Wednesday, July 18, 2012

July 18, The Today Show

9:00 pm
What a day, and glad it is over. After the clot scare, and that was scary, Lindsey went on a good walk this morning with the therapists and did a great job. They set up a scavenger hunt for her to look for clues as she walked.  She was sure in a good mood.

Today was the day for the interviews. We have agreed to have Keith Morrison and Sandy Cummings from NBC and a camera crew come here to do a Today show 3-4 minute clip on Lindsey and our situation.  Yes very crazy.  They acted very nice and not pushy.  They interviewed Dr. Rosenthal for 15 minutes, videoed Lindsey on her walk,  then talked to Lindsey and the family right in her room.  She had agreed to it and did a great job.  It was pretty funny, they gave her some lasix right before the interview and as soon as her interview was over, she had to go! We gently pushed Keith and the gang out so she could go pee.  The relief on her face was priceless.  Keith took us to lunch then we walked over to the RMH.

Garrity and Hillary stayed with Lindsey as Stacy and I were interviewed, with makeup and everything  (makes talking in church look pretty easy). The interview with cameras rolling went on for about 2 hours. We talked about the whole story from Sierra to this mornings clot. Hopefully it was appropriate.  I am scared to see what we will look like on the Friday morning show. When it was over we called Lindsey and she was ready for us to come back.  Lindsey has had one of her best days, but now she was ready for her Mom.  Stacy came over and I stayed with the kids.

To add to the chaos, the RMH moved us from room 201 to 204.  Room 204 is a bit bigger with an extra bed.  It is the same room we were in the whole time with Sierra. So before and after the interview we were packing up, cleaning up, and moving down the hall.  Sure nice to have Garrity, Hillary and Bethany here to help, they were golden.

The camera crew took a few more pictures of the kids in the RMH playroom.  It was pretty funny watching Gage not cooperating with the camera guy. He was trying to get the 'perfect' picture and Gage was busy playing with toy golf clubs.  It really was funny.

After that, they thanked us and went on their way. To add to the day, Lindsey started getting another clot at 4:30 and by 7:30 they were changing the pump (take a deep breath).  And yes, they did get it changed before the clot disappeared.  I think that is the most stressful part of the Berlin, the risk of clots.  The docs can work with everything else, but a clot dislodging and going somewhere they can't control. 

Right now they are doing a dressing change. She is doing well, with Mom and Sierra standing by.  We want to get her on a walk, but not sure if it's going to happen tonight. Lots of Ativan on board. She is still asking when they are going to change the Berlin.  It is kind of funny.

Thanks for your comments. Don't forget to let us know who you are.  We are not sure who 'M' is.

Getting her hair washed for the big day 

My College buddies should get a real kick out of this. 

 Stacy missed a spot on her makeup
 Kids in the play room. Notice Gage NOT participating with the other.  The guy was begging him. 
This is still unbelievable!


  1. Wow, what a scary, crazy, and chaotic kind of day...almost like a normal Bingham day of running here and runny there and trying to keep up with all the normal activities! It's great to see the smiles and know that today was full of ups and downs, but still a blessful day. I love that Gage was being Gage! Makes the scene more normal than all part of the act. I'm so excited to be able to see the Bingham Seven on the big screen...wish it was under different the biggest buck or bull on a hunting show!! :) Jason along with the makeup did they have to trim or comb the chin hair??!!! lol! Lindsey Lou way to go on making this day a good day!! You are always and still amazing the world around you...KEEP it UP!! By the way, what was the big surprise on the scavenger hunt? Did you win?loves, hugs, and many prayers to each of you. xoxoxoxo Bets

  2. By the way...pretty sure M is my mom...Monica!! Must run in the family....using initials or symbols!! :)loves, hugs, and praying hard for a restful night, no more clots, a new heart, and for more strength to conquer the scavenger hunts tomorrow! XOXOXOXO

    1. LOL, yes the M is our mom, Monica.

      I'm happy today was a good day. I always worry when a blog hasn't been posted in the morning or early afternoon. I usually text Bets to see if she had heard any news. Needless to say, your family is on my mind and in my prayers daily. You are a very remarkable family full of love and courage.

      Lindsey Lou you continue to amaze me with your courage and strength. You are much braver than me. I'm happy to see a smile on your precious lil face. I bet it is so nice to have all your family together again.

      May the good Lord continue to watch over you all and protect you in his loving arms.

      God Bless! ~A~

  3. Wow!! All of this in one day??!! Ok so the Today show on Friday...what time/channel? I really want to set my DVR. I can't miss my Bingham movie stars. Do you think I can get your autographs when I see you guys next? xoxoxox

  4. I am so excited that you guys are getting on the Today show, I'm really hoping we get lots of people to help out after that. I spent one afternoon at work writing to different news channels (Don't tell Marji :), just recently wrote to the Today show so someone must have got to that one before me. You all are constantly in my prayers. Love you guys! -Sam Fritz

  5. We'll be watching. I'm sure you did fine with the interviews. Prayers for all!

  6. Setting my DVR right now for Friday morning! What excitement at RMH today! Your blog is about to get MUCH busier, which is a good thing because it means more prayer, more encouragement, more support.
    My first thought, after reading this morning about the clot that disappeared, was that God had removed it. Not a medical explanation, I know, but based on faith in the One who loves us and delights in answering our prayers.
    Asking the Lord to give you a restful night and a new day of mercy and hope. Lori

  7. How cool is that!?
    I can hardly wait to see you guys on the show. So glad you're doing better Lindsey.
    (your dad looks pretty good in his makeup. hehe)
    Love you

  8. We can't wait to see you all on TV. Jacee was asking what a donor was so i told her. She said that Maybe she will get her heart tomorrow. :) I told her that would be great. We are so glad to hear that Miss Lindsey Lou had a good day. I bet she will sleep good tonight!! Love from the Thompsons

  9. figures. as soon as we leave the RMH things get exciting. ;) we have been thinking about you so so much, and your family is in our prayers. what special parents you must be, and what strong children you have. it's all in the Plan...don't ever doubt it... <3
    James and Rachelle Wilhelmsen

    ps have you read the book trusting jesus by elder holland? i am reading it good.

  10. Jason, I just stumbled across your blog. My goodness! You probably don't remember me but I used to babysit you guys when you were younger. So sorry your family is going through this HUGE challenge, especially your little ones! Glad to be added to the tons of people praying for your family. I used to think that was a nice sentiment, then I had stage IV cancer and people would tell me they were praying for me. I remember specific instances when I knew that Heavenly Father was answering someones prayer on my behalf. Thank you for sharing such a personal story with us.

  11. Wow, what a crazy day. I'm so glad that Lindsey isn't showing any symptoms from the clot......I agree with whoever said that Heavenly Father removed it. I will be tuning in to your television debut! Stacy, I bet you look beautiful as ever, and Jason I am excited to see you in makeup:) I can't seem to find the address to send Lindsey something. Can you message me on facebook or just comment on here with it? Thanks and love you guys.

  12. Jason every time I read your posts I can hear your voice narrating it to me. You make me laugh and you make me cry. You are all in my heart constantly! It sounds like you had one heck of a crazy day! I'm so glad Lindsey is feeling strong enough to walk and be "happy", I hope she knows how strong and inspiring she is. I am amazed at her bravery with what she is going through. We love you all and continue to pray for you and the donors family.


  13. What a day is right! Lindsay is such a trooper. My gosh. So glad you have lots of help down there in beautiful Palo Alto.
    We continue to pray for your family. All three of us.
    ps. I do believe autographs will be in order when you all get home! Hmmm.. an idea is brewing!

  14. I'm with Betsy! The Bingham Seven are the greatest celebrities I've ever known. I'm so excited to see the show, but I think the topic would be the most fun if it was the fastest triathlon or something like that! Of course I know this experience is FAR more grueling than the ironman!

    We had our play at summer school last night, Lindsey. It was pretty funny, mostly when the kids forgot their lines and you could hear the older kids behind the curtain telling them what to say. Betsy videoed the whole thing but it's too long for youtube. She's going to try to send some clips, though, so you can see some of the cute songs that your classmates sang. Praying for a great day today and for your new heart to get there soon. Love you all! The Fritz's

  15. Thanks for the update. It is great to hear that Lindsey is up. The Scavenger idea is awesome.

    I can't wait to see your bit on tv..

  16. Good Morning! Wow, talk about a busy, busy day for the whole family! So happy your story will be getting out there to more people, it's worth hearing about :) think about how many more prayers may come your way!
    I am amused at how tricky you are Jason, hiding those whiskers!
    Like Betsy said it's exciting to be on national Tv but wish it were for other reasons....:)
    If you would, please post the address again as I have had people ask about sending cards, notes, things? Thanks!
    As always our hearts are with you! God's blessi
    ngs for Lindsey in her 'walk', may He be there to walk step by step with her! God bless, love and prayers to all! M...Monica, Betsy's mom :)

  17. Jason you are right your on. College friends are getting a big kick out of the makeup. So funny and made my day!!!! I was just talking with Glenn how I bet this goes national and here you are. Sure love you guys and we are praying hard for your family.

  18. I have noticed the strategically placed items to shelter the chin hair from pictures. As of yesterday I think there was a glitch in the Matrix that let the chin hair be exposed! Chris A.

  19. Wow what a crazy day!!! I am positive that all of you will look amazing on the TODAY show! We will be watching. Happy that Lindsey is feeling better!! She will continue progressing until her transplant!!! Love you all
    Em and Justin

  20. I am so thankful that Lindsey is not showing any symptoms from the clot. I also believe it just dissolved.... maybe another little miracle. I can't wait to watch you guys tomorrow. I am sure you will all look amazing. And I am excited for the Nation to see how strong your family and be inspired by you. Thank you for your continued posts and updates. My kids ask me several times a day how Lindsey is doing. We love you guys so much. And I can't wait to see how fancy you look with makeup on :)

  21. do you remember at an aggie game 1 time we were making fun of the ksl sports guy (tom kirkland) when he was getting his makeup on prior to tv time? We sure gave him a lot of grief! back in the day I think I'd call you a pufta for getting all dolled up, but now that I am mature, I will just say that you sure look cute!
    Here is to a good thursday.
    Josh and Tara

  22. Every morning I have "Coffee With the Binghams." It's how I start my day - Make the coffee, fire up the ipad, and check in to see how the day/night went. Then I spend time in prayer - asking for your continued strength and optimism, Lindsey's continued health and progress, the doctors wisdome and intuition, and for a donor family to bless Lindsey with an unimaginable gift. Your blog continues to inspire me and has certainly strengthened my prayer life. Even if I roll over in bed and wake for a minute in the night - Lindsey's name passes through my mind and I offer a prayer. I'm so glad you are getting national coverage - I hope it brings more assitance, and shows the other side of organ donation. I know for Lindsey to live means another family must face a loss, and that's so hard to pray for. I pray for the donor family as they spend final days and hours with a loved one, or face the unexpected. May you all continued to be blessed by the Creator, and by all of the love being directed your way.
    Karen T.

  23. Oh I'm so glad it was a good day....even though it was chaos as well. I've been sending in submissions, per my dad through your dads go ahead, to the Today's show, GMA, Ellen as well as a few local shows since the beginning of July(I'm sorry I didn't ask first). I've been praying that somehow someone would get through to a network. I don't know if it was me or someone else.....I'm just so glad it happened and everything went smoothly. Your family deserves the extra support, prayer and encouragements!
    Praying for another good day today!

  24. Jason - agreed w/Leah. All your College friends are getting a BIG kick out of the makeup, but...didn't you wear makeup back then? Something with a "USU" splashed across your face? LOL!!! Keep your spirits up, and we are all looking forward to seeing your Friday "Today Show" story. Most of all, we are all hoping and praying for the best for your family. Lots of Love, DeAnne

  25. I am so glad Lindsey has been having several overall good days in a row. I'm also excited for your Today Show appearance. It will be great to spread awareness in general & good to get your story out there. Your family is in our prayers each night. Keep up the good work :) And lets hope for a few "boring" days for ya soon.

    April Whitley

  26. All I can say is....I bet NBC's ratings go up!!! You all look great...especially you Jason, so cute in make up! And Stacy's profile pic is truly sweet!! The kids are all cute, just Binghams being Binghams. Seriously, we'll continue to pray for Lindsey as we all wait for her new heart. And as others have said, will also being praying for the family who will be grieving to donate it!! Praying you all have another good day and sending this scripture of encouragement: "Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
    Joshua 1:

  27. Still praying and thinking of you constantly. After family prayer last night we talked to the kids about what Jason said about his prayers for the donor family. My children are learning such important valueable life lessons. Thank you again for being so open and sharing your experiences with us.
    ♥Prayers and love from the Roseborough clan
    alright Ms. Lindsey

    How do you make a hot dog stand?.............................
    steal it's chair ☺☺☺☺☺

  28. Yeah to a good day! We are keeping a watch on your family and sending lots of love and prayers! Cant wait to see you on NBC. The national coverage will be great to not only help you guys but to raise awareness! So glad God is with you and keeping you strong! We love Lindsey and all the Bingham Clan.

    What did the baby corn say to the mama corn?

    Where is pop corn

    What do you call a cow with no legs?

    Ground beef


  29. Hi Lindsey! I thot w/Dad getting all that make-up on, he could use some hot pink nail polish too. LOL! Gee sorry it's too late now :) Lots of love, hugs & prayers sent your way, everyday, all day. I can only agree w/all the words spoken already, for they are as I believe. You are all so amazing in your love, faith, courage...reminding us all the important qualities in life. God is w/you, as we all are. The blogs are wonderfully written Stacy & Jason, again, we thank you for sharing your journey.
    Lindsey...Why did the man run around his bed?
    Because he wanted to catch up on his sleep!
    Again & always, prayers & loves <3 :)s...JRee (Monica's sister/Betsy's aunt:)
