Friday, April 22, 2011

Gage's Birthday and Lindsey's 1st Surgery

OOOps!! We forgot to blog about Gage turning 2. His birthday was October 1st, and unfortunately that falls during the deer hunt. So, big parties for him will happen after he turns eight and is up at deer camp with everyone else. He is so cute! I have had a hard time cutting his hair because of the adorable curls he surprised us with.

On December 9th, Lindsey had her first and hopefully her last surgery. She was having a horrible time sleeping and was snoring really loud when she slept. After some check ups with the Dr. and a visit with the ear, nose and throat specialist, we decided that her tonsils and adenoids needed to come out. She was very excited before the surgery, I think because it was now her turn to be special like Sierra and get medical attention. However, after the surgery was a different story. She was very brave and did an awesome job. I was very proud of her. We couldn't believe how quiet she slept after the surgery. We had to go into her room and put our ears right by her to hear if she was breathing or not. She was certainly a trooper.

The bonus with her surgery was that Nick got his out a week later. She would always run up to Nick and ask how he was doing. She also had a few pointers to share with him before his surgery. It was very cute!

Gage blowing out his birthday candle for his favorite breakfast- cold cereal.

Lindsey getting talked to by the nurse anesthetist. All smiles.

They gave her this adorable stuffed puppy, and she got to have her blankey with her.

Almost ready to go!

See you in a bit Lindsey!

Very sleepy, trying to wake up.

She smiled just long enough to take the picture. Way to go Linds!

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