Sunday, July 29, 2012

July 29, A Lazy Sunday

11:15 pm.
A great lazy Sunday. All of us except Lindsey went to Church, then enjoyed the day together here at LPCH.

Lindsey continues to improve her strength, energy, appetite and attitude. Hunter had the brilliant idea of no electronic devices on Sunday, no ipads, ipods, kindle, or other gaming devices.  He wishes he could have taken that back. All day they have wanted to play with their toys but mom has held the line. Somehow they survived.

Had the first Sunday meal together since May in the Day Room down the hall. We had lasagna and salad. The people here in Palo Alto have been so kind to us in providing meals. It was so neat to eat around the table together and pretend we were in Oregon.  Lindsey even took a few bites. 

Had a fun treat tonight when Trista and Shawn Stockwell came in from Alaska.  Shawn was waiting for a heart the same time Sierra was.  He received his heart 4 years ago.  He is here for annual testing and treatment.  We sure love those guys. 

We are getting to know Kade and Stephanie Thomas from Adrain more every day.  At best they are going to be here a month with their baby Tristen.  She is still in the ICU on the vent. They seem to be handling the stress very well.

All in all, we are in the best spot we could be.  She is doing well and is ready for a transplant.  Once the perfect heart is prepared, she will be ready. It's been 39 days coming, but now we are ready to shave...


  1. Great update! Sounds like a nice quiet Sunday for the family, can't get much better than that! Keep up the great work Lindsey! Love, the Hamann's

  2. Yeah to a boring day! Everyone looks so happy, wonderful! Here's to more caasual days :) God bless you all, love and many prayers sent your way! M.

  3. Family Sundays are my favorite! I'm thrilled you got to be together and enjoy it. Praying for that perfect heart to arrive very soon!

  4. Yay!! So great to hear about you having a Sunday dinner together! I know all the little things that feel 'normal' will add to ALL of your healing. We missed you at the huck-fest, but you were all clearly here in spirit! I took my aunt with me and we're now both sporting our 'we <3 Lindsey Lou' bracelets! I am slowly but surely getting moved to North Powder, and am very excited to be back fence neighbors with the other Binghams! Love & prayers for you all - Karen

  5. Oh-and I have made it MY new goal to have Sundays be electronics free ( except for a quick check on your blog) and to use the iPod a lot less. It sucks you in so I will playing outside more instead!

  6. Your family looks great.

    Keep it up Lindsey

  7. Abigail's first words after watching this: Lindsey looks a lot better better, she lost another tooth? and Where are all of her tubes? That sums it up doesn't it? This is thrilling to see such great progress and what you can enjoy because of that progress. I love it! Keep it up Lindsey! We love you!

  8. I just realized I am sitting here grinning like a fool as I read about your family Sunday and watch the video. And so good to see Trista and Shawn with you all again! Hope to see you this week when we come around with Happy Wheels. Lindsey looks GREAT!!! Lori

  9. Always a great feeling and a blessing having a real meal all together and sitting around a table! I have to say I was barely able to achieve that yesterday after walking all night at our Relay For Life body wasn't too tired, but my brain was barely functioning! And when I felt a little tired pain I thought about all the pain and suffering that many of my family and friends have had to endure in their lives and I was easily able to truck on, thank you Lindsey, for teaching me how to be stronger!! Love you guys and praying for that perfect heart to be blessing little Linsdey Lou very soon! (Hard to believe Sierra's anniversary is coming up so soon, too.) Sweet dreams to you all! Loves, hugs, and prayers. xoxoxoxo bets

  10. Well I am really happy that lindsey is doing better. I hope that she keeps improving.
