Monday, December 20, 2010

Swimming Lessons

The kids always look forward to swimming lessons every summer. This year was Hunter's first time with swimming lessons. He was more afraid of the water than I thought. However, he was able to have his favorite cousin, Abigail, in his class and she helped him overcome that fear quickly. It is always so fun to watch the kids and see how they improve each year.

On a lighter note, I had the opportunity to look like the creatures on the movie "Avatar." I had a sore on my forehead that was VERY tender and just kept making my face swell more and more. Long story short, it was a lovely MRSA bug. There is always something fun at the Bingham home.

I took this picture the day before I went to the doctor.
Hunter and Abigail in their swimming lessons.

Sierra smiling pretty for the camera. Megan swam off before the camera clicked, thus you get her back side.

Finally captured Megan but is was from a distance.

Lindsey is a great swimmer. She is just a little too small for the big pool. She had to do another year in "the crib" because she couldn't reach the bottom of the pool.

Abigail loving her swimming lessons.

Hunter not sure why he has to wear goggles. He'll do it because his sisters have them on.

Just keep my head above the water teach!

Hunter sporting his goggles.

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