Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 26, Day 36 On the 3 West

11:20 am, Thursday
Doing great! A whole bunch of people at rounds this morning. The CVICU team was signing off to the 3 West team. We are now in our nice 3 West Room 3241. We are really excited to be up here. We don't have to leave for report, we can eat with her in her room and (her favorite) we can sleep with her in her room. She was able to get rid of several lines this morning. Now all she is hooked up to is her heparin drip and her feeding tube. She actually was able to put a real shirt on today. She will probably be off the heparin in a couple of days, leaving just the feeding tube and Berlin. Every day her mood gets a little better.

Upon leaving the CVICU, it is hopefully the only time we will say, "Hope to see you soon." Meaning, the next time we see them will be with her new heart, not complications. We are really ready for our family to be back and missing them terribly! We are definitely more equipped to handle everyone in this bigger room. Also, with Lindsey going to the playroom, now all the kids can go together.

Small set back. After the transfusions she had a few weeks ago, they re-run the anti-body test to see what her levels are.  They came back positive meaning now they will need to test the donor heart for the same thing.  Before she was negative and the donor possibilities were wide open, now they will have to be a bit more selective on the type of donor.  In the past, Sierra has had a few complications with the anti-body rejection.

We haven't had any news from Sierra at transplant camp, but I am sure she is having a ball!! Looking forward to seeing her on Saturday.

 Dr Bernstein (Heart Failure Dr) and Dr. 'Katz' Meada.

 Katz is the Surgeon who has done all the work on Lindsey and Gage and will do the transplant

 She took 1 bite, which was quickly captured on camera
Bernstein and his girl.

She is there! 3W Room 3241


  1. That is so awesome Lindsey!!! We are really happy that you are more comfortable now. I am sure a lot of people will be in a good mood today just because you are! We love you.

  2. You're lookin' so great in your T shirt and big smile. Congratulations on movin' upstairs. I LOVE the picture with the bite of food ... let's see more of those, OK? Your doctors look like wonderful people. Please let them know how much we appreciate them and pray for them. Love, Phil and Judy

  3. Happy Day!!! It's great to see her smile. Hopefully the new heart will be here soon. Take Care!

  4. Had to quickly close my office door because an attorney with tears in her eyes would look pretty weird. So so happy to see you up and eating,looking strong and smiling! Happy day!

  5. This is such great news. We are praying for you Lindsey. Take care, Ben & Cynthia Norton

  6. Yeah!! It is so nice to see her looking happy and trying to eat!!

  7. Love love love the news today NovaLee and I are doing the happy dance for her and her smile just melts our hearts. Sincerey wanted me to tell you her whole conclushion(sp) to your ordeal. So she says your kids have such big hearts because your kids are so sweet and nice. We are all praying for Lindsey Lou and your family. The Shoemakers

  8. Best news yet!!! Here's a joke for Lindsey...
    Q: What do you get if you cross a bee with a door bell?
    A: A hum dinger!!!

    Yea, Go Lindsey!!

  9. That is fantastic news. I am do excited for you Miss Lindsey. You look adorable in your cute shirt and so happy!!!! Way to go sweetie!!

  10. Wonderful news!! So happy for all of you! Continued prayers for all, hope that new heart finds it way to you quickly :)

  11. Lindsey-I never thought that a t-shirt and shoes could look so dang good! What Sarah said is true-I am a lot happier now than I was 5 minutes ago (my kids thank you)! Your smile is awesome and I am sure your mom's smile from behind the camera is just as big:) Keep it up girl-we are proud of you and impressed with your doctors. What a great job they have done!

  12. Oh what fantastic news and CONGRATS Linsdey! Love seeing your beautiful smile! I'm with you Stacy, I'm hoping for a trip back for the special gift of a blessed heart to come very soon and until then no visits back. Enjoy the 3rd floor and go add some spunk and shine! Praying for you. bets xoxoxoxo

  13. Dale and Mike OlsenJuly 26, 2012 at 2:50 PM


  14. GREAT news Lindsey!!! And you look so happy! Soooo glad that you are feeling better and things are going well. I am tryng to learn the happy dance, but I think if I had some shoes like yours it would be a lot easier! They are awesome!!! Glad you are getting stronger so you will be ready for the big day. Keep taking your walks and enjoy being able to eat a few more bites of food because that will help! Praying for you, your family, your wonderful doctors and nurses, and the donor family. Colton, McKay, Kaci, Oakley and Sages's grandma in Idaho- Johanna

  15. Fantastic news! Good work, Lindsey. (Love the nose, BTW)

  16. Congratulations Lindsey! We are soooo proud of you and happy for you! Keep up the good work! Kari

  17. yay! we are so excited for you. Looking good Lindsey!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Lindsey! Way to go! You look darling in your shirt, shorts and sporty shoes! The red nose is cute too...We are so Happy for you to be on 3W!!!!! Love uncle seth & aunt g

  20. Hooray! We are so very happy for you all and it fills us with joy to hear such good news. What an amazing, strong, beautiful girl you are, Lindsey! We pray that your stay in 3 West is short and sweet and a new heart is coming soon.
    Love, the Daltons

  21. WOW! How awesome is that! You have a new "cool" fancy room. Lindsey, you look terriffic! We love to see your smiling face. Your Docs are amazing people. We are thankful for them and to Heavenly Father for your blessings.
    love you lots!

    Everyone is still praying for your new heart and for love and blessings for that family too.

  22. Wow great news for all of you and especially Lindsey! Reece and I read the blog every day. The first thing he said today was yea, she can were clothes now. He is such a goof and misses you. He lost a tooth the same day as you too Lindsey and he laughed. We pray daily for you to improve and for all the family. Keep getting better.

  23. Lindsey I am so PROUD of you!!! Your strength and determination brings me to tears!! Keep it up girl! I love you!! Boy you look fantastic!! xoxoxoxoxx

  24. That is the best smile ever! Keep shining Miss Lindsey Lou! We are smiling with you. What a great day. You look so beautiful! Best Wishes, The Swanson Family

  25. You guys are just making my day. It is so good to see Lindsey up and smiling. I can only imagine that you must feel 100x as good! May these good days continue, and may a heart come soon!


  26. What great news for us to see bright early this morning! So happy for all of you to be together again! Off on a new adventure! Keep up the fantastic job you're doing! Love, prayers and God bless all! M

  27. Yeah!!!!! So glad to hear she made the move...she looks sooooo good!!! Her cute little smile is priceless!

  28. SO SO SO nice to see you smiling Lindsey!
