Friday, July 13, 2012

July 13, 10:30pm, A walk

Lindsey went for a walk today and did well.  Didn't break any land speed records but she did a great job.  Walked out past the nurses station and back. She sat on her thrown (which is my bed) and helped mom with crafty stuff. She did throw up earlier (grr) and she now has a fever of  38.8c.  They are giving her some antibiotics to hopefully fight it off. They cut the feeding tube feedings in half from 70 to 35 cc per hour.  Hopefully she can keep that down.

Received a lot of nice cards and letters from home.  Megan and I opened and read them all to Lindsey. The cards were all very nice, many of those people I don't know and will never meet.  There are a lot of loving generous people in the world.

I am going to sleep here again tonight on the 3 chair combo.  Stacy has some sort of cold and is trying to avoid Lindsey.  I think I have this sleeping here thing figured out.

Talked to a guy named Chris from Fox News in Portland.  They are wanting to come down and do a story on our peculiar situation.  They may come down next week when we have the entire family here.  Could be interesting.

Dad sent me the mail from back home.  There was a letter from the Heart Clinic for each kid they evaluated. It was a copy of their clinic notes regarding the findings for each child.  It was a bit hard to read.  As much as I want this all to go away and back to our 'simple' little life on Talley Dobbins Lane, with our garden, yard, trees and all this other 'stuff' in our lives, the reality is that each one of our kids have serious heart issues. The issues are all in different stages and different levels of urgency, but they all do have heart problems (even my 'muscle' man Hunter).

I still have a firm faith, hope and believe in the power of prayer.  I pray God will bless the doctors with wisdom, bless Lindsey's body to resist internal bleeding as the they start the blood thinner, the Berlin will not form clots, and the fever or infection will subside. I am so grateful to my Heavenly Father she is able to hold down the feedings and go for a walk. I just pray tomorrow will be a little better than today.

I am so grateful for the overwhelming support we are received from friends, family, the community and complete strangers.

Here's to a good nights rest and a good day tomorrow.

 Stacy and Megan fussing with Lindsey's hair on this 'Fun Friday' wearing the clown noses.

Going for the big walk.

The Princess on her 'thrown' ready to give orders to her subjects. (which I faithfully obey)


  1. I am one of Betsy sisters and we have never met but I feel like I know you all through her. I am truely amazed by all your strength, courage, faith and love. Stacy and Jason you are just awesome! I check your blog several times a day waiting to read your daily postings. I think of your family often, share your story daily, and pray continually! Lindsey you are one tough lil princess! You keep strong lil one. Your heavenly father is right by your side! God bless you all! ~A

  2. I'm so happy that Lindsey's days keep getting better! I saw an infomercial today with something that might make Lindsey's walks a little more exciting so I hope I can find it online! I really appreciate the time you spend updating your blog. I have lots of friends that read it daily and pray for you guys! Keep being strong! We love you!

  3. I'm one of those strangers, but I've been following your and Lindsey's story for a few days. We're praying for all of you.

  4. This "stranger" is going to bed smiling after seeing Lindsey sitting on her throne and walking. Thank you for letting us be a part of your family by your wonderful sharing. It is a joy and a privilege to pray for you.

  5. I'm glad you faithfully obey all of her orders :D GOOD DAD :D Love your nails Lindsey very cute. Praying you all get a good night rest and for a better day tomorrow :D Love you all Lacey

  6. Sending more X's and O's.
    a huge thunderstorm rolled through last night. Serious lighting strikes that hit the ground outside of Haines, in your 'hood' and in Baker City. A little 'bumper' is passing over us right now. We are listening to morning thunder.
    Prayers for all your beautiful children and to both of you - their wonderful parents.
    Lindsay looks great on her thrown!

  7. Hi, Bingham Family, this is Kimberly Wilkinson, I am Jay Binghams Niece. I am so amazed by your family's strength and love. Jason, I love your posts, they have so much raw emotion in them, you wear your heart on your sleeve, and it really gives us folks that are not there a true sense of how her condition is at that moment. Your Family's situation has taking over my life, its all I can think about, I find myself checking for posts or updates way more than I should. Lindsey is the strongest little girl I have ever known, give her a big love from me. Thank you so much for keeping all of us up to date. Love, Kimberly

  8. What great news..Keep it up Lindsey.

  9. Wow! What an awesome day you had! You just proved Friday the 13th is not a bad day, good job!
    We'll keep praying that you continue to keep being SO strong and brave! May God keep blessing you with these small steps, don't want to wear you out!
    Love, prayers and God bless you all and for your 'pioneer' mama to get past that bug :) M

  10. NICE JOB, Lindsey Lou, you continue to AMAZE us all by your STRENGTH!!!! Keep up that awesome spirit of fighting. We love you and pray for you often throughout the day; likewise, your whole family is in our prayers, that the Heavenly Father will to continue to guide, protect, and keep his loving arms wrapped around each of you. xoxoxoxo the nedrow's

  11. Thank you for sharing these updates - there are a lot of people following your journey. A TV station now?! When I was talking with Sierra, Hunter and Leslie in the park, random people spoke to them by name -- Leslie looked at Sierra and said this isn't exactly the best way to be famous. :) But I look at it this way: it's more people praying! There's quite a spread planned for the Bulletin on Sunday, and the Herald has the stories for Monday. From there, who knows how far this story will go?
    - Lisa Britton

  12. Yeah for going on a walk!!! I love to see you sitting up and smiling again Lindsey!!!

  13. Hey Lindsey, way to go on the walking!! I missed seeing you today, and your beautiful brown eyes. It was very special for me to spend a few days with you and your awesome family. I love you so much!! Keep up the walking and especially the smiling!
