Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 24, Back to the gym

12:45 pm. Stacy here.
Lindsey is doing really well. She slept most of the night last night. She woke up anxious around 3 am. I had a good talk with her yesterday about what makes her anxious at night and made some plans to help her cope with this. We decided to try reading to her over the phone until she falls asleep. We only have a couple more nights in the ICU (I hope) and then we can sleep in her room with her on the 3rd floor. I instructed the nurse when I left of our plan so we were all on board.

So, at 3:30am I get a "You have a new voicemail." I quickly called the ICU and she had just fallen back to sleep. Needless to say, my phone failed me. She slept well the rest of the night.

Today she went up to the physical therapy gym again wearing pants and gym shoes and played the Wii. That got some smiles out of her. She played tennis, bowling and swords (Hunter's favorite). She walked all the way there and back! A little pooped now though.

Nothing really to report in rounds this morning. They are going to take out her arterial line this afternoon. I told Lindsey before report to smile real big and bat her eyes at Dr. Bernstein and ask him if she could get that out today. She shyly asked him, after much encouragement from her mom and nurse. He told her she doesn't need to be shy towards him and she can ask him anything. Instantly she piped up and said, "well then, can I get this ,and this, and this out too."

Meanwhile back at the Ranch, Megan and Hunter went in for TB testing.  I guess they need that before they can start school in Palo Alto.  Jason enjoyed seeing both of these kids poked. These 2 have had nothing more than flu shots, can you believe that.  Lindsey and Sierra would have loved to see them get poked.  Jason called Lindsey when Hunter was getting poked and she talked him through it.  He was screaming and she really perked up.  It was quite entertaining to the parents.

Hunter getting all worked up over a little poke.  Daddy is actually enjoying this moment.

 Lindsey talking to Hunter while he is getting poked.

 At PT getting ready to 'work out'
 Playing the Wii with Linda, she is a funny nurse. 

A few pictures we received from the producer


  1. Lindsey's smile is great! - Lisa Britton

  2. See Linsdey Lou I told you you will be able to teach the boys how to be tougher!! Sorry Hunter :) . Doesn't matter what your age is it just isn't much fun getting poked. Linsdey looks like you were beating the p.t. and nurses too...way to go!! Love seeing that beautiful smile...keep it up!! Lovs, hugs, and many prayers xoxoxoxo (back to class I go!!)

  3. Love the smiling photos!! The hospital staff loves your kids. Take care of yourselves! Love and prayers.
    The Lambs

  4. Oh my gosh! What a sight to see Lindsey being active again. Made me smile a great big smile. So happy for all of you tuffies. Love to all
    Carol Pratt

  5. Hi Stacy & Lindsey,
    I'm so excited that Lindsey is getting around so much. This is lots more fun than staying in that bed!!! 'Also glad that you got rid of more tubes. 'So happy that you are improving. We've been celebrating Pioneer Day today, and I'm so proud of my heritage. They showed forth great faith and courage. That's what I see in your lives. You make great modern day pioneers!! I love you and miss you both sooooooooooooo much.
    Grandma Coleman

  6. Lindsey is looking really good. Way to go Lindsey.

  7. Lindsey looks good and I love her smiles. You are a tough girl.

  8. Oh it is so awesome to see Lindsey smiling, and out of bed!! So glad to see her looking sorta perky!! Big hugs! Mrs. T.

  9. Way to go Lindsey Lou! You'll be moving upstairs soon! Love to see you smiling even if it is at poor little Hunter's expense. (LOL) By the way you and your family looked so good on TV! We love you hoodles and gobbs! Love, Phil and Judy

  10. I'm so glad that Lindsey is having a good day. Here's to a new heart soon! Prayers for all.

  11. It is so great to see Lindsey smiling and enjoying her activities. I think a little fun does the spirit so much good! Your Today show segment was wonderful. You are such an amazing family and the lives you touch continues to grow. We pray for continued progress. Love, the Daltons

  12. Dale and Mike OlsenJuly 24, 2012 at 6:31 PM

    It is so good to see Lindsay smile and to be wearing jeans to PT! Yea!!!!!!

  13. Hi Binghams! I own Scrapbook Emporium in Baker City and learned about your family when a friend of yours asked me to put a flyer about the fundraiser auction up in my store window. I've followed your blog morning and night every day since then. It has been my privilege to pray for your family. I am a mother and a grandmother and I marvel at the strength of your family! May God bless you and keep you, Lindsey. Barbara Miller

  14. WOW! Look at you, good job! So fun to see you getting a bit stronger every day :) so happy for you!
    What a great big sister you are to help Hunter through a scarey time :)
    Keep up the good work. We think about you lots, praying for you to get better. God bless you all, lots of love and tons of prayers for you, especially! M

  15. WOW! Look at you, good job! So fun to see you getting a bit stronger every day :) so happy for you!
    What a great big sister you are to help Hunter through a scarey time :)
    Keep up the good work. We think about you lots, praying for you to get better. God bless you all, lots of love and tons of prayers for you, especially! M

  16. Ohhhh Lindsey, I love you and it is so fun to see you perking up and talking straight to your Dr. You are amazing! Good to see you are so tough! Glad you are able to wear jeans and go to play...love your smile! Your TV interview was great! You and your family are touching the lives of many many people...including Dean and Dawnie.

    Good job on the blogging Mom and Dad!

    We are so appreciative to see how prayers in your behalf are being answered. love to you alllllllllll.

  17. I saw your story on NBC yesterday and have never been so moved. Lindsey and your entire family have rarely left my thoughts since then and my prayers are on-going. Good luck with that move out of ICU Lindsey!!!!

  18. So glad things are looking up for, you, Lindsey. One of my friends from school posted a new joke that I thought might make you giggle:

    What did the strawberry say to the other strawberry?

    If you weren't so fresh, we wouldn't be in this jam! :)

    Love and miss you all!

  19. Hi Binghams,
    I am Stephanie and live in Baker City. Stacy, I was so lucky to have you as a nurse when I had both of my boys! Your entire family is constantly in my thoughts and prayers. I have been following your blog for a while now, and it's great to see Lindsey smiling! I hope this continues each and every day!
    Stephanie Petrucci

  20. I recently heard your story through a friend of mine, and my mother-in-law just told me about a website that is designed to help people raise money for various causes. I think it may be something to look into. I pray it is something that can be an answer to your beautiful family's prayers. The website is: http://www.indiegogo.com/

  21. Dear Binghams...we continue to pray and tell your story to anyone who will listen in hopes it will in some small way, be helpful. Lindsey..you are one tough kiddo and I'll bet those brothers of your won't want to get into an arm wrestling match with you here before too much longer! Stacy and Jason, your courage is only out distanced by your faith! I guess those two things go hand in hand! Just know that many others continue to hold you up in prayer!

  22. So good to see Lindsey playing Wii! She looks great. Thinking of all of you.

  23. Wonderful to see Lindsey playing Wii! She looks great. Love the photo of her talking Hunter through his poke. Thinking of all of you. Sandy
