Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 21, Josh and Tara here

12:15 pm.
If you are like me, sometimes you just need to know.  Even if there is nothing to report, then you want to know there is nothing to report. right?

Well, things are still in the right direction.  They turned off the dopimine last night and turned off the milrinone this morning.  That is huge.  If her right heart can handle that, she is bound for the 3rd floor. 

I was with her last night from 11 pm to 4:30 am. She still has occasional / intense tummy pain.  Not sure what it is, but she was pretty miserable last night.  But this morning we are 'all good'.  Even in a good mood.  See how long that lasts. Even now her tummy hurts a bit. 

Right now we have Josh and Tara and their gang here.  Josh had a cpe course in San Diego and now they are here for a quick visit.  Tell you what, Ryan, Landon, Hunter, and Gage bring a LOT of energy to the CVICU and the RMH.  Had to give them a good talkin' to about the Berlin and what would happen if they pulled out the air hose between the pump and her.  It would get really exciting around here.

I'm heading home today with the boys for a week.  She is doing great and this is our best chance to go home for a bit and check in.

Still nervous about the Today Show broadcast at 9:00 am on Monday.  There will be something, sweat, slobber, a booger, an 'um' or something. It is what it is. 


  1. I absolutely LOVE lindsey's smile in that first picture "priceless" good to see it!! Glad things are moving UP in the right direction. Thanks for posting.

  2. Glad you are getting to be home for a bit and regroup. Praying hard that Lindsey does well off the meds so she can go to the 3rd floor ☺ I'm sure you'll be great on the today show and look fine. I was hoping though that you would do something funny with the chin hair like put dreads in it, or have Stacy do one of her hair make overs with it ☺ lol Good luck and have a safe trip back
    The Roseborough Clan

  3. Linds looks so beautiful :0) so good hear things are stable for the next few seconds. Have a good week back in OR Jas. We'll be looking for your segment on Monday. Hope you all have a stress free weekend unless the miracle of her heart comes in of course!

  4. I am one of those people that appreciate your posts even if there's nothing new to report. So thank you!

    I love Lindsey's smile. It makes my heart happy to see a smile on her beautiful face. I know it must be hard on her not to be grumpy or cranky. Shes doing much better than I would. I am learning a lot from Miss Lindsey Lou. She is so strong and brave. I pray she continues to improve and a heart comes soon.

    You and Stacey are awesome and the best parents! I am always impressed and amazed with your strength and courage as parents and as a family. God knew what he was doing blessing your children with the both of you.

    May God continue to watch over you all and protect you in his loving arms.

    God bless! ~A~

  5. love the eyeroll in the last photo with the boys clowning around. priceless

  6. We just got home from the Bingham Family Reunion and sure missed you guys!! They had a cute little table set up to send cards to Lindsey! I'm so glad you get to head home for a week! That'll be such a nice break! It looks like Josh and Tara's family brought a big smile to Lindsey! So fun!!! Glad you are having a "calm" day!! Love and prayers!!

  7. I agree Lindseys smile in that first photo is great. I was wondering if you guys are trying to break some type of record to see how many people you can cram into one of those rooms, what is the highest # yet?? em

  8. WOW Lindsey you look WONDERFUL!! keep it up.

  9. It is nice to see the room with so many people (visitors instead of doctors). We had a great time visiting and Jason, you forget that she had many peppy moments, you were just so stressed about the right shirt that you couldn't fully enjoy them :) Here is to the third floor!

  10. How fun! Look out 3rd floor, here she comes! Love the pictures and yes Jason you got it right... we love the updates, even on quiet "no news..." days. We need to know "all is well". Can't wait to see the Today show on Monday... you would be amazed at how many people you don't know ... FB friends of friends ... are following your story and sending their prayers. Love, Phil and Judy

  11. Love that smile Lindsey! Stay strong! my thoughts and prayers are for you and your family.

    Sarah Johnson and family

  12. Its so good to see Lindsey's smiling face! Hope you guys have a good trip home. We will be heading that way Friday so hopefully we can see you for a bit!

  13. We love the smile! Keep up the faith! Love aunt g

  14. Lindsey it is SO WONDERFUL to see you smiling in these pictures...makes me smile just looking at them! Keep it up...

  15. Lindsey Lou, we love to see that big smile of yours! You are doing awesome, keep it up! Look out 3rd floor hear comes the bravest Princess in the land!!!! We love you much and are sending you many prayers. Love Ronda, Chris, and Betsy

  16. No news is good news but thank you for posting...even when it's nothing...then we know all is ok :) not sure about anyone else but no post? I worry! So thank you for your time!
    Hope all is, prayers and God's blessings to you all! M

  17. What a happy day! LOVE Lindsay's big bright smile!Travel safely....

  18. Great job, Bingham Clan! The Today Show segment was awesome. Get ready for all of the love that's coming your way!!! Lori
