Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 14, A visit from the Allen's

9:00 pm
What a day.  Best day she has had yet. She went on her morning walk and sat in her chair most of the day. I did some computer work, Stacy played games with Lindsey, Megan and Gage went with Michelle shopping for the day. Thank you Michelle, they had a ball! Lindsey then went on a 2nd walk and made it to the hallway where the sun was. She is getting there.

Talked to Sierra a couple of times today. She woke up with a fever so my parents took her into EOMA and found out she has strep throat.  Should be very treatable with antibiotics.  Hopefully she will have this under control before she comes down with Hilary and Garrity on Monday.  This is the longest we have been away from her (and her meds).  Been quite an adjustment for all of us to watch her mature and take big time responsibility.  I am sure proud of her.  Hunter is having a good time where ever he is.

We had a real treat this afternoon. Brad and June Allen and their entire family came by to visit.  Lindsey was soooo excited. She was grinning and smiling and responding better than we have seen in a long time. She even let Mom and I go on a date together while the Allens stayed with her.  It was the 1st time we had been away from Lindsey in over 3 weeks. The Allen's were spoiled, this was her best day yet for visitors.  Stacy and I went out to the Creamery for dinner.  It was sure nice to get out together, and Lindsey had a lot of fun with the Allen kids.

Tonight we are going to go out on a limb and leave her here.  We are all going to go home and sleep in a real bed.  This 3 chair, 3 pillow, 3 blanket combo is getting very old. 

They let me have Lindsey's first Berlin Heart pump.  Great paperweight for the office.


  1. So thrilled that you were both able to get out TOGETHER!! Delightful to see Lindsey smiling and "up and about." Great news all the way around. Hugs and prayers from the Paughs Thanks for the continuing updates.

  2. Don't some of the best people ever live in Baker Valley? What a great thing for all of you to have such special visitors. So glad to hear Lindsey had such a good day and you were able to get away for a while. I'm sure everyone you know is breathinng a sigh of relief tonight. We had the most horrific hail storm here today that I've ever seen. So much damage. I don't know if you're fb friends with Don Turner but if you are you should look at the pictures he posted. You won't believe it. Thanks again Jason and Stacey for keeping us updated, it means so much. Sending love and prayers your way.

  3. Sooo happy for everyone, one GOOD day down MORE to come.....

  4. Wow, a DATE!!! Good for you guys....thank you Allen Family! I bet having the Allen's show up for a visit was a fantastic surprise for Lindsey Lou. What joy her smile brings seeing her so happy. Hope everyone has a very blessed night with good rest and sweet dreams. Praying for a solid nights rest for everyone to gain strength and for Jason to stretch his legs out without having to do the 3 chair combo!! xoxoxoxo Bets

  5. That's so great that the Allens came by and you guys got to go on a date sometimes us as parents need that time with each other without the kids. And to see that great big smile on her face is a wonderfull sight. Keep it up Lindsey your doing great
    Praying for a great nights sleep and a even better day tomorrow. The Shoemakers

  6. So thrilled! To see those eyes a little brighter and a smile. Wouldn't this be a good night for a heart?

  7. Awesome update! Happy for the day you've had. Praying your night goes just as well.
    Kit & Kristi McCauley

  8. What a great update. I hope you had a great date and I pray that Lindsey will sleep all night and have a great day tomorrow.

    I is nice to see that smile back on Lindsey. YOU GO GIRL!!

  9. Wow! Wow! Wow! Lindsey has such A beautiful smile and it is so great to see it, and her eyes so bright, keep up the good work Lindsey, I am sure these walks are not easy. I hope everyone had a great night sleep.

  10. Praise! So happy for you all and so wonderful to see some pictures with big smiles from Lindsey. Great you two got to have a date night and some time together on your own. Keep trucking Lindsey...the days will be better!

  11. Oh my goodness what a joy to see Lindsay actually smile!!!!!!

    So glad Garrity and Hillary are coming. Those 2 have also always brought the sunshine with them. Hope Sierra is better QUICKLY. I'm sure she is excited to be seeing all of you! Our continued love and prayers! Dale and Mike Olsen

    A joke for Lindsay and Megan (maybe Gage):
    Why is 6 scared of 7?
    Because 7 ate 9!

  12. Hi, been reading the blog every morning. Thoughts and prayers with you all. Have shared Lindsays story with Cara and so she is keep up with the news also. Good to see the pictures of the Allen family. Love, Karen Brock

  13. Hooray for another GOOD Day!!! Loving her happy smile with the Alllen's! I'm so happy you were able to go out on a date!! I'm sure that is therapy for each other. love you guys!!

  14. So glad to hear she had such a good day! Thanks for updating all of us so often and so completely. You all are often on my mind and in our family's prayers. Fasting for Lindsey today--happy to be able to do something!

  15. It's so wonderful to open your blog to such happy news, again, thank you Lord for hearing our prayers!
    Glad that EVERYONE had such a great day! You are all deserving of that, yeah!!!
    As always, may our Good Lord keep hearing our prayers and continue granting these awesome steps in Lindza-riffic's road to recovery!
    (You didn't let Stacy 'wrangle' dinner for you???)
    Love, prayers and God's blessings! M

  16. Jason, Stacy and family,
    We love you all so much. You have gone through so much together! Our fervent prayers are in your behalf...I know that you can "FEEL" the power of Prayer from many, many people. Heavenly Father is aware of you and your precious family. hang in there and know you are loved!

  17. Hoping and praying that today will be another great day. May God bless you all with strength and may your faith continue to grow stronger each day through this journey.
    Also praying that Sierra's antibiotics are kicking in and going to kick the strep before her travels many times will that girl have to deal with that this year?!?! She is quite the trooper. It's a good thing you guys have raised such responsible and loving children to take care of themselves and each other. What a blessing! Hope this will be the end of it! :) Love and many prayers to each of you.

  18. What a great update!! All very positive and it's so nice to hear. I love how they have the Berlin all wrapped up like a package :-) You are all doing a great job! Keep up the great work and let's hope for more days like this one!! I'm hoping everyone gets a good night sleep tonight!! Let's pray for that! Can I get an AMEN? :-)

  19. "Great Paperweight"--you are still hilarious. Maybe tell Lindsey that one.

