Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 14, Out come the staples

10:00 am.
Scary but I think we are having a good day. They have her on a pca Morphine drip which has her pain under control. A pca is a patient controlled analgesia devise that allows Lindsey to control the pain med by pushing a button.  Don't we all wish we could have a 'button' to push.

Her fever is gone, she hasn't thrown up but is feeling quite nauseous right now so who knows, and she is back on maximum tube feedings. No major clots in the Berlin and she is on a small dose of blood thinner. 

Her chest tubes are still showing some internal bleeding so they are watching that really close.
Things can change pretty quick but right now things are good.

Had the surgeon's assistant in to take the chest staples out on both Lindsey and Gage.  I think the pictures below explain their respective reactions.  Took 3 of us to hold Gage down.  Wow, he can scream!

So for today here is the plan (per her mother), get her up, brush hair and teeth, potty on a real toilet and go for a walk, take a midday nap, then do it all again this after noon (while helping her mother hunt, gut, and cook the buffalo:).  

Megan is going shopping with Aunt Bonnie's niece Michelle and her kids.  She is very excited. Sierra, you will have your turn.

Forgot to mention, 6 years ago yesterday, July 13, 2006, Sierra was placed on the transplant list.
Here's to 25 days of chin hair!

Lindsey enjoying the show

Gage NOT enjoying the show


  1. Like I said...the Bingham Clan is tough as nails.....Go Lindsey! Go Gage! Go Stacy, Go Jason.....sending you courage and strength and wisdom and comfort and love and prayers, unceasing, across the miles!

  2. It sounds like you have a big day planned. Lindsey look a little better today with out that VENT. I wish we was closer to HELP if you can think of any thing we can do in Salt Lake PLEASE call us. I'm glad Micheiie can help out with the other kids she's a sweet heart. Praying for your family every minute of every day..not a minute goes by that your not in my thoughts,

  3. My brother & I no longer have staples to hold us together, but we do have lots of love
    That comes from all over, from family & friends & our Heavenly Father above!
    Prayers continue for you sweet LindseyLou & your entire family, you are all so inspiring! God' blessings & <3 :)s. JRee
    What do you get when you cross an elephant w/a fish?
    Swimming trunks!

  4. You make me laugh Jason, its crazy the difference between shows. Also I have been waiting and waiting to see a picture of your chin hair, so glad to finally see it :D Love you Lindsey your super strong :D

  5. You guys are amazing and a true inspiration to the rest of us when we think we are having a tough day. Keep up the faith! Oh yea, Reece says tell Lindsey to hurry up and get better. He misses his equal and needs her to keep him straight. His exact words were, "I need her to come back and boss me around." Rake care and our prayers are with your family.

  6. Prayers from Roseburg. So thankful for Lindseys progress. Praying especially for strength for Mom and Dad as you continue through this with your kids.

  7. eedsnsp Dear Jason and Stacy, I saw this today and thought of you guys. Thank you for the incredible "Bingham beauty" Love and prayers, Dale and Mike Olsen

    “People are like stained-glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there
    is a light from within.” ― .

    And a joke for Lindsay and Megan:
    Why can't your nose be 12 inches long?
    Because it would be a foot!!

  8. Thank you, Lord, for the progress made today! Praying for a smooth restful night! God bless! M

  9. Maybe Sierra needs to give Gage the same advice she gave Lindsey a few weeks ago. I can't believe how calm Lindsey looked and how terrified Gage was....I'm thinking I would be like you Gage!! (poor little guy...I wanted to cry for him...) You go Lindsey on always being so BRAVE! Keep getting lots of rest to gain more strength and we hope your tummy is feeling better. We love you all and pray that many blessings will continue to bless the Bingham family and the mighty, beautiful, and uplifting hearts that each of you have. xoxoxoxo

  10. We love to hear the good news! We pray for you specifically everyday. I am looking forward to seeing you next week. Love Aunt G
    ps. nice ac/dc shirt jason
