Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 19, Day 30, Playroom

5:30 pm.
Stacy had a sleep over with Lindsey last night. She is doing great, but still on the cranky side.  In fact we haven't seen her peppy self since yesterday morning. Lots of tears and pain. She mostly complains of her dripping nose, pain around the chest tube, and the weight of the 'stuff' hanging from her  (I still don't blame her). 

We have been on 2 walks so far. 1st one this morning was a full lap, like the laps of old.  We were all excited about it.  The 2nd walk was the field trip up to the 3rd floor playroom.  You would think she would be excited about that, but her energy just isn't there yet.  We still don't comprehend just how weak she really is. You could see tiring out just watching the other kids play. Lindsey and Megan did play a little game, but other than that she just watched, slept, cried and wiped her nose.   She is getting there, everyday she can go a little further.  By the time we came back to her room she was an emotional wreck, everything was sad and she didn't know why.

Dr. Yeh just came in and her Berlin is currently clean of clots.  Every hour our lives pause as he gets out the flashlight and mirror and checks the devise.

Kevin Paugh, Bob's son and police officer, came by with lunch and took all the kids out to show us his awesome weapons.  He has some pretty cool stuff. Kids sure enjoyed it.  Lindsey wasn't up for that though.

Lindsey's arterial line is starting to fail.  Hopefully they can rescue and keep her from needing to start a new line.  That will be kind of a big deal.

Garrity and Hilary are leaving today. Bummer. Stacy and I have been figuring out what would be best for our family.  Megan will probably go home with Garrity and Hilary.  Give her some time home with her friends. Hunter, Gage and I may go home Saturday. Either with Josh and Tara, or fly.  I would like to go home just because, even if it's only for a few days.

Sierra will stay her with Stacy.  She has Transplant Camp next week.  It's at Camp Dorthy wherever that is, but Mary Byrge says she will have fun.  There will be nurses to take care of her meds.  But hey, she has been on her own for weeks now anyway.

Regarding the Today Show.  According to Robert Dicks, the media guy here at LPCH, our segment should be shown at 9:15 tomorrow Pacific and Eastern, I think at 8:15 on Mountain time.  (this is crazy!)

 Dr 'Katz' Maeda. The Surgeon who did the Berlin, chest tubes, Gage's pacemaker, pump changes (4 or 5 so far) and Lindsey's future heart transplant.

 Field trip to the 3rd floor play room

  Garrity saying her good-bys


  1. Amamzing Parents--you are. It's so hard (duh)to sit there and watch your little princess be cranky and not feeling well...and then try to keep positive and help her be happy. It's so easy for all of "us" to sit here and get stern with our kids when they are being cranky or rude and be frustrated they are acting that way--we're having it easy here...
    I pray for your decisions as you figure out what is best for the family and where to go and be. I pray for Miss Lindsey to get her pep back and get some more smiles out of her. I still pray for the donar family, the doctors, and your family.
    My DVR is set to record the show tomorrow just in case I can't watch at real time!!

  2. Still a busy day today for the Bingham's!! I'm sure Lindsey Lou was having a sad day knowing that her sweet and fun Aunt Garrity and sweet loving Hilary and Abi were leaving her today, which also was probaby pretty tough on them, too. I love Jessie's comments because I was just telling another friend yesterday how Jason has opened my eyes to seeing the brighter side and joy of watching and listening to my own kiddos fight (never thought I would say that before...but I really look at life differently now!). Lindsey Lou you are doing an amazing job and I know this is a challenging mountain you are climbing, but never give up because you will get to the top and you will have the most amazing story to tell everyone. We love you so much and will pray for happiness, calmness, your pain to subside, and for you to be able to start enjoying LIFE again. Megan call when you get home!! love, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo

  3. I sent you an email.. I hope you got it.. :)Carrie

  4. Sounds like you had busy day....some ups and downs :) anytime I am asked how my day is going, I pause thinking of what you are enduring and reply with good. I then go on to point out compared to what you are dealing with nothing is a problem for me! Thanks for that insight :)
    I wish there was some way to help shoulder your burden...but I can't so I do what I can by offering as many prayers as I can throughout my day, pretty sure God likes hearing from so many of us! He surely knew what great parents He gave these precious kids to :) You are truly wonderful! As always, love, prayers and most of all God bless you all! M.

  5. 2 jokes for Lindsey, we want to see your beautiful smile, I hope one of these can help capture it. We love you Justin and Emily Fam

    Q: Where should a 500 pound alien go?

    A: On a diet

    Q: What did one toilet say to the other?

    A: You look a bit flushed.

  6. Holy moly was I sad to leave you guys or what. I had to borrow hilary's t-shirt for a hankee. Seriously. Stac you are a good sister and amazing wife and mom. Jas we are still laughing about the sweaty shirt saga :). Lindsey it was the best to see U. It was fun singing the ipod songs with you. You keep rocking the walks! Here is to one day at a time. You are making it through this! Love you A LOT and miss you already- Aunt Garrity. Hil, Ab,Megan and Bethany

  7. A thousand hugs and kisses for Lindsay. Hope she gets a beautiful night's rest after such a busy day yesterday.

  8. Golly, I miss a day and you all become movie stars. We'll be at the Patterson reunion when it airs but we'll watch it when we get back home. Praying you can all sleep well tonight and tomorrow will be a good day.

  9. I'm so excited to see the show tomorrow. This is exactly what should be on the news every day. People who meet insurmountable challenges with optimism and faith. We could all learn a little lesson. Maybe your donor family will be watching.

  10. I am on east coast, waiting for the show. Shooting in colorado the only news on right now. Hoping you will all have a good day. Love, Karen Brock

  11. Jason and Stacy- we just want you to know your family is and will continue to be in our thoughts and prayers! Your amazing and we continue to watch for updates.

    Justin and Lori Mecham
    (USU Friends)

  12. I am praying that maybe some good will come from the Colorado, prayers and God's blessings....M.

  13. Dale and Mike OlsenJuly 20, 2012 at 1:20 PM

    Q. How do you communicate with a fish?
    A. You drop it a line

    Dear Jason and Stacy, Our hope and prayer today is for Lindsay to have less pain, no clots, better rest, more energy, no internal bleeding, emotional comfort.... and a heart. That is not too much to ask. Disappointed the Today show spot got put on hold. Do you know if it is planned for Monday? With continued love and prayers, Dale and Mike Olsen

  14. Dear Jason and Stacy and Kids,
    Jesus answered, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27. Wishing you all peace today. And especially for Lindsey, no pain. Prayers will continue.
