Friday, July 20, 2012

July 20, Others in need

1:45 pm
This time I'm speechless.  It's shocking what a horrible person can do to innocent lives. All of a sudden, our problems doesn't seem that bad.

Lindsey's Today Show broadcast was postponed due to news coverage of a shooting in Colorado. A gunman opened fire in a theater and killed 12 people, and injured many others.  What a senseless evil act. Lindsey is doing great, those are the people that need our prayers.

Lindsey is having a good morning.  She is still pretty grumpy and tired.   They took out the last chest tube. She wined about it, but was time for it to come out. It hasn't drained in a couple of days. She should feel a lot better with that thing out.  Went on her morning walk and went a little further than last time.

The doctors didn't round until just now.  They had other cases that required their attention.  It's nice to not have them hanging around our door as they have in the past. Her Berlin pump is currently clean of clots and her right lung is doing better. They are making small adjustments but it's all good.  Today we can worry, pray for, and support others in need.

Weeks ago we met a couple from Adrian, Oregon who has a new born baby with a heart condition.  The baby has the same heart disease Shawn Stockwell from Alaska had.  The doctors are spending a lot of time in their room lately (ugh).  Their baby had to go back on the vent. Very hard on the neat young couple.  We spend a lot of time visiting with them and worrying about each other's kid.   Sometimes there isn't good news to report. Today was one of those days for them.  As bad as we want good news, there just wasn't any.  Sometimes you just have to hang in there.

For Lindsey's 2nd walk, she made some slime with the therapist and went on a short walk.  She is still tired and cranky.  We may still go for a walk to the playroom later.  Right now we are playing Farkle, a dice game, listening to Cooler than Me and Crazy.  We are getting closer to moving to the 3rd floor, just need to wean her off the dopamine.

Gage and Hunter went with Liz Niccum to the Discovery Museum in San Jose.  They should have fun.

For her 3rd walk, we went to the playroom and played the game of Life.  Lindsey perked up a little.  Whether she likes it or not, she is getting stronger.  It has been 1 month now on the list. Bring it on.
Today we can morn for others, we are good......

Chest tube on her right side ready to come out.

 Making slime. Lindsey not yet willing to get involved.


  1. Ahhh. I love making slime. Tell her we do that in 3rd grade and she must get her hands in it. It's so gross and fun!

    I sat in awe this morning watching the Today Show. Can't imagine what the people of Colorado are facing, and also can't imagine what you all are facing. So many prayers sent up this morning.

    Here's hoping Lindsey feels up to the play room soon and she starts feeling better! I can send her a "Duck" call since all of my students know I love the Oregon Ducks. That may put a smile on her face. :) Take care you all!

  2. What a Great day for the Bingham's chest tub out making slime... what could be better.... Jason let us all know when they will air your family on The Today Show...?? so we can spread the word...

  3. Great job Lindsey! You are doing so well. Today I was in court on a big motion. I was pretty nervous because the judge I had to argue infront of is pretty mean. Then I thought about the hard things you might have to do today and that gave me a lot of courage. Thank you!

  4. So glad that Lindsey is having some better days! Our family thinks about and prays for you guys A LOT, and I always think that I will leave a comment, but then I look at the comments and it seems like everyone is already saying what I would say: that you guys are amazing, are so strong and have incredible faith, and are an example to everyone that knows about you and what you are all going through. We are all rooting and praying
    for your continued endurance and a new heart for Lindsey!
    Amy (Kerns) Gee

  5. Little Lindsey, I think you ROCK! You are strong and brave and absolutely wonderful! And just for the record, if I had as many people sticking me, and hooking me up to all those tubes and machines, and I was stuck inside and couldn't go out to play, I would be the meanest old ugly bear that there ever was! So if you are just a little are doing great girl!

    I agree with Debbie, everyday you give me courage to do hard things too. Thank you for helping all of us to be stronger. You are a blessing to so many people around the world. WE ALL LOVE YOU!

    Prayers from Korea for all those who are suffering in Colorado, and for you too.

  6. Hi all...we are all praying for those in Colorado - what a horrible event; but you all stay in there too, we just pray more!

    Farkle is one of our favorite games - leading to many strange comments, "you've been farkled!", "oh my farkle", and many others - get creative!

    Here's to a move to the 3rd floor!

    Julie and family..

  7. Farkle?! I love that game! Guess who taught us how to play? Betsy, Justin, LoLo and Riggy Roo! Seems like I always got the bad rolls but I manage to catch up and sometimes win :)
    Yes, there was plenty of sadness today, senseless, stupid and so very selfish....much as I don't think he deserves it, he needs our heart goes out to all those I involved. We have family down there and were so thankful they weren't there. Thank you, Lord!
    You are so good to put others problems before your own :)
    Good to hear about Lindsey wonderful progress! Those small steps are adding up to one giant step out of that hospital!!!
    Love, prayers and God's blessings to all!

  8. Lindsey you are so strong and so amazing! WOW! In the future if I need to have a chest tube or something like that done...I may ask that you be around to help me thru it! Its so nice to read about your walks and how you are feeling better! KEEP IT UP! Lots of hugs from "Grandmas Gang"

  9. Hello Binghams :) I thought I'd share a little about us Lindsey, if you don't mind. A few short yrs. ago, I had a monster heart attack (eek on one of my sister's Birthdays, uh oh) You know I had to get better for that :) Then, this last Christmas, the day after, my husband was in hospital facing open heart surgery. People felt so bad for us, spending then, New Year & our anniversary in the hospital. We laughed & told them, the best holidays ever! God gave us a chance to be together for them :) I am still so grateful to the staff caring for us & Father guiding our doctors. Yes, hanging around there got to us & couldn't wait to get home, but little steps, faith & hard work we did. My husband, Pat, is so proud of you when I update him, he smiles & says you're doing better than he would have:) Somtimes men can be a teeny bit, stubborn, but please don't tell him I said that ;) You remind us to keep taking care of ourselves. You have become very special to us Sweetheart along w/your family. Our prayers will never stop. You are who I think of in morning & I check on you before bed. My hugs are sent daily w/your Angel, so they are there when you need/want one & pass them out too, there's always more. Glad you are up/about & shucked another tube! <3 :)s JRee

  10. So happy today was a good day for you Lindsey Lou. Did you get to slime your brothers?! :) Hope the boys enjoyed their field trip discovering new things! Blessings and prayers for another good day filled with happiness and joy. xoxoxoxo the nedrow's are sending loves, hugs, and prayers

  11. Hey Lindsey! I hope today is an even better day than yesterday! We think and pray about you all of the time. I'm praying that heart is just around the corner. Heaven knows you need to get back to third grade so you can enjoy that slime with Mrs. Smith! Love you and your awesome family!

  12. Farkle? I love that game! Guess who taught us to play it? The Nedrows! Seems like I start out with crummy rolls but then I catch up. Haven't played in a while, hope you have fun when playing :)
    hope you had a good night and you don't miss that old chest tube too much :)
    Guess you've been kind of adopted by Betsy's family, hope you don't mind, we're pretty silly like Bets :)
    Hope today will be another good day for you! Those small steps are adding up, soon you'll be making one giant step out of there! Love,
    prayers and God bless all of you! M.

  13. I am really glad that Lindsey is up and walking. I really hope that she keeps improving.

  14. im 17 and you are an inspiration for me and everyone. keep fighting, you will make it. we have faith in you.
    prayers for you and your family and those of the colorado massacre.
    with love...from toronto
