Sunday, July 8, 2012

July 8, 4:00 pm

Megan and I just walked over from the RMH. Gage and Stacy are going to stay home and take a nap.  Gage was behind on his pain med and was a bit of a dragon.  I warned Stacy, but she insisted we come over.  Megan and I ran out before she changed her mind.  

Today has been a much more stable day. We have the same nurse as yesterday and she was just telling me that she has been running less than half as much as yesterday. They are still watching and 'chasing' her blood pressure, Berlin, lung pressures, and a lot of other stuff, but nothing like yesterday.  This morning they did the CT scan to look at the fluid around her heart and lung.  Most of the fluid had been drained by the chest tube, so no immediate need to scope that out.  Good. At 2:00 pm they did a scoping inside her right lung to see why it is not inflating. The good and bad is that they didn't find anything. That's mostly good, so now it just needs time to re-inflate.  They increased the vent a bit, but now they need to watch the left side for damage.  As always with this, they are walking a tight rope. The internal bleeding from yesterday was caused by to thin of blood, which then caused huge chain reaction to correct.   Still no plan on when the vent is coming out.  Lindsey wants it out!  They say the right side of her heart is really working to hard and has enlarged a bit.  That's no good, but again, we have to trust what they are doing as they perform this balancing act.  They haven't started the blood thinners yet and they are watching the Berlin for clots.

Megan, Gage and I went to church today for the full block.  It is always good to get out, dress up, and go to church. Stacy stayed here with our little princess.  Next week I hope Stacy can go.

Attached is a cute clip of Lindsey rinsing her mouth out with a wet sponge.  She would do that non-stop if they would let her.  Right now Lindsey is pretty awake, she writes us notes to tell us what she is thinking.  The latest notes say (and I quote), "Its hard to breath, Were is Mom? I don't want x-ray! I want it out! They lide (about the tube coming out today). Y don't they want me to breth? I want a drink, I want Gage to be kwi it' (that's funny) you get the point".

The other day, before the vent was put in, she was asking who was standing at the head of her bed.  Stacy told her no one was.  She insisted there was someone there.  Then she said, 'OK, they are gone now'. Hard to doubt the support she is getting from all sides.

We are sure missing Sierra and Hunter. We hope to have them down this next weekend.  As a side note, Ben Tidwell sent me a very nice letter with a joke in it.  So Ben, if you are reading this, you did make Stacy and I laugh.  Thanks.

 Stacy and Ashwin, one of the heart failure doctors.  He inspects her Berlin at least hourly


  1. O-My word Jason, its so good to see her responding to you, your such a GREAT Dad...

  2. I'm with Bonnie- you are an incredible dad Jas!! Your kids are very blessed to have you!! I'm so glad today has been a more stable day! What a blessing!

  3. I bet it was Grandma. Don't u think?!? You know she is right there next to your Princess just bragging to everyone else how strong her grandkids are :). I had a lot of people approach me at church today asking about your sweet Lindsey and tell me they are praying for her. Hang in there Jason. Angela are watching over your baby!!

  4. Here is a joke to cheer Limdsay Lou..., what color is a belch? burple. Love, Dale and Mike Olsen

  5. This is a comment my mom text to me. Her computer keeps switching to Korean and she says the only thing she recongnizes are the red questions marks :)

    Jason, you are such a cute loving dad! We can all feel the love you and Stacy have for your little angel princess.

    Lindsey, you are the strongest, bravest, and most beautiful super hero princess there is. WE BELIEVE IN MIRACLES!!!! WE BELIEVE IN YOU!!!

  6. I happened upon your blog. Our family will pray for all of you. I can not begin to imagine what you are facing from minute to minute. But one thing you can be sure of is the constant watch and care God has over you.

  7. I am glad she has people on both sides rooting for her. Next time have her ask who it is.

    Still praying for your family. I am glad you liked Ben's note.

  8. My name is Karen and I am friends with your cousin Debbie in South Pasadena, CA. I learned about Lindsey and your familiy's truly unbelievable challenges through Debbie's Facebook posts.

    I just wanted to let you know that your family is in my thoughts every day. I am sending love and positive energy in any method I can.

    Here's to more "boring" days, with a new heart as the only thing to break up the boredom..

  9. Thank you for the video, I love them. So glad for a better day today :D Keep up the good work Lindsey!! Were Cheering for you :D LOVE YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!

  10. Hi! We are from the Elgin ward and have heard about your family from friends in other wards. I just wanted you to know that our family is thinking and praying for your family and your precious children daily. What an example of love and faith you are to your family and many others. Though we've yet to meet, we feel a special love for you guys and will hold you all up in our thoughts and prayers continually!

    The Buckley Family

  11. Keep after it Lindsey! You are doing great! Can't wait to see you in two weeks. We have our bracelets and wear them all the time. Love Michone, Ashley, Kalli, Landon and Ryan.

  12. I'll bet Grandma has the heaven equivalent of Facebook and a blog and is gathering the masses to root for Lindsey, just like we are here. We sure love you guys and are praying for a nice, stable, restful night.

  13. Thanks for sharing your sweet daughter with us! Continued prayers are being sent on your family's behalf.

  14. Hi there Binghams! This is Aunt Garritys friend, Erica. I have always thought the world of every member of the 'Bingham Clan'. My thoughts and prayers have been with you all daily since this journey began. I am truly amazed at the courage of your children. Their strength is a testiment to your familys faith as well as the grace in which you are handling this as parents.
    Our hearts are with you all.


  15. Hi! I read your story in the newspaper. Although I don't know you, I grew up in Haines and have some same acquaintances. Your families strength, love and faith is amazing and inspiring. Your family and especially your daughter, are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for sharing your story.
    Kelly (Zimmer) Jensen

  16. Our thoughts and prayers are with you! I was in La Grande primary presidency when we had that amazing fast for Sierra... so sorry you are going thru this all again.
    Lori & Terrol Marshall

  17. Glad to hear your day was less stressful. You guys are indead great cheerleaders. I'd have you cheer for my team anytime. Megan, I know it means so much to Lindsey, Gage and your parents for you to be there. You must be caption of the cheer team. Hope you all rest well tonight. Love, Kay

  18. Praying for a positive quiet night that will allow Linsdey to gain more strength. Lindsey Lou you are one courageous little beautiful girl. Can't wait for the video clip to be of you and your much deserved popsicle instead of the sponge!! We are cheering for you every minute of the day! Loves and prayers, sleep tight Princess Lindsey Lou! xoxoxoxo :) P.S. Praying and hoping Stacy survived her lil dragon, may God bless him with having less pain.---Betsy

  19. Hey linsdey lou.We love you and are thinking of you every step of the day.Cant wait to go bowling when you get back. Stay strong!!!!!
    with love

  20. For what its worth....the Palfreyman family is praying for you too....all the way from Stuttgart, Germany! Every prayer that is said in our home includes your family.
    Ann (Keen) Palfreyman

  21. Jason and Stacy, I came across a devotional reading this morning that I thought I would share. I feel like it has so much to offer knowing that the worries and fears are at the forefront for Lindsey. I know it is alwasys easier said than done to say stop worrying; however, I hope this will help shed some light.
    "STOP WORRYING long enough to hear MY voice. I speak softly to you, in the depths of your being. Your mind shuffls back and forth, hither and yon, weaving webs of anxious confusion. As My thoughts rise up within you, they become entangled in those sticky webs of worry. Thus, My voice is muffled, and you hear only 'white noise.' Ask My spirit to quiet your mind so that you can think My thoughts. This ability is an awesome benefit of being My child, patterened after My own image. Do not be deafened by the noise of the world or that of your own thinking. Instead, be transformed by the renewing your mind. Sit quietly in My Presence, letting My thoughts reprogram your thinking." This is from Sarah Young's Devotions book Jesus Calling.
    I really pondered on this message as I feel that it is an inspiration and calling to know the good Lord is right there and holding Lindsey's hand every step of the way (and the Angel's). Leave the worrying to him and let everyone continue to pray for good things for Lindsey.....continue to be the cheerleaders and cheering for all the needed blessings!!

  22. Jason and Stacy,

    Words fail me when I go to write comments. I served with Garrity in So Cal. And I remember praying for Sierra.
    I have kept your family in my prayers since I chatted with Gar about a month ago.
    Thank you for sharing the experience about "Who is that?" I firmly believe that you are being watched over, protected, comforated and healed through this time. Things of eternity ALWAYS make me weep, and writing this is no exception. You both are amazing parents and thank you for all that you do: Even when you are on the last limb of exhaustion.
    - Still reading along. Hannah Richins Beck.
