Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7, 8:30pm, Praying for a boring night

To be honest I'm not sure where we stand.  The doctors think they may have her stable. Her blood pressure is still a bit high.  Still on the vent and lightly sedated.  They have been working on her ALL day long. One of the Drs has literally been steps away from her door.  It is time for someone else to get the attention.  Her right lung still hasn't fully inflated.  She is mentally responding appropriately when asked question.  This suggests there is no serious brain bleed or stroke at this time.  Still off ALL blood thinners to try to get the bleeding under control.  Seeing her in this condition after yesterdays walk was sure hard to see.  I have felt faint and dizzy, I have also wept and prayed several times today for my Princess.  Hope this is a day we never have to relive. Stacy is so strong.  I am truly hoping for a calm and boring night.

Today I saw kids and families walking around, biking, shopping, playing, fighting, and just living their lives.  They have no idea what a blessing that is.  That seems like such a fantasy.  Maybe someday ....  God bless

As a side note.  We thoroughly enjoy and gain strength from the comments made.  We would greatly appreciate those leaving anonymous notes to leave your name.  We enjoy knowing who you are.


  1. Little Rock and Big Rock: The ups and downs are staggering. We love you all, and you're in our prayers, of course, and we anxiously await more news. I cannot tell you the number of times we've wept for you both, but please know that we draw strength from you - it's all backwards from what it should be, but that's the way it is. The Little Rock and Big Rock Binghams are teaching us all humility, faith, trust, and patience. We will keep the faith. Thank you for your wonderful example.

  2. Im a friend of Garrity's. Jason and Stacy you guys are AMAZING and so strong!!! I pray for your sweet family daily. Lindsey is so beautiful and is a fighter like her mommy and daddy! I pray for a boring night for your family! Good night

  3. Life truly is a gift and oh how you have shown that to us and others. Value every moment life and time is to precious. We love you and pray for you. Thanks for all the updates and we will continue to look heaven ward and know that you are in Gods hands. Love Joyce and the Yorks

  4. Been thinking and praying for you and family all day today. i hope you have a very boring night.

  5. Jason I have always told Stacy from the moment Sierra got so sick, that she was the strongest friend I have ever came across...I still feel the same about that, but I also think it is important to let you know that you are equally strong and brave. Sometimes I think some mom's have that extra instinct and Lord knows Stacy has her extra awesome bedside NURSING skills that get to help your precious little Lindsey feel more confident. You are both amazing friends and PARENTS who care for your sweet kiddos like no others!!! Continue to know that we are all sending sincere prayers for positive steps forward and that the Heavenly Father will make things better for Lindsey soon. We love and miss you all!!! Thank you for always keeping us up to date...I'm constantly checking throughout the day and night and it is a true blessing knowing how Lindsey Lou is doing and knowing if we need to add to our prayers as her conditions change (rather the conditions stay on the positive side though!). With many, many, loves and prayers for each of you. xoxoxoxo (my signature is the xoxoxoxo!!! :) ) --nedrow's

  6. Love you guys! Hang in there! We are praying for comfort for you and Stacy and for Lindsey's health to improve! You are so amazing and strong! We have been forever changed by seeing what you are going through! One day believe it or not this will be a distant memory. I remember someone telling me that when I was going through chemo and I never believed it was true. It is I promise!!!! You will be that family all together playing again!!! Hang in there!! Xoxoxo the Ripps

  7. We are praying for you here in Idaho! Our hearts go out to you all going through so much. Wish we still lived out in Mountain View to help.

  8. I believe in Lindsey. She is taking the punches and swinging back. And I believe in Jason and Stacy. In my book, as long as you don't give up, you're BEING strong. There is no truer measure of "strong." Superman is fantasy, but you guys are real. You're doing it. This won't go on forever. Keep trusting that God will lead the docs right, and that His blessings will come when they should. They will.

    God bless, and may you be granted a boring night with lots of sleep.


  9. Your family is in our thoughts all through the day. We celebrated the high points you had yesterday and are saddened by the recent lows. We just continue to pray. You are both amazing strong parents. Prayers for a quiet night for all tonight. God bless! The Hamann's

  10. We are praying for a calm night for you!! Let hope you get some sleep and that Lindsey improves! My mom is still traveling around their mission, but she wanted me to tell you Jason ad Stacy that she loves you both and is constantly pouring out prayers for your entire family.
    She also asked me to Just share with you that as much as your world has been turned upside down and nothing seems right, that our Savior is always there. He will never leave you. He has suffered The pains Lindsey is feeling, and the pain both of you are feeling. She loves you both so much and is constantly thinking of and praying for you!

    And Lindsey Lou, Aunt Cindy says, "Uncle Lynn and I love you so much! Keep fighting Princess! We can't wait to take you to Lake Powell with us again when we get home from our mission and when you have your new heart! Just keep fighting!"

  11. I am humbled by what you both are going through and what your Princess is having to endure. I do thank God each and every day for the two beautiful children that I have. Each and every day I thank my lucky stars that I get another day with them. No matter what burdens I have to endure, they are nothing in comparison to what your family is experiencing. We don't know God's plan, just that he has one. Praying for a nice, boring night for all of you, and that the worse is over.
    A. Sexton

  12. I agree that Stacy is amazing. But you, Jason, bless me with your honesty and vulnerability. Your strength is the kind that makes you unafraid to bare your soul and lay ot all out there. That is just what your wife and your precious kids need - to see you as the earthly model of the Father's unconditional, unchanging love. Thank you both so much for your brave detailed sharing. It brings us to our knees...... and keeps us there.

  13. You stand in Jesus' loving arms. He will get you through this. If nothing else your family is bring countless people to their knees. I'm one of those people! May God's will be done is my prayer. My name is Vanessa Tachenko, I'm from Baker City but currently live in TN.

  14. Wow. So much has happened in the post 24 hours! I wish I was there to do something to help. I'll be back tomorrow and will be there for whatever you need. We have all of you constantly in our thoughts and prayers!! You really are unbelievable parents! I'm praying for another huge change back in the other direction, that of great progress, in the next 24 hours!! -Liz

  15. As Betsy said yesterday, moms often get the credit for being strong but Jason you are right up there with Stacy! Just in a different light :)
    So hard to understand God's plan for us but we need to always look to Him and trust in His plan :)
    We have you in our prayers constantly, all of you! Lindsey has a feisty spirit which has to be what is giving her the strength to fight this fight! See what you blessed her with! Thank you again for letting us into your world. I encourage any and all to check out your blog. To me it's a reality check....I have NO reasons for any complaints :) monica

  16. I check on y'all every day, several times a day. You are in my constant prayers.

  17. I'm like Betsy - I'm checking your blog day and night to keep up tp date. When I roll over in bed on a sleepless night, I say a prayer for you all. You'll have to forgive me if I just grab you all up in a hug when you get back - I feel like I know you so well now.
    Jason, as someone said earlier, your willingness to share your fear, vulnerability and faith, is such a blessing for all of us. This blog is a ministry, whether you realize it or not.
    Love and hugs - Teacher Karen (Hunter's kinder-teacher)

  18. Dear Jason & Stacy, I work with Stacy and have been praying for you both and for the kiddo's! Your strength as you walk through this is amazing. May God bless you with joy in the hard times. Healing for the kids and love and laughter even when you don't feel like it. May the peace that passes all understanding guard your heart and minds! Will continue to keep you in my prayers. Cindy

  19. Dear Jason and Stacy. we continue to keep you all in Palo Alto, the kiddos at home, the donor family and all the medical teams involed that will see your little princess through this. The Olsens are having a special family fast on this sabbath day. I can't help as I read your bolg reflect back to when David was in intensive care. David loved jokes. Even when he was feeling lousy, jokes made him smile. I don't know if your little ones are joke fans but in case they are here's one. with Love, Dale and Mike Olsen

    What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus?
    Will you hold my hand, hand, hand, hand, hand,
    hand, hand, hand?!

  20. Sometimes I think we have highlights to give us strength to push through the tougher times. Your family is incredible. I admire your faith and courage! We pray for you guys every day. My oldest, Eva, checks for updates more than I do! You're an inspiration.

    Linnea Rich Olcott

  21. I hope you had a boring night too. So sorry to hear about the set back. I pray it won't be long before Lindsey is back out there punching the stomper.
    Lori B said it so beautifully.
    You both are so strong and wonderful!
