Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Living in the Country is Beautiful!

In September, we had this herd of elk come through our property. This is not abnormal. Usually at this time of year the elk go by or around us, as they are passing through. What was so different about this year, was that they actually stayed and camped out at our place for a couple days. It was so beautiful and amazing to look out our bedroom window and see this herd of elk sitting right out in our field.
The herd moved on and were gone after a couple of days and we thought that was that. However, about 3 weeks later, they came back and brought there friends. The herd had grown! There was a lovely six point bull that was amazing! Sometimes living in the country has its perks. The pictures are out of order. They start with the second time they came and end with the first time they came. Pretty fun though! The kids loved it, we had to keep Roper from running down there with his B.B. gun to "take them out"! Fun memories!

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