Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28, Day 38 on the list

8:45 pm.
Happy to report it was a very boring day. We like those. Lindsey made 4 laps on each of her walks.  She walked long enough to run the battery down on the Berlin.  She actually can't walk much longer than 4 laps because the Berlin needs to be plugged in.  That's a great problem to have.  The nurse said that most Berlin patience never get to that point. The only noise in Lindsey's room is Hunter and Gage.  The monitor is silent, no alarms going off, just the hum of the Berlin pump and the soft squeak of the feeding tube.  She looks and acts great.  Her attitude is much better, and she gets around on her own.  Her appetite is slowly coming back, up to 5 bites of food for the day.

Sierra came home from camp today.  She said it was "very fun". That's about all we can get out of her.  She must be growing up.  It is so nice to be all together. 

Stephanie and Kade's baby, Tristin, is still in the CVICU.  Their baby, who was born the same time Lindsey went on the list, has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome and is still on the vent.  The baby has lost 2 pounds since birth and need to gain some of it back.  They have become good friends and we are sure pulling for their baby.



  1. Sooo happy to hear you had a boring day, wonderful! Glad to know you are outlasting the Berlin, go Lindsey! I bet Betsy and Logan are thinking of you while they are walking the relay tonite, don't you think? I bet so.
    Hope you have a quiet (with boys?), boring but great day tomorrow! Love, prayers and God bless you all...a bit extra for you Lindsey for showing us what courage, strength, determination and gentle prodding can do! M.

  2. Lindsey you are my hero!!! I am so happy to see you getting stronger and stronger everyday. Thank you for being such a good example to me =}.
    Jason and Stacy you mentioned your friends baby that has Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome. A friend of mine had a little boy born with that same thing and is very involved in Intermountain Healing Hearts. She has seen my posts about Lindsey and asked me if you guys belonged to it. I'm assuming you do because Sierra just got back from camp. If not she would love to get you their support group info. (for you and or your hospital friends)

  3. Sometimes I love boring days!! I am in awe of the improvements. They are amazing and I know the doctors are good but I also believe there have been a lot of prayers answered! I wish Stephanie's baby were doing better. It is so humbling to see her small girl with the same ugly scar down her chest. I am glad you guys have each other to support one another. Love you guys!

  4. Nice work Lindsey and you really are tougher than those boys in your class...I bet they couldn't make 4 laps happen!! Keep it up girl! So happy to also know that your fun and spunky self is shining bright!! Take care and may the Heavenly Father continue to bless Lindsey and your friends baby. loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo bets

  5. Lindsey,
    I was able to hear about your journey through Facebook, I have been reading your story all morning, you are a beautiful and strong little girl! God never gives us more than we can handle, you and your family are in my prayers! I can't wait to hear more as I know God has you and your family wrapped in His arms!

  6. She is looking so strong. I hope the baby starts improving.

  7. So happy to hear that Lindsey is doing so well. I keep checking in, even though I don't comment every day. Checking on Lindsey has become part of my day.
    You all are still in my prayers.

  8. Way to go Lindsey. So happy you're feeling better and your family is all together.
