Monday, July 23, 2012

July 23, The Today Show....Ready for our close up?

3:50 pm.
Well it is really different seeing yourself on national TV. Glad we had the kids there to make it adorable. Lindsey liked seeing herself but thought she sounds different in real life. Gage's belly looks just as cute on TV and boy is he proud of his scar.

 Lindsey is doing great!! The only concern they have is, she has a really low blood count. Normal would be around 35 and she is 23. If you have ever been anemic you know how tired and weak you feel. Normally they would treat this with a blood transfusion. However, being on the transplant list you want to avoid transfusions. With each blood transfusion you receive the antibodies that are in that persons blood. They want as little of those antibodies as possible for a transplant. They have her on iron and another medicine to help stimulate red blood cell production. BUT, they are still drawing about 10-12 ml of blood a day checking labs. So our big thing today is consolidate. The doctors were discussing how they can consolidate the blood draws so there will be less blood drawn for labs daily. They also talked about what IV's they can discontinue. Hopefully in the next few days she will be rid of most of her tubing. I know she will feel a lot better if she can drop some of those lines.

She went up to the physical therapy gym and played some fun games. She did great and tolerated the walk there very well.  She is still struggling at night.  She called me at 11 pm and 2am crying and wanting someone.  She also called her Daddy back in Oregon at midnight and talked for 45 minutes.  She is tired of the route and sometimes just wants her mom or dad regardless of the time of day or night.

Funny story. Lindsey is funny about her ipod. She is very possessive about that little devise.  She does not want anyone playing with it especially Megan or Hunter.  Whenever they get on it, she gets ticked off and changes her password and doesn't want anyone to know it, even Mom and Dad.  We have very lovingly explained to her that Mom and Dad WILL have access to her ipod and WILL know her password.  We have also had to swear an oath that we will never reveal the password to her siblings!

Sierra is off to transplant camp. She is nervous and excited all at the same time. I think it will be an amazing experience for her. Jason is home trying to figure out where I put everything (i.e. birth certificates, social security cards, immunization records, etc) for all the kids. It is amazing how frustrating it is to not be right there and just get it for him. I am trying to be patient on the phone, because I know he is trying so hard. Apparently I need to get more organized. I feel for him and the crazy few days of trying to prepare for a long stay here with everyone. I love you and appreciate the amazing person you are Jason. Good luck!!


  1. The kids and I all watched the tv. It was really good. I am glad to hear that Lindsey is doing better.

  2. You guys were great. You have a beautiful family! Still praying for you. Take Care!

  3. Stacy the kids and I just watched you guys on TV. The kids were happy to see you guys on the TV and I, of course, cried. You guys looked great and did an amazing job. I was hoping that they would tell us how we can help you guys because you won't....I couldn't find anything. Can you give me some suggestions of things you might need??

    I am so happy to hear that Lindsey is feeling a little more perky each day. That means when the perfect heart is available for Lindsey her body will be strong enough to get her transplant and recover quickly.

    We love you guys so much.

  4. Hey Stace...I just watched you on TV. You guys are amazing. You have such a cute family and you look as beautiful as ever :) I wish I lived closer so I could just come sit and talk with you. Lindsey is such a sweetheart. I just want to give her a big squeeze. I'm so glad you've had some great days...I pray they continue. Love ya!

  5. Loved seeing you on TV. Just like someone else said, I cried, but you did such a nice job, so composed and natural. Poor Jason, I can only imagine trying to guide him long distance while he searched for things. We visited the Vietnam Moving Memorial Wall today and I cried there too but it was amazing. Sending love and prayers. -K

  6. So much positive feedback from friends here on your 'show'! They were so happy to 'meet' your family, especially Miss Lindsey Lou! All agreed, way too short!
    So glad the days are going better, getting ready for her 'special' day :) keep up the great work! As, prayers AND most of all may God keep blessing you on your special journey! M.

  7. You don't know me. My name is shannon and I work for 104.7 KCMB /99.9 the river in la grande. You're story had touched my heart in more ways than I can explain. Prayers to you and you're beautiful children. The radio stations I work for are announcing fundraisers for you're family as much as possible and are keeping you in our thoughts that you're prayers will be answered.

  8. Hey Jason,Stacy, Lindsey, and family:

    The kids and I loved seeing you on TV this morning! It was so good to see inside the hospital a little and see the doctor's and nurses that are taking such good care of your family! One of the first things Colton said when he heard Lindsey was "She sounds different, but I can understand why." What a precious family you have and what a good job they did of portraying your family. Loved it!

    The Anderson's

  9. It's so funny how we have our own little organized worlds and then our husbands step in and wonder what we are thinking! It was so good to see the whole family today and also the hospital and dr. You and Jason really did such a great job! Tell Lindsey that kole kept having me rewind it so he could watch her but every time was disappointed that she wouldn't wave to him. Love and prayers from Vegas!

  10. You all were absolutely brilliant on TV, we watched it online a couple of times. Lindsey's hair -GORGEOUS. We send lots of love and prayers from England.

  11. My kids just loved seeing Lindsey on TV. You guys have an amazing family!

  12. Ditto what Amanda said about the husbands! Those poor fellows are lost at home sometimes, Nick has a hard time finding his deodorant when he needs a new stick:) The personal file would be lost on him too! I pray that Lindsey can be a little more active in the day so it can be separated from the night. We love and miss you and Linds.

    Oh, I also thought it was such a sweet thing to see Lindsey and Sierra together on TV. They will be a blessing to each other.
