Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23, Meanwhile back at the Ranch....

Hi Lindsey, Stacy and Sierra
Thought you would like to see how things are going back home.
The garden is doing well and it is really warm.
The house is kinda lonely without you and Mom here. 
Love you and see you soon
 Gage out digging up weeds
 Gage looking for raspberries
 Some pretty flower by the front door

 The garden in all its glory. 
 Megan showing off a back flip she learned from the Yecks. (Notice that fence in the background, wow)
 Another glorious garden photo (How about that chard)
 Gage-a-realious asking, 'Peas Daddy, Push me Daddy, peas!'
 Missing you on a Sunday afternoon


  1. You've got a beautiful place there with a lovely garden. Love seeing everyone in the last picture - what a terrific family. We're so glad Lindsey is doing well and pray her blood count goes up so she can have more energy. love you all.

  2. My name is Traci and I'm friends with Garrity and Seth. My parents got me hooked on your blog when I went home for a visit to Vale over the 4th of July. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers, and your faith and positive attitude are remarkable. Hopefully you can all be home together for a Sunday evening soon!

  3. I saw you guys on the today show. My heart goes out to you and your family and will pray for you. My husband and i adopted a little girl last year. She was 15 months when she came to us. She had a heart transplant at 10 weeks of age due to cardiomypathy. She is doing great. We just took in her 17 month old half sister june 20th and due to somethings that i noticed with her we are waiting for a echo to check to function of her heart. I know god can work wonders and he will do the same for your family.

  4. Love your yard and garden, its such a great place to live....Your whole family will miss your little family while your in California... But you'll be back befor you know it....

  5. Thanks Dad, we really liked the pictures!

  6. Talk about an idyllic place! Love the mountains and the wide open space--something we are quite short of back here. Love and prayers, janelle

  7. Love the garden it looks great. You have carried on the tradition of the raspberries and the big garden. We love you and grateful for all the little miracles and glad to see Lindsey up and about more. God bless you all. We love you Joyce and the 5 boys
