Sunday, July 22, 2012

July 22, Jason and kids went home

10:30 am. Stacy here.
Jason made it home with Hunter and Gage at about 12:30 last night. A long drive back from Boise. Megan returned home with Hilary yesterday afternoon. So, here we are again all apart and already missing being together.

Last night when Sierra and I took Lindsey for her evening walk, it was really boring. We didn't have Hunter and Gage running ahead and opening doors and hiding for us. At least it will only be for a week at the longest, unless I can give them a really good reason to come back sooner! Lindsey slept until about 2am this morning and then on and off after that. Dr. Rosenthal was in this morning and said, "The pump looks ridiculously good. You should put a bow on it." We like ridiculous, maybe we will surprise him with a bow on it. Still rumors of her going up to the 3rd floor early next week. They are going to start putting her on oral meds so we can start taking away all the IV lines hanging on her. Yeahhhhh!!!! She smiled big for that one. All steps in the right direction.

Sierra went to church with Bob and Kaye Paugh today. That will be good for her. She can start making friends with kids she will be going to school with. School starts here August 13th, we need to start planning for that.

Jason walked me around our yard this morning. Giving me updates on our garden and flower beds. Oh how I miss it. Lindsey and I have been here for over 2 months. We are missing out on my most favorite time of year. Pulling weeds, mowing the lawn, canning, etc. That is okay though, we have many more summers to look forward to! Besides how many opportunities do you get to vacation in California for longer than a couple weeks.

It sounds like many people at home have been taking care of everything. Mowing the lawn, weeding the garden and chopping and stacking wood for us. They even left some logs for Jason to chop for his stress reliever. Thank you ALL so much. We really appreciate it. Thank you for the cards, fun packages and words of encouragement. We would love to thank each person individually, but there have been so many we can't possibly keep up. We are also very appreciative of so many peoples donations. We are left VERY humbled and speechless at so much generosity. Thank you.


  1. Please give sierra a hug for me, as much as I hate the thought of not having her in my class next year I am glad for your family that you can be together. So thankful that things are leveling out for Lindsey, she will be healthy and ready when a heart is available. God bless your family! Our prayers continue. Anne Hamann

  2. Nice work Lindsey Lou for continuing to work so hard! You are a true blessing. We love and miss you and excited to hear more about your big move to the 3rd floor and all that it has to offer. Loves, hugs, and prayers for now....xoxoxoxo

  3. So happy to hear that things are better for Lindsey at the moment! I have to say that my heart dropped a little at the idea of you all being down there permanently (or even semi-permanently). Your North Powder family and friends are really going to miss you all, but know that it is probably exactly what your family needs at this moment. You simply need to be able to be together as a family on a permanent basis. How exciting for all of the kids to get the opportunity to meet LOTS of new friends as well. Love and miss you all!


  4. What wonderful news about Lindsey!! Sorry you feel so lonely Stacy. W/Lindsey improving bit by bit, here's hoping You, Sierra, Lindsey will be too busy to notice :) Oh exciting for Sierra to meet new friends & experience new changes! Wishing you a wonderful school year! I have a 'beautiful garden' full of weeds Stacy & now I will think of you w/each one I pull :) God bless your friends at home to keep up for you :) Lindsey, you are doing great, keep moving forward, we're all w/you <3:)
    Why did the pig want to become an actor?
    Because he was a big ham! (ok, that deserves a groan, but w/teeny smile:)
    Loves/hugs/prayers for all <3 to <3 JRee

  5. Hello sweet Stacy. What great news to read about Miss Lindsey Lou.

    Jason spoke today in church. We were so very lucky to be there, even Sami, who was sitting on a couch outside. We are all touched by your family's strength and the testimony shared of prayers that have been answered.

    Have a beautiful restful day. It's 84 in Baker right now, even tough my car said it was 88 on the drive home about 2:30 pm.

  6. Oh, and summer here is missing you. You are impressive Stacy, so glad Lindsey is getting rid of IV meds. I agree with whoever said that with her feeling better, you may be able to be busy in a different way. I am sure that once Aug 13th rolls around you will be busy! Have a good week and tell your Adrian friends hello. I hope their baby is doing better.

  7. Hey Jason, Stacy and Clan!

    I work with an amazing team of people here at Intermountain and they have become very attached to you and your family! One of my coworker (Todd) found out this information about your blog. Thought you might be interested in reading about how famous your blog is right now!

    Check this out Kathy:

    Jasonandstacybingham.blogspot is ranked #9,424 in the world, a low rank means that this website gets lots of visitors. This site is worth $608,416 USD and advertising revenue is $1,666 USD per day. It has 193,200 visitors and 444,360 pageviews per day. Currently, this site needs more than 229.86 GB bandwidth per day, this month will needs more than 6.96 TB bandwidth. Its seo score is 50.4%. IP address is173.194.35.138, and its server is hosted at Mountain View,United States. Last updated on Mon, 09 Jul 2012 05:24:00 GMT.

    Holy Crap!!! That's freakin awesome. doesn't nearly get the same amount of traffic as the blog.


    PS he found this info at

    I think this will be changing dramatically when your Today Show Debut happens!

    So glad things are going well with Lindsey and glad that Jason got to go home even if it is for only a little while!

    Lots of Love and Prayers,

    Nick, Kathy Taylor and Kids!

  8. Wow Nick and Kathy ... thanks for the info! Sure wish I knew what that all means....

    It was so neat having Jason and the kids at Church today and he gave such an inspirational talk and testimony. We're so glad your family can be together in CA for school next year, even if we selfishly wish you were all here instead. Megan's Sunday School class gave her a send-off. Girls got to hug, but boys had to settle for a "high five" ... at her request. Love, Phil and Judy

  9. I visited the website to learn more. There wasn't much on it that I could understand EXCEPT it said the blog EXPIRES on July 31, 2012 .... OH NO! Please tell me someone knows how to FIX that! Judy

  10. I sure hope at the very least, you all can return by mid-year! I'd hate to miss out on having Hunter in class! It sure makes sense, and I think it's awesome for you all to be together. Hugs to that Lindsey girl! I'm sure she'll feel better without all the IV's hanging from her - those things give me the heebiei-jeebies!
    We'll be moving to North Powder within a couple weeks, so I will think of you as I weed, and nest both a house and a classroom. Here's hoping you'll be back in your own nest soon.
    Love - Teacher Karen

  11. So glad things are better for Lindsey. I, like everyone else, will miss having you here but have not doubt it's best for your family. What an adventure, new surroundings, new friends, warmer weather. Continued prayers on your behalf. XO Kay

  12. Ok so apparently my kindle must have a glitch that doesn't allow my posts to posts.....Ronda, Chris, and I tried posting last night and I tried today again, so back to my phone until we return!
    What fantastic news Linsdey Lou, you are just doing an amazing job...keep it up! love seeing that great big smile! Can't wait for the Miss Princess to rock the 3rd floor :) hoping megan and logan get some play time in, in the next few days. Keep inspiring the world around you Princess! Can't wait til tomorrows big debut.... Loves, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  13. I have early feed so am getting ready to watch the Today show! Just saw a quick preview shot, pretty exciting! Taking a pause to watch...back in a few mins!......deep breath....wipe my eyes.....AWESOME!
    really, really nice piece....well done, unless I'm biased, ok, i am! Let's pray it will get more thought out there about organ donation....
    Here's to a fantastic day with good progress! As always, love, tons of prayers and God, please bless them all!

  14. What an amazing story! Your family is an inspiration. Jas, couldn't even tell you had makeup. ;) And Lindsey, wow future movie star. You are so beautiful!

  15. Just saw you guys on tv. It was nice to get to see you all. Lindsey did so well on there it was great to see her talking to the camera. We all miss you guys so much here!

  16. Lindsey Lou you looked absolutely BEAUTIFUL on tv today! You did such a great job! I've sent the link to everybody I know! I'm so proud of you and how brave you are!! I can't wait til you get your new heart and can bring your whole family to Lake Powell with us when Aunt Cindy and Uncle Lynn get home from their mission in Korea!!

  17. I enjoyed watching you all on the Today show this morning! It was so good to hear Lindsey's voice. And I'm so proud of Sierra for being so brave and strong for her sister. I am continually amazed at the strength and faith you and all your children have during such a trying time.

  18. Every one at work stopped what we were doing to watch The Bingams on the Today Show this morning. The love and prayers of all of us are streaming your way. Can not begin to tell you how powerful the testimony is that you are sharing with my friends, coworkers, and even some of the nuns who taught me in Catholic School near the middle the last century (nope, not kidding---one of them is 87 and is still teaching in Ireland) With Love and continued prayers, Dale and Mike Olsen

  19. Lindsey - you looked so pretty on TV this morning. I loved hearing your voice and seeing you smile. Your whole family was so gracious and articulate. Very proud to be a Bingham. Praying that you can ditch those IV lines and move to the 3rd floor!

  20. Stacy you and the kids were beautiful on Tv this morning. Jason, make-up only goes so far... just kidding. Stacy they should give you a plot of ground at the rmh to turn into a garden.
