Sunday, February 27, 2011

Oregon Deer Hunt

Oregon Deer hunt always fun. Kids look forward to it. Family gets together.
It's nice to keep a 28 year tradition alive.

Sierra, Megan, Michon and Ashley heading back to camp.

Josh and I found a spring down deep in Packsaddle. It was a good find because we were out of water, and had a long ways to go.

Not seeing any deer so Josh and took a snooze.

Cousin's having fun in Log Creek.

Again, the spring was a nice find.

Out of that spring hole, we kicked out a nice bear. Didn't have a tag so I got out the camera and took some photo's. Jake and I wanted to go back after this guy with his bear tag, but the weather on Monday was not in our favor.

Josh is pointing at the spring, and where we saw the bear.

The Bingham siblings. Justin is pretty proud of the deer he help Nick find, shoot, and pack.

Deer camp crew.

There first official date. Garrity invited Seth O'Crawley to deer camp. It was nice to have some 'fresh meet' in camp. The kids love him. On February 14 he popped the question.

Jake and Roper in the mouth of the 'Bear Cave' in Log Creek monday morning.

Nick's NICE buck! Came out of packsaddle. Biggest buck this area has seen in a long time.
This is look UP at Packsaddle from the road.
Fence Creek.
Another shot of Packsaddle.


  1. So did Garrity say YES!!! How exciting!

  2. GREAT photos and what a fun memory! It took a while to figure out Packsaddle from the bottom. My pointing picture did not turn out like we hoped.
