Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8, 8 am, Still on the vent,

Stacy came over at 2:00 am. Lindsey was awake and pretty anxious. She actually did have some what of a boring night. Here is where she stands. Blood pressures are stable. The bleeding has stopped. They have given her several blood products to help the blood clot.  The Berlin isn't showing any major clot. The right lung still hasn't fully inflated. Her right heart pressures are still elevated.  Some of the blood she was bleeding out has clotted up around her lungs and heart.  They are not sure what to do with that. The drain tube can't pull that out.  The doctors are talking to the surgeon (who we have seen way to much of) to see if they need to scope it out in the operating room. They are getting ready to take her down to do a CT scan to see how much blood is there and get a better idea of what they are dealing with before taking her to the OR.  This is going to be quite the show.  Lots of people required to take her downstairs for a scan.

So right now Lindsey is on the vent, wakes up periodically, and the nurse is NOT running around crazy.  I just talked to nurse about her day yesterday.  She said she was completely exhausted and didn't have that sense of completion. Today it seems to be much more calm, lets keep it that way. 
Talking with the nurse about the importance of us as parents not getting caught up in the moment. We are her support group, cheerleader, and the reassurance that she will pull through this.

Stacy is going to stay her with Lindsey Lou and I'm going to take Megan and Gage to church. It will do us all a lot of good.  We gain  so much strength from taking that time to pray, worship, and remember.


  1. So glad it calmed down for all of you. And good advice from the nurse-Lindsey needs to see you cool and collected but good luck with that. We miss you all here and tell Stacy I really miss her. Love you guys!

  2. A friend of mine posted your story on FB. I just finished reading all your old posts since this started. Our prayers are with your family! I am so glad you have a ward there to go to. Tell Lindsey a family in Dakar, Senegal is praying for her and the whole family.

  3. So glad to hear your night was less eventful and that you have the opportunity to attend church today. Sure miss all of you sitting in your row at Baker Valley Ward. It's going to be really hot here today, maybe Alice and I won't need jackets during sacrement meeting.ha ha Praying that all of you have a good day.

  4. Better news to go with today, we'll take that! Sounds to me that you are sure ucky to have some (what sound to me like!) pretty good staff taking care of Lindsey :) If Gage has a nickname, Lindsey's should be Lindza-riffic! May our good Lord keep you wrapped in His love and care, God bless!

  5. We are fasting for Linds today. We are always looking for your updates and are grateful things have chilled out for the moment! We love the Bings!

    Love the Yecks

  6. Also happy to hear last night was more quiet and boring compared to yesterday's day. Take each day as a new day and know that Lindsey is receiving the BEST care and love she can receive (also easier said than done, right?!) Loving the idea of the nickname and of course you could always add Princess to that, making it Princess Lindza-riffic!!!! Praying for a good day and asking for more positive steps forward. May God bless Lindsey Lou and this day!!! xoxoxoxo --Betsy

  7. So hard not to get caught up in the ups & downs of the craziness. I'm Judy & Phil Whitley's daughter in law & I have posted several links on FB about your story. You have such a heart wrenching story. Know that we pray for her & your family. May you have peace & comfort through this difficult time. So glad there is a ward there that helps support you also.

    April Whitley

  8. Thinking of you...praying for you...and love you!!! Gosh...I just struggle reading all your posts. It's just so real and the feelings you express...I get every word of it!!! I truely feel for you and in all honesty can say I completely understand that rollercoaster ride of highs and lows! You want to hold on so tightly to all the high days. For me that's what kept me going. Jason, I remember those days looking out the window...watching everyone else living there lives and just longing for when it would be our turn to do that. Your turn is coming!!! You surely start looking at life in a whole different perspective. Never taking a day for granted!!! Our Heavenly Father is watching over you...loving you...and putting his arms around little Lindsey. Love you guys and want you to know my thoughts and prayers are with you. A day doesn't go by without thinking of thanks for the frequent updates on your blog.

  9. I am Gus and Olivia's Mom. The twins are in Lindsey's class at Powder Valley. We have been following your blog. We wait anxiously every day for any sort of hope and good news. Your family is always in our thoughts. We feel so helpless watching the struggles you all face and wish there was something more we could do. Sending many healing thoughts your way and wishes for peace, strength and comfort for everyone. Please tell Lindsey Gus and Olivia say Hello and they hope she will be feeling better by the time school starts next fall. Much love, The Mack-Skeels Family

  10. Hi Stacy. I don't know if you remember me. I am a Spackman. I grew up next door to you. This breaks my heart. I have been keeping you and your family in my prayers. I am so happy to hear that last night was more quiet and calm.

  11. Hi Stacy. Heard your story from a friend and have passed it on. I host a college-age Bible study and they are awesome prayer warriors. Know that you and your family are being covered in prayers. Praying for wisdom for all and health for your family.

  12. Seth and I are hoping for a calmer day today for you all. We really love you and miss you. We pray for you and the doctors....alot. Aunt Garrity

  13. Stacy, Logan said today that she "would take that nasty flouride any day of the week if it could take Lindsey's pain away and make her healthy again." Thought you would enjoy a little humor, especially knowing how well she loved getting out of flouride!! :) :) Love you guys!!!! xoxoxoxo

  14. Jason and Stacy, we love love love you!! You guys are a hero team that are such amazing examples to all of us right now. We are praying for you and your entire family... as sooooooo many others are. Continue to be strong, have hope and faith, and trust in the Lord. He is watching over you in this time of need. Remember the Footprints poem... he is carrying you through your toughest trials.
    Hugs & Loves, the Hibberts

  15. We are praying for your family. I am Elizabeth Smithson's sister. She's been keeping us updated and I want you to know that I am hugging my children tighter and thanking my Heavenly Father for my blessings. You are an inspiration and please know that there are so many people pulling for you and praying for you.

    Sending our love,
    Drostan and Jennifer Orme family
