Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7, A big ole step back

What a night.  It all makes sense now. Sometime yesterday or last night she started a little bit of internal bleeding.  Could have been caused by a little scare tissue around the Berlin breaking off, her stomping during her walk, the placing of the feeding tube, or any other number of reasons.  Since she is (was) on high levels of blood thinning then it didn't stop.  This blood and fluid collected on the right side of her chest. This caused her right side to collapse, her blood pressure began to drop, the right side pressures to go up, throwing up, increased heart rate and increased breathing.  Stacy and I have learned that when she calls and asks us to come over, we do it.  Every time she has called during the night, there has been an issue.
This morning there were doctors all over the place around her room.  At 8:00 they put in a chest tube right here in her room.  They asked me to stay and hold her hand. They did conscience sedation, not general, so it was good for me to be here and talk to her. I did kneel down to keep from passing out (and to pray). That would have been bad. As soon as the surgeon, Dr Meada, (the same one from before) drained the fluid her blood vital signs started improving. Blood pressure, and heart and breathing rates are a little better. She just threw up and the chest tube is still draining, so we are not out of the woods yet.  They have ordered more blood  Also, they have turned her heparin off (blood thinner) so the risk of blood clots is going to go way up.
I called Stacy awhile ago. She is back at the RMH with Gage and Megan.  Gage is doing better with the pain meds.
Rounds just finished and they have issued a lot of tests.  Frankly they are talking about and doing a whole bunch of stuff I just don't understand.  Basically her condition has worsened over the last 24 hours and she needs acute attention.  No getting up, no eating, the picture today will look a lot different from yesterday.  That's all I know for now. Keep the faith.  Remember the highs and lows.


  1. Praying hard for miss lindsey lou♥

  2. We are praying every day! You guys are being so strong, keep it up.

  3. My entire family praying for you Ms Lindsey Lou. We don't know Eachother, but we want only good things for you. You are the strongest bravest lil girl!!! I don't know why this is happening but I do know that Our God loves you, hang in there sweet girl, you are one tough cookie! And you have the most amazing parents... I see where you get your strength!!! {{{hugs}}}

  4. Jason and Stacy, our Grandkids say the cutest prayers for Lindsey, it warms my HEART to hear them....
    Theresa and Calvin and the boys are here for the month of July...
    So our FAMILY PRAYER are all together...Lindsey, Gage, Lindsey, Gage, then your whole family...

  5. I love you so much and pray for stamina and peace for each one of you.
    Carol pratt

  6. Lindsey and family,
    We don't know each other, but we love you all dearly. We are all praying for you. Our Heavenly Father is mindful of all of us and will never leave you. LOVE YOU TONS!!!
