Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7, Back on the Vent

They had to put Lindsey back on the ventilator.  They couldn't get her right lung to reinflate.  When I told her that the CPAP wasn't working and that they were going to have to put the tube back down her throat. She shook her head OK and said, "I told you they were going to put me back on that tube."  So cute and feisty even when she doesn't feel well.  They are still working on getting her bleeding to stop.  The chest tube so far has drained 550 mL of blood.  That is half a litter of blood.  They have been replacing it with more transfusions and other stuff to make her blood start clotting again.  It is a really fine line trying to get the right balance of blood thinner and clotting.  Right now they are thinking they had her blood so thin it started the bleed out.  There is also fluid around her heart, some blood some regular fluid.  They are keeping a very close eye on that.  They don't want too much fluid around her heart because the heart is stressed enough without fluid surrounding it and pressing on it.  They are hoping that the chest tube will drain that as well as the area on her right side.  They said normally those places (the sack around the heart and the lungs) aren't connected, but after surgery they are.  They are in here every hour or two doing ultrasounds to watch the level of fluid around the heart.  Lots of new meds via IV to continue to try and stabilize her.  Hoping that she only has to be on the ventilator for 24 hours or less.  They will just have to see how the lung responds to the ventilator.  Jason is back with Gage at the RMH, hopefully getting some much needed rest.  Megan and I are back at her room here for her if she wakes up.  It probably won't be for awhile.  Justin, Emily, Keanna and Bentley just left to head back to Oregon.  It was great to see them and it worked out well for them to take the kids this morning until we could get Lindsey a little more stable. Thank you for you words of encouragement and prayers.

I had a picture of Lindsey on the CPAP, but apparently it didn't work.  The battery fell out of the camera before it down loaded onto the SD card. Sorry!


  1. Keep fighting Lindsey Lou! And keep smiling! :)

  2. Jason and Stacy, as we head out to the Cruise In, we're mindful that there are many struggling with the important things in life. I posted a link last week on a blog I help maintain - from Elder Holland "Good Things to Come". When you have a couple of minutes, it may be worth re-watching. (You'll probably have to copy and paste the link)

  3. I was at the Seoul Temple yesterday, and I put all your names on the prayer roll. We pray for all of you morning and night.
    ~Andrea Boyer Eliason

  4. I can just see Lindsey with that feisty twinkle in her eyes as she said "told you so!!" She is one tough and brave little girl. I'm thinking she deserves a BADGER BUCK or millions, for never giving up, being so brave, a trooper.....the list goes on and on and on. Tell her she is so loved and everyone is so proud of her when she wakes!! A BIG HANG IN THERE, hugs, and loves to everyone. Logan says,Hi Meg!! xoxoxoxo

  5. Stacy, you guys are incredible! Your kids are so blessed to have you!! Please just know we are all praying as much as we can for Lindsey, your family, and her doctors! So grateful you have cute Megan there to help out too!!

    Keep fighting little Lindsey Lou!!

  6. Stacy and Jason you guys are super heroes! I'm glad you have Megan to help out. She's amazing and I just love that girl! Hang in there Lindsey Lou! Keep fighting while we keep praying for your heart. Love Phil and Judy

  7. I love that she is feeling feisty even though she feels crappy! That is the Lindsey we all know and love. She gets her sass from you Stacy and I love it! Good luck tonight, may you all get some rest!
