Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 15, Sunday afternoon

2:00 pm.

We all slept well last night.  A real bed felt wonderful!  Bryson and Levi volunteered to stay with Lindsey so Stacy and I and the kids could go to church.  That is sure good for us to do. Helps us recharge our batteries for the week.

Lindsey has been off today. Not sure why.  The surgeon (Katz) took out one of the chest tubes this morning. We are now on a first name basis with the surgeon, Dr Katsui (Katz) Meada. Ain't that just great. We ambulated (walked ) at 1:30 and it was a real pull.  She was fighting, crying and complaining of pain the whole way.  We didn't make it nearly as far as yesterday. The pain seems to be coming from the chest tube and Berlin sites. 

Couple of hours ago a  clot formed.  It has grown fast enough and just like that, all 4 doctors including  'Katz' have been in (on a Sunday) and at 3:00 pm they are going to change the pump out. Learning more about these pump changes. They actually tie her hands and feet down to keep her from moving.  She has to be very still and not touch the sterile field.  She is pretty anxious about the procedure.  They may need to sedate her a little bit.

The Allen boys, Bryson, Levi, and Logan were very disappointed that Steve Young wasn't at church today.  They were hoping to see the big guy.

Sierra is feeling better and very excited to be back here with the family.  I hear Hunter is doing fine.

Time to go.  Team is here and ready to go to work.


  1. Dear Lord, hear our prayer! Give the doctors the knowledge to switch the pump swiftly and safely! Guard Lindsey, keep her safe! M

  2. Glad you got a good nights rest and have had such a helpful group of friends this weekend! Hang in there Linds on these off days....lots of prayers and love out here pulling for you! Julie and family...

  3. Oh - so thankful for sleep, and church! I know it's helpful to do those things that makes one feel 'normal' in abnormal circumstances. Give Lindsey a big hug from Mrs. Tannehill! :-)

  4. Jason...the procedure may be over by now, but I continue to pray for total and super human wisdom on behalf of the medical team, for comfort and peace and no pain for Lindsey, and for the " peace that passeth all understanding" for you and Stacy. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people are praying and pulling for each one in your family. We wait anxiously every day to learn how things are progressing and thank you for keeping us filled in.

  5. Happy to hear you got to sleep in a real bed and to attend church together. It must have been wonderful. Lindsey, I'm sorry for your pain. How I pray for the gift of a new heart for you soon.

  6. Jason and Stacey, I forgot to mention that I visited with my friend Hunter this morning. He told me he was going to California tomorrow and he was so excited. He is such a cutie, I just love that boy.

  7. Lindsey, hoping that your off day turned to an on day after your body adjusted to having the pump switched out. I pray that the pain around your tummy and near the tubes on the pump will go to a 1 or a 0....makes me sad to know how much this is hurting you. I hope you enjoyed the Allen's visit. We pray that tonight will be blessed with more restful sleeping for everyone and that Lindsey will be blessed with less pain tomorrow and that her gift of a heart is just around the corner. In the mean time continue being the BRAVE girl you are and continue to teach those boys how to be TOUGH!! We love you Lindsey Lou and send lots of prayers for you throughout the day. xoxoxoxo bets
