuring out some of the things they need to fix. I hope this virus is gone before you post again! The video was awesome! I loved seeing her, I wished we could have seen her roll her eyes at you. Imagine how much of that you are going to get from her in a few years! I hope Tristen is doing better. I sure liked their family and felt for them.

  9. We are sorry that Lindsey isn't feeling well, I hope it passes soon. I remember that night six years ago very well too. It was a night that my testimony grew by leaps and gave us all the chance to join together. We are now pray daily for Miss Lindsey.

    So Cade is a boy of few words when it come to saying his prayers. It used to be just "dear heavenly father please bless the food, in the name of Jesus Christ amen. Now all it is Dear heavenly father please bless Lindsey and gage in the name of Jesus Chirst amen. ;)

    Love and Prayers from the Thompsons

  10. Lindsey, by the way NICE JOB on your obstacle course setting a world record and going for the GOLD! It looks like you should be going with your mom and I to the gym in the early a.m. when you get back to teach us some new moves!!!Keep up all the hard work, girl! :)Thank you Jason for sharing!
    Praying for you guys and for the sweet Adrian family and their baby girl! May God bless each of you. loves, hugs, and prayers xoxoxoxo
    P.S. Thanks for finally sharing a quick clip of the chin hair....looking good!! :)

  11. Oh My....I turned away for just a second and now I read that our sweet Lindsey Lou has a virus! Isn't that the way it goes with kiddos! Well....there's nothing to be done but pray harder...which we all will! Praying for speedy healing and recovery from this little bug, and also for strength and endurance for you, Jason and Stacy! You guys are an inspiration to all of us! You walk the walk and talk the talk! God speed to each one of you...and more prayers from High Valley!

  12. I love this picture of Lindsey!- Aunt Garrity

  13. We remember that night well 6 years ago. We loved having little Lindsey and Megan in our home. We continue to pray for you!
