Monday, July 9, 2012

July 9, 9:00pm, It's dragging on

The day has just drug on for Lindsey. Not a lot to report. We are missing our kids and looking forward to seeing Sierra and Hunter next week.  Stacy's mom, ReNae, is coming tomorrow to help with Gage.  Lindsey is wanting her Mom or Dad around the clock ( and I don't blame her).

Her right lung continues to show small improvement but still has a long ways to go.  She is still on the vent to help with that.  Her right side of her heart continues to struggle, still hoping the pressures go down as the lung inflates. There are increased clots in the Berlin, but not enough to change the pump out.  There are a lot of drs and nurses coming in to look at it. They are going to start the Heperin (blood thinner) tonight. They are going to watch it very close, they now know the level that will cause the internal bleeding. Lindsey still has quite a bit of pain.  About an hour ago she ranked her pain a 8 out of 10. Her blood pressure and heart rate have increasing lately. Not sure why. And that is the stuff I know about.  They are watching a whole bunch of other stuff. It is such a huge balancing act they are doing.  Stacy had to give me pep talk.  Lindsey is going to make it through this. They still have options, even if they have to use a 2nd Berlin or switch out the pump, they still have options.

I think Gage has turned the corner.  He has been one wound up little 3 year old today.  His cute little  personality is coming back.

A reporter from the Bend newspaper, The Bulletin, came by today to interview us and take pictures. I guess an 11 year old from Bend received a heart the same day Gage received his pacemaker.  He had been waiting 3 months.  So there will be an article in Bend's Sunday Bulletin newspaper about both the kids.

It will sure be nice to get the breathing tube out of Lindsey. She is so miserable.  Never smiles or jokes.  We tell her all the cute jokes and we are yet to get a smile.  So keep the cute little jokes coming.  Right now her favorite thing to do, other that sponge her mouth, is play on the computer website webkinz. I hold the key board and she plays her little games.

So here is to day 20. Day 21 is the day Sierra received her heart. Stacy will be staying here tonight.  Hope all goes well. Thank you for comments. God Bless.



  1. Novalee hopes she is enjoying her webkinz cow she was worried she hadn't resived it yet. We are praying Lindsey and her sister have the #21 in common. NovaLee would like you to tell her she is the bravist person she knows and she misses her. The Shoemakers

  2. Jason and Stacy I was just noticing that you have 45750 views on your blog. I swear I am responsible for at least 20,000 of them. Any spear minute of my day I check your blog then Facebook then your blog again. You all are constantly in my thoughts. I cannot tell you how grateful I am that you share so much. You may or may not know how many lives you are affecting. It seems odd that we are coming here to support you in your trials however, it is your trials that are teaching us the biggest lessons. Thank you!

  3. Jason and Stacy, you guys are absolutely amazing! I'm sure you are well beyond exhaustion, but when it comes to one of our kids, we as parents put the exhaustion behind us and fight on.
    I'm sure it is going to be such a blessing to have stacy's mom there to help with Gage!
    Lindsey, you are doing so great!!! You have the BIGGEST support team behind you and your family.
    Thank you all for sharing your journey with all of us.
    Always thinking about and praying for you.

    PS.... Lindsey,
    What is worse than finding a worm in your apple?

    Finding half a worm in your apple :)

    Shannon C. (Baker City)

  4. Well, this is sure to make Lindsey smile...

    It's a little ditty I wrote in high school called "Tree Trouble."

    There once were three boys who approached a tall tree;
    Said the first to the second, who was bigger than he,
    "There must be a way to get past this tall tree;"
    So the first (and the smartest among all the three)
    Merely walked up and stepped 'round the tall tree;
    Then the second (and strongest among all the three)
    Simply climbed up and back down the tall tree;
    Now the third (who was dumber than rocks in the sea)
    Walked straight ahead, smacking into the tree!
    So ends the tale of the boys and the tree,
    And ashamed, I admit... yes, the third boy was me.

    Hope you're feeling better soon, Lindsey. Even if you can't make those lips smile, keep smiling inside. 'Cause when you feel good inside, your body gets better faster. True!

    Kevin Bradford

  5. Just want to let you guys know that so many people over here in the John Day area are praying for Lindsey. I have had several friends ask us if we know you guys. They have found out about Lindsey by word of mouth, Facebook, church, the newspaper, etc. It's amazing how much people care. The number of prayers going up must be growing every day! Hang in there. Love, the Dayville Thompsons.

  6. And He will bless you. Keep up your spirits. We pray for you and worry for you and wish you all the best. And we pray for a heart for Lindsey.

  7. Jason and Stacy- Our little girls are the same age, so it breaks my heart to see little Lindsey hurt so much. I'm grateful for Stacy having becoming an RN, so that she can understand the Doctors and care for your children. I appreciate reading your updates. Our prayers for your family continue in New Mexico!

    Denette (Davison) and Family

  8. What a blessing it is to hear Gage is starting to get back into the swing of being cute lil Gage again and hope the dragon has left the building!! Linsdey Lou that day filled with rainbows and the pot of happiness is coming soon. Stacy, it will be so good to have your mom around and I'm sure the kiddos will really enjoy some grandma time. Hope to see a smile out of Lindsey before your mom gets there, but if not I bet she'll get one!!! We love you each and will continue to pray for Lindsey's strength and the pain to go to a 1!! Xoxoxoxo the nedrow's

  9. Lindsey and Family, The Swanson Family would like you to know how strong, brave and amazing you all are. You are in our thoughts at all times. We are greatful for the updates, and hope that any minute that heart will come. From our hearts to yours we wish you the stength and courage you need to get to the next day. Much Love to you Lindsey Lou Who, Jason, Stacy and Gage too.
    Where does ice cream come from?
    A cold cow:)
    Where does chocolate ice cream come from?
    A brown cow:)
    How do you find a lost rabbit?
    Easy just make a noise like a carrot:)
    Why did the pig want to become and actor?
    Because he was a big ham!
    Lots of silly smiles to you all

  10. Dear Jason and Stacy, we continue to send our love and prayers. You are never far from our thoughts.
    Here is a joke for Lindsay Lou with love from Dale and Mike Olsen:

    A police officer stopped a lady driving a car full of penguins. The policeman said "Take those penguins to the zoo."
    The next day he saw the same lady with the same penguins and said, "I thought I told you to take them to the Zoo."
    She said, "I did. They loved it. Today were going to the beach and then we‘ll go get some ice cream."

  11. Thank you for my reality check! :) Yesterday I was grouching about the weather affecting my job......I hadn't had the time to read your blog and when I did...I realized how minimal my problems are, thank you....
    We'll pray today will be a good day in the history of your family :)
    You are both so strong, whether you feel it or not!
    God bless you! M.

  12. Thank you for my reality check! :) Yesterday I was grouching about the weather affecting my job......I hadn't had the time to read your blog and when I did...I realized how minimal my problems are, thank you....
    We'll pray today will be a good day in the history of your family :)
    You are both so strong, whether you feel it or not!
    God bless you! M.

  13. What an amazing family you have. Tell Lindsey that Heavenly Father will not give her anything she can not handle.

    I am praying for improvement. And a heart of course.

    I am glad Gage is recovering well.

  14. We think of your family daily. If I were in your place, I would have been admitted to the psych ward by now! I try to remember that the key to the promise that the Lord won't give us something we can't handle is that we need Him to with us to do it. You've proven that to be the case, and it inspires us all to be faithful as well.

    Tell Lindsey Lou that we are thankful for her and her friendship. Dallon asks everyday when she will get her new heart, and we tell him that Heavenly Father knows when it will be. We love you Lindsey and we are praying for you and keeping you in our thoughts when we are not praying.

    One day at a time, one hour at a time, one minute at a time, whatever you do to keep going is working.

    We love you and miss you all,
    Lacey and the rest of the Arvidsons

  15. For Lindsey:
    -Why do cows like being told jokes?
    Because they like being amoosed!

    -Why did Mickey Mouse take a trip into space?
    He wanted to find Pluto!

    -Why do hamburgers go to the gym?
    To get better buns.

    Brittany (Willitts) Marrione

  16. Lindsey: Why did the chicken cross the playground? To get to the other SLIDE! ; )

    Hope today is a brighter one. Keeping you in our prayers.

  17. I forgot to mention, that I was walking down the street the other day and a friend of mine who has girls about your age, read about you in the newspaper and told me they were writing you cards to send. She figured I would know you because of living in the area---you are touching sooooo many lives and so many people care! People you've never even met.
