Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 25, Answers to prayers...1 day away from 3 West

1:20 pm, Wednesday.
Lindsey is still doing amazing! Two teams rounded on her this morning, the CVICU Team and 3 West team. A total of 11 people standing outside her door. They round together so everyone is on the same page for her care. They started report with talking about whether to continue the medicine to help her sleep or not. Dr. Bernstein interrupted and said, "Isn't this great that she is doing so well, that we start off worrying about her waking up a few times during the night." That says a lot about how well she is doing.

They are going to take her off her morphine. They have been slowly weaning her off of it. Little bit by little bit she hasn't been needing it as much. Their goal is to be entirely off the morphine by tomorrow. That is two more tubes off of her. The plan is upstairs to the 3rd floor (3 West) tomorrow.

Lindsey lost her tooth yesterday. She woke up this morning and the tooth fairy had come! Apparently they pay a little more for teeth in the hospital. We were greatly relieved that the fairy found her. Sometimes her sisters have had to write notes to remind the tooth fairy. We also had a fun visit from our friend Art the Clown.  We met Art six years ago at the RMH.  He is a retired dentist who loves to go around and bring smiles to children. Lindsey really enjoyed that. Now it is back up to the gym for physical therapy.

Art the Clown.

Notice the daily schedule her mother and nurses came up with to help give her a routine.

We are starting to see her cute personality come out now and then, but she is still pretty cranky and fights the walks.  On her morning walk she made it 2 laps around, but not without kicking and screaming.

Daddy here. I have thought a lot about prayer, hope and faith lately (go figure).  When we think the lord doesn't hear and answer prayers consider the prayers that have been answered so far. Everyone of these items we have specifically prayed for and we know many others of all faiths have done the same.
1- She would survive the catheritazation (back in June before going on the transplant list)
2- Blood clot in her heart would stabilize
3- Internal bleeding would stop
4- Her right lung would improve
5- Her right side of her heart would stabilize
6- The Berlin pump changes would be successful
7- Doctors are able to catch and monitor the clots forming in her pump
8- The doctors use wisdom in balancing our child's health
and that is just to name a few....
I thank God for the incredible support of our community, family, friends, church, employer and others.  We are truly a blessed people. I am so grateful that I have the hope and faith that God hears and answers prayers. Maybe this was all a coincidence, but I like the hope that maybe there is a supreme being that looks over us. I feel so horrible that Lindsey has to go through this. It's not fair, and frankly it stinks. I would do anything for her. But the lives she is blessing, including her Dad and Mom, and those around the world is incomprehensible. I know she will pull through this and will be a stronger person for it. I love my Princess, I love all my children.

I still continue to pray for that donor family out there somewhere. God bless them.


  1. 3 West Dance! That is what I am doing! I love to hear day 2 at the gym...Keep it up Lindsey you are climbing a big mountain and we are sooo proud of you girl! Love Aunt G & Uncle Seth

  2. Yay for 3 West!!! And yay for the Berlin Heart making it possible!!! Good job Lindsey! I'm so proud of you!

  3. Our hearts in Maryland are full hearing you are doing so well Lindsey! Way to show your brothers how tough you are!!

  4. Lindsey....thought you would get a kick oit of this. So Royce my 18 yr old had to get some blood drawn cuz we think he has a shell fish allergy. He was the BIGGEST baby ever. He held his arm so stiff while they were drawing it, he thought they were going to go clear through his arm. Theeen after he held his arm straight and moaned for the next hour about how bad his arm hurt. What a cry baby. Next time you see him you will have to give him a REALLY hard time. Hahaha

  5. So happy for you all! And, those Tooth Fairies do need a little reminding at times! : ) Have a beautiful rest of the day!

  6. So happy she is feeling better today. We love your updates and please know we pray for her and your dear family daily. Much love, Dave and Kellie Knowles

  7. Outstanding job, Lindsey Lou!! Pretty amazing one of the main concerns is your nightly sleeping 'meds' and comforting to know how much better you are feeling after all of the 'adjustments' you have had to endure. You are a beautiful inspiration to society to live life with the 'NEVER GIVE UP' attitude. Keep it up and go ROCK the 3rd floor! So happy Miss Tooth Fairy found the you much. Sending lots of prayers xoxoxoxo

  8. I absolutely love posts like this one! Love to hear that she is starting to be herself a little here and there--I'd be cranky for sure! There's nothing like a routine and a light at the end of the CVICU tunnel to make life a little happier. Love you guys, and think of you daily. Lacey A

  9. Yeah Lindsey Lou! We are so glad you get to move to a new room on the 3rd floor. Keep up the smiles, especially with the missing tooth. Katie and Erin send their love to you. We are thinking of you and wishing the best everyday! Love, The Swanson Family

  10. So happy for you Lindsey and for all of you brave, amazing Binghams!!! Prayers have been answered and more prayers will be! Keep up the faith and the good fight. You are all inspirational to us as we strive to work through the trials of life. What a wonderful post! Bruce and Kelly Barfuss

  11. Amen, Amen!
    Lindsey, I am so happy for your improvements. You are a real fighter!
    Love you

  12. Lindsey and family,

    So happy for things going good so far for you. Your family is so blessed. Its good to remember all the blessing that have happened so far. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I follow the blog everyday and pray for the donor family too.

    Sarah Johnson and family

  13. Stacy you are truly amazing. You are a wonderful mother.

    YEA!! for Lindsey I hope she get to go to a new room

  14. "Nothing is so strong as Gentleness; Nothing so gentle as real Strength."
    Francis De Sales

    That's it!!! Every One of you have it! We see it, hear it, read it, feel it, everyday when we read the blog. So glad for all of the good news today!!

  15. Amen for Lindsey Lou. She is a fighter and I am so proud of her! You amaze me with your strength as well. We will continue to pray for you all and for the family who will help your family.

    And I love the tooth fairy story. The tooth fairy needs reminders here at the Smith house too. So glad the tooth fairy pays well if you are in the hospital. That makes sense to me! Take care and hugs to Lindsey Lou! xoxo Mrs. Smith

  16. I am so happy to read about Lindsey's progress!! Prayers DO matter :) No one is going to let up on prayers!! All that you two wrote in today's blog couldn't be sweeter to read or more true. God kkeep blessing all of you, hearing all our prayers, may you continue to feel & gain strength for all our thoughts & wishes. Love Art the Clown:)
    Loves/hugs/smiles <3 to <3 JRee

  17. Holy Cow Lindsey! You are one tough cookie and you haven't even hit double digits yet! I hope you have a great night and that tomorrow you get to MOVE IT ON UP! Love you!

  18. Hi Bingham clan!
    I am Cassi Rose, niece-in-law of Judy (Holmes) Rembacz and Dana (Holmes) Ericson. (I think you know them) I learned of your "trial(s)" from Dana and have been following you ever since Day 1. I have to say that I find myself getting on my computer multiple times a day to see if you have updated your blog... and I am SO elated to know that things are going so well! I'm sure it must seem like such a long time in the hospital, but think about how many days you've conquered! What amazing blessings you all are to the whole world. You are inspiring and encouraging people going through similar and maybe not so similar situations to keep pushing forward! Lindsey, you are amazing! I know I could not be as brave and positive as you are and I'm 28!!! Keep it up guys! Look forward to hearing/reading more!
    Love, hugs and prayers from Cassi in Green River, WY.

  19. God bless your amazing family! I am so glad things are settling down for you. It would be awesome if Sierra posts about her camp when it is over. You can tell her Mrs. Hamann is assigning her a little writing! Take care! The Hamanns

  20. Yippee! Wow! So happy to hear such great news! Way to show the world how strong you are! Lindza-riffic, indeed!
    So easy to feel let down no heart has appeared yet BUT you got it right naming ALL the positive things that prayers have answered so far!!! It will come! We need to keep our prayers coming strong!
    Thank you for sharing your lives with us, we are blessed as well to share this journey...
    Here's to another great day and all those small steps leading to the big one!
    Love, prayers and God bless you all! M

  21. Sounds so good today. Lindsey, good job with the tooth fairy. Reece stayed here for a while yesterday and he too had lost a tooth. He told me that the tooth fairy at his house pays more for clean teeth without cavities, so he washed his tooth really good before putting it under the pillow for the fairy. Always thinking. Prayers and love to you all. -K
