Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7, 3:00am, My how fast thing can change

Nurse called and said Lindsey was anxious and wanted one of us. I came over at 1:00 to sleep with my Princess. Later she threw up and her monitors started going off. Now its 3:00 am and things are really cookin'. Amazing how fast things can change.  The Drs were in here pretty fast, and now I'm wide awake.  Two issues have surfaces in the last 9 hours.
1st, her right lung has collapsed.  Not sure why.  They did a chest x-ray to check for bleeding and nothing significant was found. Now they have started C-Pap to try to expand that right side.  It is a mask strapped to her head that blows oxygen into her nose.  Sierra was on that shortly after her transplant.  They are also going to do chest physical therapy soon, tonight I think.  The goal is to get her right lung working and her feeling better.  She is now NPO (no food) till this resolves.   The feeding tube is still there, just nothin' going in it (ugh).  If they can't get the lung to expand and her breathing under control, they may have to put her back on the ventilator. That would not be good!  Time will tell.
2nd, her blood pressures have been dropping and the Berlin isn't 'filling' as well (meaning her blood pressure is low).  Right now her pressures are 75/25,  should be around 100/40 ish.  Her heart rate has also increased and seems to be racing.  They think they were a bit too aggressive with pulling the fluids off, so now they are giving her back some IV fluids to see if that stabilizes her pressures.  They did drop the Dopamine 12 hours ago, but that doesn't seem to be the problem.  I remember the last time they dropped the Dopamine before the Berlin and it was a bad thing, throwing up a lot.
So that is where we are at.  They are going to make some other small med adjustments but those are the main issues. I have to remember the advise I told my mother back when this adventure was started. 'Don't let the highs get you to high, and the lows get you to low'. Much easier said than done.

Stacy is incredible at that. It is hard for me to see my child struggling so much.  Right now Stacy doesn't know what is going on.  Wouldn't do any good to call her.  Gage and Megan are sleeping well, as is everyone else back home. I just have to trust the doctors and trust in my Heavenly Father.  Over the weeks I have been praying that the lord will bless the doctors with wisdom and knowledge on how to help my Princess. This is a time I believe the lord is doing that.
We skped home to Nick and Hilary's.  It was good to talk and see our kids.  I feel bad we can't have our kids with us at this time.  I love and miss them so much. Gage is feeling better as long as we keep the pain meds on board.  He is starting to run around a bit and act like himself.  With the swelling down, you can see and feel the pacemaker on his left side.  No wonder he complains of  'my tummy hurts'.
That's it for now.  Try to get some sleep.
Jason,  3:50 am.


  1. Prayers for your princess and her heart and her lung and her BP.

    You are one heck of a dad. So glad she has you there.

  2. You amaze me Jason. I'm sure it is unbearable to see your princess hurting..... Sending love and prayers.

  3. Jason, you are incredible! And so, so strong! We are all praying that the doctors will be wise is the best ways to treat Lindsey Lou!! Sending love and prayers your way!

  4. Well said Jason. We will continue to pray for Lindsey's strength, for a donor heart to come today, for a donor family to have the strength to give LIFE, for her Doctors and nurses caring for her, and for her family. May God BLESS Lindsey with more positive steps forward. I believe that he will continue to do so and that miracles will happen. We love and miss you all. Love and prayers xoxoxoxo

  5. Every prayer we say includes your family. Andrea also put all of you on the prayer roll in the South Korea Temple. You and Stacy are the best parents Lindsey and Gage could have!!!!!

    the Boyers

  6. I continue to be amazed by your strength. We will continue to pray for sweet Lindsey and the doctors and nurses taking care of her.

  7. Sending lots of prayers for Lindsay and for all of you.

  8. Jason it's all too familiar....they will figure it out....believe me. The fine balancing act is difficult for the docs. You are on the rollercoaster of your life...good advice about the high's and low's, but when you see how well she was doing with the stomp rocket it sure is easy to let yourself get excited thinking things have stabilized...but you NEED those moments to get through the hard one's. Hang on Jason. You're such a wonderful father.

  9. Well said Angel...all very true.

  10. Jason and Stacy, Our love and prayers continue to come your way. We too are praying for wisdom for the doctors, nurses, therapists et al. I love what you said about not letting the high get you too high nor the lows get you too low. With love Dale and Mike Olsen

  11. It is beautifully evident that you already know this, Jason and Stacy, but as I pray for you this moment, I keep hearing our heavenly Father say, "Cling to Me and Trust I'm holding you and your children." He will not forsake you.

  12. Ugh. . . .I so hoped she wouldn't have set backs like that! I pray for the doctors as well, talk about on the job stress! You guys are both amazing; keep your self up for your kid's sake!

  13. Sending more prayers your way. Know that we all love you. I always keep a prayer in my heart for your whole family. Thanks for letting us help you bear your burden.
