Tuesday, July 31, 2012

July 31, 'Enduring to the End'

Hopefully the 'excitement' is behind us and we now 'Enduring to the End'. If you are thrill seeker and looking for drama, you're not going to get it here, at least not today.  She seems to be really stabilizing.  Each day a little stronger.  Still not eating, but they have gone up on her feeding tube and her tummy is tolerating it well.  They continue to make small adjustments to her blood thinner, but nothing major.

Lindsey's field trip today was to the gift shop on the 1st floor to spend her tooth fairy money.  She bought some cute earrings.

They did switch out the Berlin Heart for another one.  The battery was getting low enough they didn't want to take any chances.  There was a lot of people in here for the switch and Lindsey was getting nervous (so was I), but they were just here to watch.  It was just like switching an air compressor hose, even Adam Kerns could have done it. 

Enjoyed visiting with Shawn and Trista. Shawn had his biopsy today and did great.

We (mostly Stacy) is trying to figure out school for the kids, birthday for Megan, and other stuff. I am probably going home this weekend with Sierra and other kids.  Sierra has trek next week and we want to get her home for that.

I asked Jen, one of the transplant LPN's more about the transplant process. How the donor is identified, how this hospital is contacted, and the actual transplant process. Very interesting.  When it's not so late I will share it sometime.  Give you something to look forward to.

Chin hair is getting ugly but not braiding it.... yet.

 Field Trip at the gift shop
 Switching out the Berlin for a fresh one.  The old one gets shipped to Texas for servicing.
Thanks for the shirts!  


  1. Dale and Mike OlsenAugust 1, 2012 at 4:34 AM

    Dear Jason and Stacy, We LOVE no drama days. Each morning I check the Blog while my computer is busy loading programs for work. I must admit that I alway have a little lump in my throat as I am signing onto your Blog. It is such a joy to see that Lindsay had a good day, no complications, getting strongerabd see pictures of your little princess smiling and enjoying her siblings. What a joy to hear that Sierra is going on Trek. Soon Lindsay will be treking too. Love and prayers continue to flow your way from our way. Wishing you another NO DRAMA day (unless of course there is a heart ready---that would be the best news) Love, Dlae and Mike Olsen

  2. I don't think any of us are going to complain too much about a slow news day. It is what we have all been praying for. I can't imagine how hard the enduring part must be.

  3. Happy to hear your days are casual, won't say carefree but good with casual :) how fun for Lindsey...a shopping trip!
    Hope Betsy tells you Logan's little 'owie' story, kind of interesting :) not much slows her down!
    Here's to another casual day for all :) Love, PRAYERS and more continued blessings from God! M.

  4. Jason, Stacy and family!
    The no drama time is an answer to prayer. Having Lindsey as healthy and strong as possible during this wait for her heart is what we have all hoped and prayed for.

    Enjoy every minute of your "normal" daily routine. We are so happy your family is together and just living!

    Tell Sierra to have a wonderful Trek experience - hope to see you all for a bit soon.

    Julie & kids

  5. I just love those T Shirts and the girls in them. Judy
