Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Aug 1, Megan's Birthday

7:00 pm.
Well happy birthday, Megan. 11 years today, what a big girl.  Stacy, Sierra and Megan went shopping for her birthday and I have the boys here with Lindsey.  They better have a good time.

Lindsey is doing great, but we are in need of Adam Kerns and his service truck.  This morning at 2:00 am her Berlin pump alarm started going off. The alarm sounds like a home fire alarm and was going off every 20-45 minutes.  It was driving me nuts trying to sleep!  Each time two nurses would hustle in, grab the flashlight and mirror and start inspecting the pump and Lindsey's stats.  Some how Lindsey slept all night long. Go figure.  She is fine and so is the pump, but it had something to do with the recharging of the backup battery, they think.  Because she has been going on so many walks, the pump was not getting enough charge time. There was no danger to Lindsey, just the backup battery didn't get all the time it needed for a full charge.  Thus we need Adam Kerns or Roy Tidwell or anyone else from back home to trouble shoot the Berlin.  Needles to say, it has been a crazy day.  Tomorrow they should have all the bugs worked out.

Had birthday cake here in Lindsey's room for Megan.  We had Kade, Stephanie, and Wyatt here along with Trista and Shawn Stockwell.  It was quite a party.  Tonight Megan and Sierra went out with Trista and Shawn.  They should have fun tonight.

Stacy and I are trying to figure out how to pull off the next few weeks before school starts, getting kids ready, going home for a bit, Sierra to trek, while supporting Lindsey. Just need to work through it.

 The whole family for the party.
Our dear friends Kade, Stephanie and Wyatt.

Our other dear friends Trista and Shawn. 

 Megan blowing out her "candles."


  1. Happy Birthday Megan!! Glad all is going well!! We love you all!! Cory, Stephanie, and family:)

  2. Happy Birthday Megan.

    Glad everything turned out well. I am sure Adam or Roy would troubleshoot that dang pump.

    Send Sierra home..she can fly by herself..LOL I am sure anyone would be willing to pick her up in Boise.

  3. What a Birthday to remember. Happy Birthday Megan. Crazy but i remember when you were born, we went boating either that day or the next with your dad and sierra. IT makes me feel old but it is true. ;) Erin Thompson
    P.S. I also have spent a birthday in the hospital, when i was prego with the twiners.

  4. Adam has saved us many times too. Maybe you need a bigger battery. Glad that all is going well. Happy Birthday Megan!

  5. Happy Birthday Megan!!!! I LOVE the candles, your such a cutie. Looks like you had a pretty great birthday. Your one lucky girl, miss you sweet heart.

  6. Happy Happy Birthday Megan! You are growing up way too fast! We love you and miss seeing you here at home.

    Love to all of your family and extra prayers for Lindsey's heart...and dad a nights sleep.

  7. Sounds like today was a busy day, almost just like a normal Bingham Day! Miss Megan, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! Looks like you got to have quite the party! Logan didn't get your card out early enough to get to you before your birthday, so your birthday will last longer this way! She also wants you to check your email when you have a chance :) . She has quite a story to tell you, that should make you chuckle.
    Jason I love how that chin is hiding again!!!! :)
    I'm in on the picking Sierra up at the airport....actually you should send both of the girls home for a visit together!! lol :)
    Hope tonight is a little bit quieter with less "berlin" fire drills!!!
    Love you guys and praying for many blessings. xoxoxoxo

  8. Megan, Happy Birthday and so glad you all got to spend it together.

  9. Happy Birthday Megan! Guess I'm a little late because it is after midnight. We sure missed your family at the ward Wolf Cr Reservoir party. But I posted pictures for you to see us there. Love you guys and hope you are all sleeping now without any Berlin drama. Love, Phil and Judy

  10. Happy Birthday Megan!

  11. Great pictures...what a sweet family!! So glad the birthday was happy and everyone had a good day, in spite of the 3 alarm fire!! Prayers for all continuing in High Valley, which by the way, is as beautiful as North a different way!!

  12. Happy Birthday Megan! I love all your family pictures. I love and miss you all! Aunt Garrity

  13. Happy birthday sweet Megan! Hope you had a wonderful day.
