Monday, July 30, 2012

July 30, A little baseball on the 3rd Floor

10:00 pm.
There really isn't a whole lot to report these days. Rounds are very short with no real changes made. They are adjusting Lindsey's blood thinner medicine a little bit. Her blood count is slowly coming back up from 21 to 26. We will take that. She is getting stronger and stronger. Today she played baseball with her brothers and sisters for physical therapy. Of course, it was using a beach ball and plastic bat. We were really missing our spacious front yard that we play baseball in. This worked though.

 Jason slept with Lindsey last night and it is my turn tonight. Sunday she lost another tooth and so she put it under her pillow tonight. She is going to make this hospitalization work to her benefit. Maybe they will let her have an outing to the gift shop with what the tooth fairy brings her. Here is to a restful night for everyone!! The wireless connection is not working so well on Jason's computer. So, hopefully I can add pictures of the family playing baseball tomorrow.


  1. I love to hear such wondeful and inspiring news. Keep it up, Lindsey Lou. We love you!

  2. So glad to hear things are still going well!

  3. So glad to hear things are still going well!!!!

  4. So glad you guys are having fun as a family. Because family is the best. NovaLee wanted me to tell Lindsey Hi for her and she's happy she is smiling big again. Still praying:) The Shoemakers

  5. It's really great to hear the good news. So glad you're doing so well Lindsey!
    Love you

  6. The simple joys of life that we take for granted! Thanks for shedding light on our lives :) enjoy your time all together! Love, prayers and many more blessings from above! M.

  7. Wow, another tooth...nice work Lindsey on keeping the Tooth Fairy busy at LPCH and the greatest is that your making her jump from one floor to the next! I am pretty sure you still deserve the higher "hospital" price for your precious tooth!!!! Logan said she thinks we should play a round of "beach" baseball here...she thinks that sounds like more fun than "real" baseball! I'm thinking it's safer at any rate! Keep working hard Lindsey at getting stronger and stronger. YOU are AMAZING! Hope today is filled with many more blessings. Love you guys and praying for more blessings and for the perfect heart! loves, hugs, and prayers...xoxoxoxo
    P.S. Jason how's the chin hair??? Yikes, are you needing a comb yet!!!! lol :)

  8. Wow, another tooth...nice work Lindsey on keeping the Tooth Fairy busy at LPCH and the greatest is that your making her jump from one floor to the next! I am pretty sure you still deserve the higher "hospital" price for your precious tooth!!!! Logan said she thinks we should play a round of "beach" baseball here...she thinks that sounds like more fun than "real" baseball! I'm thinking it's safer at any rate! Keep working hard Lindsey at getting stronger and stronger. YOU are AMAZING! Hope today is filled with many more blessings. Love you guys and praying for more blessings and for the perfect heart! loves, hugs, and prayers...xoxoxoxo the nedrow's
    P.S. Jason how's the chin hair??? Yikes, are you needing a comb yet!!!! lol :)

  9. Looks like today is going to be full of double postings!!! Not sure why they thought I was a robot and made me retry....and then decided to post it twice!!! OOPS! Must have liked my question and comment to Jason!!! :) Have a fantastic day Bingham Seven!

  10. Awesome to hear that Lindsey is gaining strength and endurance...even better for her new heart that is coming!! So grateful to our Lord for the protection he has provided for all of you so far, and equally as grateful for the loving family you are and that you can be together to meet the challenges yet to come!! Prayers from High Valley continue, as always!

  11. Baseball is always fun! Even if you have to improvise! Way to go on making it work to be together as a family. And way to go Lindsey on knocking a home run to get to the 3rd floor. Seth and I pray for you everyday. Love Aunt Garrity

  12. So happy to hear things are going well. Still praying for Lindsey and your family!

  13. Love the baseball pictures! Bet that tooth fairy loves you, I think you are job security for her.
    Our prayers are continuing. Love, Kay

  14. I was always better at baseball when I could use a beachball. It was not my best sport, I was always shocked when I actually hit the ball! It is great to see you all doing some normal things together! Enjoy your last couple of weeks before school starts. We are missing you and keeping you in our thoughts and prayers.

  15. it is great to hear that she is getting stronger. Will there be a time when she can go outside? or is she inside until she gets a heart?
