Sunday, March 13, 2011

September Birthdays

September is our big birthday month. Not just our family birthday but our extended family birthdays. The 20th was Sierra's 11th birthday. I can't believe she is only one year from being in young women's. How lucky we are that we have had an additional 4 years with her and look forward to many, many more!

The 24th is Hunter's birthday. His biggest line is "I'm hungry" about every 5 minutes. Even after eating a large meal. His growth spurts shock me. I think there is a reason why I had dainty girls first. To prepare me for a growing grocery bill. Hunter is so funny and has such a great sense of humor. He makes us laugh most every day.

Sierra preparing to blow out her candles. For birthday breakfast.

Her 11 year old cake.

Abigail and Hunter posing at Sierra's birthday party.

Sierra sporting her new outfit at her birthday party.

The great anticipation for ice cream and cake.

The opening of presents.

Loving the birthday glasses!

Hunter and Gage helping test the frosting for Hunter's cake.

Hunter's #4 cake.

Can I open my presents yet?

He got these lovely teeth that we were able to try out.

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