Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 10, 11:00 am, 'A Deep breath'

Day 21 on the list and day 11 on the Berlin, and Day 4 on the vent. 

That is what Dr Bernstein just told me after report, "You can take a deep breath, she is doing much better".  Interesting Megan and I prayed for 3 things last night...
     1st,   Her right lung would inflate and improve.
     2nd, With that improvement, her rv (right ventricle) would stabilized, not improve, just stabilize, and.
     3rd, The clots in her Berlin would not get worse. 

I can say each one of those things happened.  The doctors are using their wisdom, experience and team work to walk this tight rope while performing a juggling act.  Bernstein likes that analogy.

Stacy stayed here last night and she said Lindsey was coughing quite a bit.  A very painful process on the vent. That coughing was probably part of her right side beginning to expand. They are wanting to extibate (take the vent out) later this afternoon, maybe around 4-6:00 pm.  She still has quite a bit of pain.  She ranks it 6-8 out of 10.  They do give her pain meds as needed.  The clots in the Berlin look better than yesterday. Yesterday they were expanding and growing, but this morning it looks a lot better, and fewer clots.  Her right heart is still pretty bad, but is stabile enough with the meds she is on. Again, I believe that is an answer to Megan and I and hundreds of other prayers said on Lindsey's behalf.  Thank you.

MaryEllen Andersen sent her a glass prism that turns in the sun.  It creates little rainbows in the room as it turns.  She likes that and points at them.  It is her way of knowing it is morning. Thanks MaryEllen.

Talked to my Dad this morning.  He made a comment to her about how cute AND tough she was, and how her and Grandpa were going to pack a big deer out of Log Creek someday.  He got a smile out of her. It was a nice moment.

So today they are not going to change much other than the normal monitoring of blood thinner, Berlin, pressures, etc, and hopefully take the vent later.  Mary Burge, our social worker, came by. We were asking about the transplant list.  She confirmed that Lindsey is the only one in this hospital with her size and blood type.  There are younger kids, 2-3 years old, with different blood types. But no one her size and blood.  So now we just need a excuse to shave this chin hair off.

Stacy's mom is coming for a few days. That will be nice.  She can help organize all the cute gifts and care packages we are receiving.  With her here and Lindsey improving, I may be able to start back into my work a bit.  Even when I have had time to work, my mind and soul has been so consumed with my child I haven't been able to.  Maybe today.  Stacy is amazing, she is off getting her fingerprints taken at the police station so she can get her California nursing license.  I love that woman. 

I need to remember the highs and lows.  But today I thank my Heavenly Father for the blessings and miracles in my life.


  1. Good for Stacy! That's awesome! She is awesome!! I'm so grateful for a good report! What a blessing! Thank you for being so great at updating! It truly means so much to know what is going on and what specifically she needs prayers for! Love you Jas!!

  2. Jason, you made me cry! There's nothing like the love of a father and the special feeling of being "daddy's girl". Like my dad, I am sure you have made each of your girls feel this Way. Stacy, like you husband, you are simply amazing. I am so grateful for example of faith, hope and courage. Lindsey, I have NO DOUBT that you will help your grandpa pull a big buck off the mountain. You keep fighting! I will always look up to you and admire your bravery! We love you Binghams!!

  3. Jason, you have an unbelievable way with words. It is amazing how well you get your feelings across while going through such hard times. There is no way I would be able to do this! Thank you SOOO much for the updates that you give us every day, and sometimes every hour, you truley are amazing. Today is a GREAT DAY TO SHAVE, keeping our fingers crossed.
    Love, The RAsmussens

  4. Jason and Stacy,

    I think I heard hundreds of people take that deep breath along with you. At least I know I did. I have rarely pray as hard as I did when I heard Lindsey's lung had collapsed.

    Love you guys!

    Matt Huff

  5. WOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOO!!!!!! Go Lindsay!!!!! (thank you, Father in Heaven)
    That made me so happy I feel another joke coming on:

    Knock, knock.
    Who's there?
    Hatch who?
    Bless you.

  6. So happy to read that report. You are doing it Lindsey! Keep fighting hard - you have hundreds and thousands of people rooting for you.

  7. So happy you got some good news today,. Power of prayer is amazing. jason we all understand that your number one priority is, and should be, your family. work will always be there and take comfort in the fact that only a few of your clients actually remember that secret code. :) the Hamann's

  8. Jason and Stacy, you definately have the best support group i could ever imagine. I'm always touched by the love that pours out for all of you from people's comments. i know that you know how blessed you are.

    Q. How do you make a tissue dance?

    A. Put a little boogey in it!

    We love and miss you! janelle

  9. Jodi and I constantly check the updates, its good to hear that Lyndsey is doing a little better. hope they can get the vent out for her today. We are praying for you all of you. So reading comments it seems that Lindsey likes jokes so what did the bird say when his cage broke? cheap cheap.. :) keep smilng you guys.
    Matt and Jodi Millburn

  10. Such great news that prayers were answered! I agree with Becca, we appreciate the updates and I'm sure it is a great way to get a lot off your chest at the same time.

    So glad things are improving. Lindsey you are doing amazing, keep up that fight and keep
    S.C~ (Baker City)

  11. OK to take a deep breath and give thanks for a bit of good news ... thanks Lindsey and Jason because I was ready to pass out from holding my breath. So darn, you guys are missing some really HOT weather and RED FLAG fire danger. Beards can be really hot (so I hear), so Jason it is a good day to shave.:) Love you all! Phil and Judy

  12. Thank you, thank you, thank you. My soul is so overwhelmed all I can say is, I love you all. Tears of joy. Please please please, let them be able to take the tube out so she can breath on her own.
    Carol pratt

  13. That sounds like a good report. Even if it is small.

    Stacy I admire you so much. I bet it is a wonderful feeling to care for your child in every step of the way. Good Luck on getting your Nursing License

  14. Jason,
    I have been reading this for the past few days. what a strong family you have. you guys are dealing with the unbearable and being so positive - what a great family :) your little ones are so brave. i am sorry she is going through so much pain ( as u all are ) I hope everything keeps improving :) prayers and thoughts with you all!
    Amanda at Robbins' Eq

  15. I'm thinking you both deserve medals of courage, faith, love and so many other things! Princess Lindza-rilla gets one (or more!) for her courage and feisty spirit! It's amazing how many people your story has reached and touched! Uniting all religions for such a great cause :) Lindsey will get her own special number soon! God bless all of you, all the hospital staff included!!! M.

  16. Ok Lindsey.....
    1.)which takes longer? Running from first to second base or from 2nd to third base???
    2nd to third because their is a "short stop" in between.
    2.)What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire? Frostbite
    3.)What did Geronimo say when he jumped out of the airplane?


  17. Praying for even more miracles and I know they will come. Kay

  18. Thanks for blogging and keeping us informed...it really strengthens my faith to see how the Lord is blessing your family, and to see the faith which your family has! It also makes me try harder to be grateful for what I have, and not take things for granted. We are grateful for the improvements, and we will continue praying for more! You and Stacy are awesome, and we look forward to seeing you back in Baker with all your beautiful children!

  19. Praying for you all. I hope she continues to improve. Baby steps. Take care of yourselves!
