Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa Hobbs 69th Anniversary and 89th and 90th Birthdays

In December my mom got together all of her siblings, and mostly all of the grandchildren to celebrate by Grandparents 69th Anniversary along with their birthdays. My grandpa will be 90 and my grandma will be 89. I can't believe for their age what they are still able to do. It was so fun to have everyone there and to visit with everyone. Some cousins I haven't seen for years. What a legacy my grandparents have left. Thank you both for your wonderful values and love you have passed on to generations of your posterity.

Grandma and Grandpa, everyone visiting around them.

Grandma's brother Elden and his wife Arlene.

Some of the guy cousins visiting.

All of the cousins that were there, except Kelly she was attending to her baby.

Cousins with spouses

Grandma and Grandpa, Grandpa had fallen at home on some ice. Thus the black eye.

All the children with their spouses.

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