Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9, Day 20 on the list

Stacy here. Jason stayed the night with Lindsey.  She needed it. She doesn't sleep much.  They did 3 or 4 chest x-rays throughout the night.  She tries to sleep, but couldn't.  Jason did get some sleep in his comfortable '3 Chair Combo'.  I stayed the night at the RMH with Gage and Megan, who both needed a good nights sleep.  The only hard part of having them here is they don't get to bed until really late every night.  We hate to leave Lindsey until she is asleep which usually puts us at home at 10:30-11:00 PM.  That is if one of us stays there with her.  The kids are used to going to bed at 8:00 PM, so after a few days of this it really starts taking a toll on them.  Both Jason and I want to be here with her, but it has worked to do the tag team approach.  Heaven knows Lindsey can't handle Gage for too long after he gets tired (neither can we).  So, that being said, Jason stayed home at the RMH with Gage to let him sleep with his pain med drawn up to give the second he wakes up.  He is so stinkin' cute when he is sleeping and when he is feeling good.  It has been great to have Megan here.  She is trying to find things to do with Lindsey, but frankly Lindsey just isn't feeling up to anything yet.  This as been a really slow recovery from a fall back.  Of course, baby steps a little at a time.

Jason and I were talking this morning and saying how Lindsey just isn't joking or anything.  We were saying that we didn't blame her.  She has a tube down her throat that they won't take out.  It blows a lot of air down her throat which dries it out, "as dry as the sun."  All she gets is a wet sponge.  She still feels nauseous and gags like she is going to vomit, so they have to suck any of the contents in her stomach out of her feeding tube so she doesn't vomit. Her chest is hurting every time she coughs or gags at the incision sites and where the chest tube is in her side.  She feels "cruddy" from loosing a lot of blood and having her on lots of meds to help her heart and her blood pressure.  And she is only 8 years old.  I don't think I would be in a very good mood either! As far as we know there has not been anymore re-inflating of her right lung.  We will see what the doctors say at rounds.  Lets just get her well enough to get off of the vent.  They still have her listed as a status 1A, which I am grateful for.  Part of me hopes that she gets a lot more stable before one comes though.  This would make her recovery from transplant very long.

Rounds are going on right now. It is hard for Jason to listen to rounds.  They talk about a lot of stuff.  He just wants to know what they want to tell him.

10:00 am. Rounds are over and here is the official status.  All in the right direction.  Her right lung is showing a small amount of inflation.  They are going to give her a med to help break up the mucous in her lung, if there is any. She is going to stay on the vent with the increased pressure to help with that.  The Berlin pump looks good.  There are small clots but nothing alarming (says who, any clot sounds alarming). Her right heart function is pretty strained, hoping the improvement of the lung will help with that.  Chest tube will stay in for a while, just in case.  There is still a little drainage from the tube.  They may start the blood thinner this afternoon.  We confirmed she is still a status 1A, she has not been moved off the list to a status 7. 

Thank you for comments, prayers, and jokes. They all help


  1. Thanks for posting Stacy. I know a lot of us are waiting to hear how she is doing. I don't blame her for being sick and tired of it all. Nick and I were talking about how we would be in her situation and we both decided it wouldn't be good, especially not as good as Linds. I hope she can get more stable soon! Tell her we miss her!

  2. Thank you for the update! We check all day long for any updates and pray constantly that she can be strong. I would handle all of this with a lot LESS grace then all of you are handling it. What an inspiration you are to all of us. Our testimonies have grown and we are better for seeing what great parents you both are. Stay strong Lindsey! We love you!

  3. Thank you so much for keeping us updated...I read the blogs everyday.
    Keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers everyday.
    Brittany (Willitts) Marrione

  4. Tell Lindsey Good Morning, From the Nedrow household. We pray today will bring more strength and some humor back to her little self. :) Hope Mr. Dragon feels better today, too. Tell Megan to not give up on thinking of little things to do with Lindsey as I am sure it is good for her to have her thinking else where. Our hearts go out to Lindsey for all the pain and agony she is going through. She is an amazing and strong little girl, who is teaching so many of us how to be stronger, too. Hope your's and Jason's day of "cheerleading" go well. You are both truly an inspiration to everyone. We love and miss you all and look forward to the day this journey ends with a Welcome Home party for all of you with Princess Lindsey Lou being the center of attention, of course!!! love and prayers always for each of you, xoxoxoxo

  5. She is going through a lot poor thing. I hope her body starts to heal and feel better

  6. I marvel at the strength of Lindsey and your whole family. We are lifting you up in prayer daily. Please know, that many, many people care. From Gina and Lynn Perkins

  7. So sorry you're miserable Lindsey. Things will get better. You'll feel better soon.


  8. I agree with everyone Lindsey is amazing and doing much better then I would be doing, way to go Lindsey!!! I also want to add that you and Jason are doing amazing as well, what amazing parents you are!!! I could only hope to hold it together like you!

  9. Dear Jason and Stacy, You have no idea to positive impact the 2 of you are having on people literally all around the globe. Your faith and courage through this unbelievable trial are opening hearts, and building bridges. More on that later when your lives settle down and I can share more with you about what many people of have sent me via email. Much love to you and continued prayers coming your way from all over. My dear Lindsay Lou, Hang in there, honey. Here is a joke of the day to hopefully get a grin: Why was the baby ant confused?
    Because all his uncles were ants! Love, Dale and Mike Olsen

  10. Hello Jason & Stacy--we knew Jason at Utah State a long time ago. Jeff's brother, Mark, told us about the remarkable challenges you and your family are facing. You can add the Adams family to the list of those praying for you. Thank you for sharing your intensely personal story. ~~Jeff & Julie Adams

  11. Funny story...during one of my many daily stops at your blog, I was watching the video Jason posted of Linds and the sponges. Addyson (she is 2 now can you believe it Stacy?)came and sat on my lap and was completely enthralled by it. She didn't move a muscle the whole 4 minutes! I turned to her and whispered this is Lindsey, the Lindsey that needs a new heart we pray for. She looked at me and got the biggest smile on her face like she was putting it all together and it all became real for her. So cute! ♥ you Lindsey Lou, love the Roseborough clan ☺

  12. Hello, I am Natalie(Seth) Bingham's sister Marcie. We live in cache valley ut. I have a daughter that is about the same age and Lindsey and she thought Lindsey might like her joke... How do you make a kleenex dance? Put a little BOOGIE in it! :) We love you all!

  13. Jason & Stacy, we read your blog daily and are so incredibly inspired by your faith, strength and courage. We are praying for Lindsey, Gage, your family, and your medical team. Your story has touched our lives and the lives of so many. We are ready to help in any way we can. With love,Doug, Heidi, Taylor & Ashlyn Dalton

  14. I wish I lived closer to you. I would come and help with the kiddies. Love you and hope things even out soon. I can't imagine what Lindsey is going through. It must be absolute torture with that breathing tube down her throat. I pray for strength for your whole family. Love and big hugs from the Pratt family.

  15. You know, Stacy, I would be glad to send the Spartan cheerleader costumes down for you and Jason if it will keep you inspired! :) I'm sure it would make Lindsey and Gage laugh, but it would probably embarrass Megan to her core! Great fun! Thanks so much for updating. I check several times a day because I just know that the next time I check is going to be great news. We're keeping your family in our prayers always. Love and miss you! The Fritz's

  16. Checking and praying daily/hourly. Give Lindsey a big, (soft/gentle) hug from Mrs. Tannehill! I'm so thankful to you both for providing details to those of us who are waiting with you from afar. You are both just so amazing - sharing it all is such a blessing to the rest of us!!
    Hugs - Teacher Karen
