Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Thanksgiving 2010

This year we had a great Thanksgiving. We did something a little different than the traditional one we were used to, and it was WONDERFUL! Jason's parents rented a little apartment and some hotel rooms for all of us to stay in. EVERYONE was there! The cousins had such a great time playing together. Despite the showers that were there on and off the kids still had a great time playing in the ocean, chasing the seagulls, swimming in the hotel pool and playing games.

It will definitely be one of our most memorable Thanksgivings. We are so grateful to have such a wonderful family! Thank you Dale and Leslie for making it possible.

Kallie, Michone, Ashley, Megan, Lindsey and Sierra at a lighthouse.

Playing with old time games at a visitor center below the lighthouse. Garrity playing with Landon.


Ayla, Gage, Wendy and Tara

Emily and Ayla

The kids chasing the seagulls off the front lawn of the apartment.

And it is family pictures on the beach our last day there.

Justin and Emily's family, nice of Hunter to run in the back ground.

Josh and Tara's family

Jake and Wendy's family

Dale and Leslie

Garrity, Dale and Leslie

All the sisters-in-laws, Garrity and Leslie

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